A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3341 The guests are all gone

Zhao Jinzhou certainly had no problem with the branches being kept by himself for the time being. Although he didn't say it, he was still worried that Lu Fei was being naughty, so he could rest assured if the things were placed with him.

Lu Fei put a lead seal on it, and Zhao Jinzhou checked it carefully. Everything was fine. However, the appearance of the box was a bit poor. The tin box seemed to be temporarily made. The materials used were very similar to those of this canning company. The outer packaging is very similar to the iron sheet, and the workmanship is terrible. There are obvious gaps in several places. This is a lot to deal with!

As Lu Fei, using such a broken box to deal with him is not losing him, but looking down on himself!

Zhao Jinzhou was annoyed, his face was as dark as water, and he handed it to Song Ji'an casually. Zhao Jinzhou was not happy, but the old guys opposite were particularly happy. They also saw the problem. Others didn't know it, but they knew it. There was nothing on Bao Bao Fei. For low-end goods, Lu Fei usually carries a few empty boxes in his bag for emergencies. These are the materials of these unused empty boxes. The lowest price is mahogany, the best ones are red sandalwood and golden nan. A great takeoff.

But this time, he actually got a broken tin box, which was not in line with Baosha Fei's character at all. It was obviously disgusting Zhao Jinzhou. The old guys all gave Lu Fei eighteen likes in their hearts: "Bao Shao Fei, ah Beautifully done!"

The purpose of the trip was accomplished, and everyone was relaxed that night.

Last night, Zhao Jinzhou and his students were exhausted physically and mentally from the water in the bucket. They lay on the bed tonight and fell asleep quickly.

The veterans were in a particularly good mood and slept very sweetly, but Song Jian was in a bit of a miserable condition.

Last night, Song Ji'an froze outside all night and barely got much rest during the day. He should have had a peaceful sleep tonight. As a result, the teacher gave him the branch made by Lu Fei for safekeeping. This thing is in his hands. It was a time bomb. If something went wrong, he, Song Ji'an, would lose everything and sell his money and couldn't even afford it. With this thing around, he didn't dare to sleep at all. The feeling was unbearable.

The next morning, everyone was in high spirits, except for poor Song Jian's eyes, which were bloodshot.

Everyone was active for a while, and when they were preparing to have breakfast, another student from Zhao Jinzhou quietly came to the teacher: "Teacher, what Lu Fei said is true. There are indeed military exercises. I learned about it from the martial law soldiers. The military issued announcements to local villages and towns a week ago, and it was not a surprise attack."

Zhao Jinzhou always felt that the military exercise and their arrival were too coincidental, so he quietly arranged for a student to go out to check. The result was that it was really a coincidence: "Have you asked when they will evacuate?"


I asked, and at eight o'clock in the morning, traffic resumed on time. "

"Yes, I understand. Let's go eat. We will return to the city in a while."

While having breakfast, Lu Fei also received "news" and informed everyone to prepare to return after breakfast.

After breakfast, everyone gathered in the courtyard. The two directors of the cannery prepared a local souvenir for each "guest". They were all dry goods and game. The value was average, but they were full of heart. Not only the veterans of the archaeological team, but also everyone on Zhao Jinzhou's side had a share.

After loading the souvenirs into the car, the two managers waved goodbye to everyone and watched the four cars drive away. Mr. Leng turned his head and burst out laughing: "Damn it, I didn't expect that I actually have acting talent. If I had known I would have I went to film and television school.

Okay, the guests have all left, and everyone hastened to work. Although it was delayed for two days, the orders for this month must be completed. Starting today, we will work overtime for a week. Everyone, please work hard, but it won’t happen. Let everyone work overtime in vain. Mr. Lu will pay overtime pay to everyone. The daily overtime pay is one month's salary in normal times. Let's cheer! "

"Oh yeah!"

"Long live Mr. Lu!"

"Long live the boss!!"

The employees applauded and cheered. They felt almost happy. One overtime worked was equivalent to one month's salary. Mr. Lu was so generous. With such treatment, I wanted to work overtime until the end of time.

After the cheers, the employees immediately took action. All the canned semi-finished products on the assembly line were shipped away. The main control computer was also changed to the usual program. Everyone started to move.

At the same time, at the gate of the yard, the sign of "Nikeng Town Cannery" was also taken down. Two heavily armed soldiers stood on both sides with straight pens. The yard, which was bustling with activity two days ago, suddenly became serious.

That's right, this is not a cannery at all, but a special supply base for combat readiness supplies jointly opened by Lu Fei and Li Yunhe.

The company jointly opened by Lu Fei and Li Yunhe specializes in supplying various self-heating medicated hot pots to the Wulong Brigade. This base in the mountains specializes in the production of outer packaging and heating packs. Even the employees of the factory are all Wulong Brigade. military families and veterans, confidentiality is not an issue.

The veterans of the exercise archaeological team outside know Lu Fei well. They have not forgotten what Lu Fei did as a side job before. It is not easy to find a group of soldiers to help and create a gimmick for the exercise.

As for the notices posted by the villages and towns a week ago, it is even simpler. The people operating outside are all Lu Fei's people. Even if they said they had notified them two years ago, there would be no problem. Zhao Jinzhou certainly had no problem with the branches being kept by himself for the time being. Although he didn't say it, he was still worried that Lu Fei was being naughty, so he could rest assured if the things were placed with him.

Lu Fei put a lead seal on it, and Zhao Jinzhou checked it carefully. Everything was fine. However, the appearance of the box was a bit poor. The tin box seemed to be temporarily made. The materials used were very similar to those of this canning company. The outer packaging is very similar to the iron sheet, and the workmanship is terrible. There are obvious gaps in several places. This is a lot to deal with!

As Lu Fei, using such a broken box to deal with him is not losing him, but looking down on himself!

Zhao Jinzhou was annoyed, his face was as dark as water, and he handed it to Song Ji'an casually. Zhao Jinzhou was not happy, but the old guys opposite were particularly happy. They also saw the problem. Others didn't know it, but they knew it. There was nothing on Bao Bao Fei. For low-end goods, Lu Fei usually carries a few empty boxes in his bag for emergencies. These are the materials of these unused empty boxes. The lowest price is mahogany, the best ones are red sandalwood and golden nan. A great takeoff.

But this time, he actually got a broken tin box. This was not in line with Baosha Fei's character at all. It was obviously disgusting Zhao Jinzhou. The old guys all gave Lu Fei eighteen likes in their hearts: "Bao Shao Fei, ah Beautifully done!"

The purpose of the trip was accomplished, and everyone was relaxed that night.

Last night, Zhao Jinzhou and his students were exhausted physically and mentally from the water in the bucket. They lay on the bed tonight and fell asleep quickly.

The veterans were in a particularly good mood and slept very sweetly, but Song Jian was in a bit of a miserable condition.

Last night, Song Ji'an froze outside all night and barely got much rest during the day. He should have had a peaceful sleep tonight. As a result, the teacher gave him the branch made by Lu Fei for safekeeping. This thing is in his hands. It was a time bomb. If something went wrong, he, Song Ji'an, would lose everything and sell his money and couldn't even afford it. With this thing around, he didn't dare to sleep at all. The feeling was unbearable.

The next morning, everyone was in high spirits, except for poor Song Jian's eyes, which were bloodshot.

Everyone was active for a while, and when they were preparing to have breakfast, another student from Zhao Jinzhou quietly came to the teacher: "Teacher, what Lu Fei said is true. There are indeed military exercises. I learned about it from the martial law soldiers. The military issued announcements to local villages and towns a week ago, and it was not a surprise attack."

Zhao Jinzhou always felt that the military exercise and their arrival were too coincidental, so he quietly arranged for a student to go out to check. The result was that it was really a coincidence: "Have you asked when they will evacuate?"


I asked, and at eight o'clock in the morning, traffic resumed on time. "

"Yes, I understand. Let's go eat. We will return to the city in a while."

While having breakfast, Lu Fei also received "news" and informed everyone to prepare to return after breakfast.

After breakfast, everyone gathered in the courtyard. The two directors of the cannery prepared a local souvenir for each "guest". They were all dry goods and game. The value was average, but they were full of heart. Not only the veterans of the archaeological team, but also everyone on Zhao Jinzhou's side had a share.

After loading the souvenirs into the car, the two managers waved goodbye to everyone and watched the four cars drive away. Mr. Leng turned his head and burst out laughing: "Damn it, I didn't expect that I actually have acting talent. If I had known I would have I went to film and television school.

Okay, the guests have all left, and everyone hastened to work. Although it was delayed for two days, the orders for this month must be completed. Starting today, we will work overtime for a week. Everyone, please work hard, but it won’t happen. Let everyone work overtime in vain. Mr. Lu will pay overtime pay to everyone. The daily overtime pay is one month's salary in normal times. Let's cheer! "

"Oh yeah!"

"Long live Mr. Lu!"

"Long live the boss!!"

The employees applauded and cheered. They felt almost happy. One overtime worked was equivalent to one month's salary. Mr. Lu was so generous. With such treatment, I wanted to work overtime until the end of time.

After the cheers, the employees immediately took action. All the canned semi-finished products on the assembly line were shipped away. The main control computer was also changed to the usual program. Everyone started to move.

At the same time, at the gate of the yard, the sign of "Nikeng Town Cannery" was also taken down. Two heavily armed soldiers stood on both sides with straight pens. The yard, which was bustling with activity two days ago, suddenly became serious.

That's right, this is not a cannery at all, but a special supply base for combat readiness supplies jointly opened by Lu Fei and Li Yunhe.

The company jointly opened by Lu Fei and Li Yunhe specializes in supplying various self-heating medicated hot pots to the Wulong Brigade. This base in the mountains specializes in the production of outer packaging and heating packs. Even the employees of the factory are all Wulong Brigade. military families and veterans, confidentiality is not an issue.

The veterans of the exercise archaeological team outside know Lu Fei well. They have not forgotten what Lu Fei did as a side job before. It is not easy to find a group of soldiers to help and create a gimmick for the exercise.

As for the notices posted by the villages and towns a week ago, it is even simpler. The people operating outside are all Lu Fei's people. Even if they said they had notified them two years ago, there would be no problem.

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