A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3263 Conditional

After listening to what Na Kewen said, Liang Guan beside him couldn't help but frown. That was not what Na Kewen said to him on the phone at that time.

Before Lao Liang became an old fool, he remembered that he told him very clearly that the teacher wanted to acquire a medicine garden. Na Kewen did not raise any objection at the time and kindly invited him to come and visit. But now Na Kewen's attitude Something's wrong, there's no intention of selling it either inside or outside the words. Isn't this deceiving people?

If he just deceived himself, Lao Liang didn't care. The worst he could do was to stop dating in the future. But he deceived the teacher all the way from Tiandu, and ended up making a big mistake. How could he explain to the teacher?

The more Lao Liang thought about it, the angrier he became, and his face became gloomy. As soon as Nakewen finished speaking, he wanted to argue with him, but was stopped by Lu Fei's look, but his expression was still unkind, and he gave Nakewen a cold look.

Lu Fei took a sip of tea, his expression did not change at all, and said with a smile: "That gentleman is so flattering to me. I am an acquaintance. That gentleman can come to the hotel to meet me, which has already given me a huge favor. Lu is very grateful." , However, I am very interested in your medicinal garden. If it is convenient, sir, can you arrange a time for me to visit it? "

"No problem, of course no problem. Mr. Lu is in the mood, and Kewen is honored." Na Kewen said cheerfully.

"Then when should we go?"

"Mr. Lu, this place is still some distance from Hongxia Valley. The valley is deep, the roads are covered with snow, and the road conditions are not very good. If Mr. Lu is interested, it is best to set off right after lunch so that we can arrive before dark." Nakwen said.

Lu Fei became interested when he heard this: "In this case, let's eat quickly and set off immediately after dinner!"

"I have no problem, Mr. Lu. Mr. Liang, please wait a moment. This is my land. I will arrange it right away."

"Haha, then we'll be in trouble."

Nakewen went out to arrange lunch, closed the door, and Lao Liang stood up angrily: "Teacher, there is something wrong with Nakewen today. I told him clearly on the phone, but just now he..."

Lu Fei waved his hand and said with a smile: "It has nothing to do with you, he is trying to negotiate terms with me!"

"Son of a bitch!"

Lao Liang also saw it, and the reason for his explanation was that he was afraid that Lu Fei would misunderstand. However, thinking of what Na Kewen said just now, the always gentle and gentle medical expert couldn't help but say something bad.

Lao Liang feels that he has been cheated by Na Kewen. If there are conditions, you can just bring it up with me directly on the phone. If you can agree, we will agree. If you can't, we will agree.

We promised that we would find a way, but this damn guy is so good. He led himself and the teacher to this dead corner in the ice and snow through thousands of miles and miles of mountains and rivers. Now he pretends to be a grandson. This is obviously to take advantage of the situation.

Having been partners for decades, I really didn't realize that this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes could be so cunning. He really fulfilled that saying, it's hard to paint a cat or a tiger, you know the person but don't know the heart!

"I'm sorry, I didn't understand it clearly, which caused the teacher to suffer."

"Hey, don't say that, it has nothing to do with you."

"Teacher, what conditions do you think he wants to put forward?" Liang Guanxing asked.

"Haha, let's take a look at his medicine garden later. As long as it meets my requirements, am I still afraid of his conditions?

In fact, it is better to make conditions and exchange them with conditions, which is much better than owing a favor. "

For Lu Fei, any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem. He is not afraid of being ripped off and can meet the requirements. He really doesn't care if he is ripped off. But human relationships are different. With his current strength, he can truly owe him a favor. It's so rare. Nowadays, Lu Fei's favors are not as important as Mount Tai, but they are definitely higher than money. Therefore, he is more inclined to be slaughtered, to be slaughtered, once and for all, without worries, he feels more relaxed.

Nakewen quickly called. Under the leadership of the waiter, everyone came to the restaurant. Nakewen had obviously prepared carefully. Eight of the twelve dishes were Sichuan cuisine, which was in line with Lu Fei's appetite.

Everyone was seated, and Nakewen was about to open a drink, but Lu Fei refused.

"It's getting late, so don't drink. Let's just have a quick bite. We'll be on our way right away. Didn't the gentleman say that it's difficult to travel after the sun sets?"

Nakewen nodded and put down the bottle: "That's true. There are mountain roads leading into Hongxia Valley. There are no street lights. The mountain roads are rugged and winding and covered with snow. It is indeed very dangerous when the line of sight is not good. Mr. Lu is right. , write down this drink first, and when we get to the medicine garden in the evening, I will host a banquet for you."

"Then thank you sir."

The battle was resolved in less than twenty minutes after lunch. After a short rest, everyone checked out and left the hotel. Nakewen's Land Rover led the way, followed closely by the cars behind. After leaving the small county town, the road became even narrower and the snow kept falling. The visibility was quite poor, so the speed of the convoy was naturally limited. It took more than an hour of walking before they could barely cover more than 40 kilometers.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, the car drove out of a small village. The rest of the journey was uninhabited. After driving for more than half an hour, a two-story small building appeared on the roadside. Nakewen's leading car slowly stopped in front of the small building. Come down. After listening to what Na Kewen said, Liang Guan beside him couldn't help but frown. That was not what Na Kewen said to him on the phone at that time.

Before Lao Liang became an old fool, he remembered that he told him very clearly that the teacher wanted to acquire a medicine garden. Na Kewen did not raise any objection at the time and kindly invited him to come and visit. But now Na Kewen's attitude Something's wrong, there's no intention of selling it either inside or outside the words. Isn't this deceiving people?

If he just deceived himself, Lao Liang didn't care. The worst he could do was to stop dating in the future. But he deceived the teacher all the way from Tiandu, and ended up making a big mistake. How could he explain to the teacher?

The more Lao Liang thought about it, the angrier he became, and his face became gloomy. As soon as Nakewen finished speaking, he wanted to argue with him, but was stopped by Lu Fei's look, but his expression was still unkind, and he gave Nakewen a cold look.

Lu Fei took a sip of tea, his expression did not change at all, and said with a smile: "That gentleman is so flattering to me. I am an acquaintance. That gentleman can come to the hotel to meet me, which has already given me a huge favor. Lu is very grateful." , However, I am very interested in your medicinal garden. If it is convenient, sir, can you arrange a time for me to visit it? "

"No problem, of course no problem. Mr. Lu is in the mood, and Kewen is honored." Na Kewen said cheerfully.

"Then when should we go?"

"Mr. Lu, this place is still some distance from Hongxia Valley. The valley is deep, the roads are covered with snow, and the road conditions are not very good. If Mr. Lu is interested, it is best to set off right after lunch so that we can arrive before dark." Nakwen said.

Lu Fei became interested when he heard this: "In this case, let's eat quickly and set off immediately after dinner!" .??.

"I have no problem, Mr. Lu. Mr. Liang, please wait a moment. This is my land. I will arrange it right away."

"Haha, then we'll be in trouble."

Nakewen went out to arrange lunch, closed the door, and Lao Liang stood up angrily: "Teacher, there is something wrong with Nakewen today. I told him clearly on the phone, but just now he..."

Lu Fei waved his hand and said with a smile: "It has nothing to do with you, he is trying to negotiate terms with me!"

"Son of a bitch!"

Lao Liang also saw it, and the reason for his explanation was that he was afraid that Lu Fei would misunderstand. However, thinking of what Na Kewen said just now, the always gentle and gentle medical expert couldn't help but say something bad.

Lao Liang feels that he has been cheated by Na Kewen. If there are conditions, you can just bring it up with me directly on the phone. If you can agree, we will agree. If you can't, we will agree.

We promised that we would find a way, but this damn guy is so good. He led himself and the teacher to this dead corner in the ice and snow through thousands of miles and miles of mountains and rivers. Now he pretends to be a grandson. This is obviously to take advantage of the situation.

Having been partners for decades, I really didn't realize that this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes could be so cunning. He really fulfilled that saying, it's hard to paint a cat or a tiger, you know the person but don't know the heart!

"I'm sorry, I didn't understand it clearly, which caused the teacher to suffer."

"Hey, don't say that, it has nothing to do with you."

"Teacher, what conditions do you think he wants to put forward?" Liang Guanxing asked.

"Haha, let's take a look at his medicine garden later. As long as it meets my requirements, am I still afraid of his conditions?

In fact, it is better to make conditions and exchange them with conditions, which is much better than owing a favor. "

For Lu Fei, any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem. He is not afraid of being ripped off and can meet the requirements. He really doesn't care if he is ripped off. But human relationships are different. With his current strength, he can truly owe him a favor. It's so rare. Nowadays, Lu Fei's favors are not as important as Mount Tai, but they are definitely higher than money. Therefore, he is more inclined to be slaughtered, to be slaughtered, once and for all, without worries, he feels more relaxed.

Nakewen quickly called. Under the leadership of the waiter, everyone came to the restaurant. Nakewen had obviously prepared carefully. Eight of the twelve dishes were Sichuan cuisine, which was in line with Lu Fei's appetite.

Everyone was seated, and Nakewen was about to open a drink, but Lu Fei refused.

"It's getting late, so don't drink. Let's just have a quick bite. We'll be on our way right away. Didn't the gentleman say that it's difficult to travel after the sun sets?"

Nakewen nodded and put down the bottle: "That's true. There are mountain roads leading into Hongxia Valley. There are no street lights. The mountain roads are rugged and winding and covered with snow. It is indeed very dangerous when the line of sight is not good. Mr. Lu is right. , write down this drink first, and when we get to the medicine garden in the evening, I will host a banquet for you."

"Then thank you sir."

The battle was resolved in less than twenty minutes after lunch. After a short rest, everyone checked out and left the hotel. Nakewen's Land Rover led the way, followed closely by the cars behind. After leaving the small county town, the road became even narrower and the snow kept falling. The visibility was quite poor, so the speed of the convoy was naturally limited. It took more than an hour of walking before they could barely cover more than 40 kilometers.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, the car drove out of a small village. The rest of the journey was uninhabited. After driving for more than half an hour, a two-story small building appeared on the roadside. Nakewen's leading car slowly stopped in front of the small building. Come down.

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