A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3364 Big Car Shop

Nakewen got out of the car and greeted Lu Fei and others.

Pointing to the entrance of the canyon on the right, Na Kewen said: "Mr. Lu, this is the Hongxia Valley. This small building has long been a large car shop run by our family, providing a place for passing merchants to stay. Later I moved this I bought all the land within a radius of thirteen kilometers. I converted the big car shop into a small building and used it as a dormitory for the road maintenance and forest ranger employees.

The snow is so heavy this year that the employees can't clean it up, and our cars can't enter the valley. Therefore, we have to change vehicles here. Everyone will follow me in and take a rest. After the employees refuel the motorcycles and check them, we will go into the mountains immediately. "

Lu Fei nodded. He was indeed a descendant of Zhenghuang Banner. He was indeed powerful. He bought all the people within a radius of thirteen kilometers. Even in this barren land, it was not something ordinary people could do.

Everyone followed Nakewen's footsteps, and Liang Ruyi kept chattering beside Lu Fei.

"Brother Fei, what is a big car shop?" ??

"It's the old hotel."

"Then why don't we call it an inn instead of a car shop?" Liang Ruyi turned into a curious baby, blinking her big eyes, looking so cute.

As Lu Fei walked, he took the trouble to explain to him: "In the past, the land was sparsely populated, and there were relatively few pedestrians traveling long distances. Most of them were driven by the handlebars of livestock carts, resting on the tip of the road, and the inn provided food and accommodation for them. Feeding fodder to livestock, and because most of the accommodations were handlebars, they were called cart shops.”

"Oh I got it!"

While talking, everyone entered the small building. Inside, there was a wood stove converted from a large gasoline barrel. The fire was burning brightly, and the heat was rising in front of them, creating a huge contrast with the outside.

There was a group of people in another room who were noisy and lively. Looking over, it turned out that there were more than a dozen strong men playing Pai Gow. Everyone was so noisy that their faces turned red. When they saw Nakwen coming in, the noise suddenly stopped.

Nakewen said a few words, and the card game ended. The strong men put on heavy dog ​​fur coats and dog fur hats and swarmed out to prepare.

Nakewen asked everyone to go to another room to rest. This room was clean and tidy, with all sofas and furniture, all of which were high-end goods, and there was also an earthen bed.

Liang Ruyi got on the kang and immediately felt the temperature. She stretched out her hand and touched here and there. It felt so fresh. She had heard of the fire kang before, but this was the first time she had experienced it in person. .

Lu Fei was chatting with Na Kewen, and Ruyi had to pull Wang Hailong over and asked in a low voice: "Brother Long, is this the fire kang?"


"It's so hard, how can you sleep with someone!"

"Maybe people here are used to it!"

"Brother Long, please feel it. This fire kang is really hot. Can they stand sleeping in such a hot bed? Aren't they going to get angry?" Ruyi asked.

Hai Long was stunned: "Your family is a family of traditional Chinese medicine. Don't you know better than me whether you are getting angry or not?"

"Have you ever slept on a fire bed like this?"

"No!" Hai Long said honestly.


Ruyi curled her lips: "I thought you had slept with me!"

Hai Long said speechlessly: "Our hometown is in the same place. You haven't slept there, so why do I have to sleep there?"


Liang Ruyi was immediately speechless.

After a cup of tea, the employees were ready, and Nakewen led everyone out through the back door.

When they came outside, everyone realized that there was a rather wide yard behind it, covering an area of ​​three acres.

Around the yard, there are more than a dozen haystacks of different sizes. All around the haystacks are livestock sheds, with hundreds of mules, horses, donkeys, and various large animals.

In addition to the livestock shed, there are more than a dozen various vehicles parked in the middle of the yard, including excavators, loaders, road rollers, bulldozers, and even sprinklers, which can be described as quite professional.

In addition to these construction machinery, there were also several sightseeing battery cars and three strange cars that no one had ever seen before.

These three vehicles have a very strange shape. They look like a locomotive on top, and are covered in metal. They look heavy and bulky, even thicker than military armored vehicles.

There is a five-meter-long steel shovel across the front of the car. There are no wheels underneath, but tracks. Behind the car, there is a large chimney with a diameter of more than one meter, which is blowing out light blue smoke. In fact, this is not the chimney, but the exhaust pipe of this car. It’s just that the size of the exhaust pipe is too scary. Not only is the exhaust pipe scary, the noise of the car is also quite loud, no less than a military tank. .

Men all love cars, especially a big guy like this with a rough appearance and a huge body, which makes people's adrenaline soar. Lu Fei and others can't help but join in.

Everyone circled around the car, and then retreated further away. There was no other way, the noise was too loud, and even if you were talking next to the car, you might not be able to hear clearly even with the loudspeaker.

"Sir, is this car custom-made?" Hai Long asked curiously.

Na Kewen smiled slightly and said, "Little brother, you have good eyesight."

Wang Hailong quietly rolled his eyes and thought to himself, why the hell do you have to have good eyesight? Even a fool can see it, okay?

If this thing is in an urban area, it is guaranteed to be stopped by the traffic police as a monster if it cannot go more than three meters. Nakewen got out of the car and greeted Lu Fei and others.

Pointing to the entrance of the canyon on the right, Na Kewen said: "Mr. Lu, this is the Hongxia Valley. This small building has long been a large car shop run by our family, providing a place for passing merchants to stay. Later I moved this I bought all the land within a radius of 13 kilometers. I converted the big car shop into a small building and used it as dormitories for road maintenance and forest ranger employees.

The snow is so heavy this year that the employees can't clean it up, and our cars can't enter the valley. Therefore, we have to change vehicles here. Everyone will follow me in and take a rest. After the employees refuel the motorcycles and check them, we will go into the mountains immediately. "

Lu Fei nodded. He was indeed a descendant of Zhenghuang Banner. He was indeed powerful. He bought all the people within a radius of thirteen kilometers. Even in this barren land, it was not something ordinary people could do.

Everyone followed Nakewen's footsteps, and Liang Ruyi kept chattering beside Lu Fei.

"Brother Fei, what is a big car shop?"

"It's the old hotel."

"Then why don't we call it an inn instead of a car shop?" Liang Ruyi turned into a curious baby, blinking her big eyes, looking so cute.

As Lu Fei walked, he took the trouble to explain to him: "In the past, the land was sparsely populated, and there were relatively few pedestrians traveling long distances. Most of them were driven by the handlebars of livestock carts, resting on the tip of the road, and the inn provided food and accommodation for them. Feeding fodder to livestock, and because most of the accommodations were handlebars, they were called cart shops.”

"Oh I got it!"

While talking, everyone entered the small building. Inside, there was a wood stove converted from a large gasoline barrel. The fire was burning brightly, and the heat was rising in front of them, creating a huge contrast with the outside.

There was a group of people in another room who were noisy and lively. Looking over, it turned out that there were more than a dozen strong men playing Pai Gow. Everyone was so noisy that their faces turned red. When they saw Nakwen coming in, the noise suddenly stopped.

Nakewen said a few words, and the card game ended. The strong men put on heavy dog ​​fur coats and dog fur hats and swarmed out to prepare.

Nakewen asked everyone to go to another room to rest. This room was clean and tidy, with all sofas and furniture, all of which were high-end goods, and there was also an earthen bed.

Liang Ruyi got on the kang and immediately felt the temperature. She stretched out her hand and touched here and there. It felt so fresh. She had heard of the fire kang before, but this was the first time she had experienced it in person. .

Lu Fei was chatting with Na Kewen, and Ruyi had to pull Wang Hailong over and asked in a low voice: "Brother Long, is this the fire kang?"


"It's so hard, how can you sleep with someone!"

"Maybe people here are used to it!"

"Brother Long, please feel it. This fire kang is really hot. Can they stand sleeping in such a hot bed? Aren't they going to get angry?" Ruyi asked.

Hai Long was stunned: "Your family is a family of traditional Chinese medicine. Don't you know better than me whether you are getting angry or not?"

"Have you ever slept on this hot bed?"

"No!" Hai Long said honestly.


Ruyi curled her lips: "I thought you had slept with me!"

Hai Long said speechlessly: "Our hometown is in the same place. You haven't slept there, so why do I have to sleep there?"


Liang Ruyi was immediately speechless.

After a cup of tea, the employees were ready, and Nakewen led everyone out through the back door.

When they came outside, everyone realized that there was a rather wide yard behind it, covering an area of ​​three acres.

Around the yard, there are more than a dozen haystacks of different sizes. All around the haystacks are livestock sheds, with hundreds of mules, horses, donkeys, and various large animals.

In addition to the livestock shed, there are more than a dozen various vehicles parked in the middle of the yard, including excavators, loaders, road rollers, bulldozers, and even sprinklers, which can be described as quite professional.

In addition to these construction machinery, there were also several sightseeing battery cars and three strange cars that no one had ever seen before.

These three vehicles have a very strange shape. They look like a locomotive on top, and are covered in metal. They look heavy and bulky, even thicker than military armored vehicles.

There is a five-meter-long steel shovel across the front of the car. There are no wheels underneath, but tracks. Behind the car, there is a large chimney with a diameter of more than one meter, which is blowing out light blue smoke. In fact, this is not the chimney, but the exhaust pipe of this car. It’s just that the size of the exhaust pipe is too scary. Not only is the exhaust pipe scary, the noise of the car is also quite loud, no less than a military tank. .

Men all love cars, especially a big guy like this with a rough appearance and a huge body, which makes people's adrenaline soar. Lu Fei and others can't help but join in.

Everyone circled around the car, and then retreated further away. There was no other way, the noise was too loud, and even if you were talking next to the car, you might not be able to hear clearly even with the loudspeaker.

"Sir, is this car custom-made?" Hai Long asked curiously.

Na Kewen smiled slightly and said, "Little brother, you have good eyesight."

Wang Hailong quietly rolled his eyes and thought to himself, why the hell do you have to have good eyesight? Even a fool can see it, okay?

If this thing is in an urban area, it is guaranteed to be stopped by the traffic police as a monster if it cannot go more than three meters.

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