A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3365 Old Snow Sledge

When it came to the three cars of his own, Na Kewen couldn't hide his pride and introduced them eloquently.

"This is a good thing I got from Lao Maozi. The sheet metal is made of special coating material, fireproof and heat-insulating. Thirty-two hydraulic shock absorbers are installed in the middle. Don't look at it as a chain rail car. Even if the road conditions are light, Worse, the stability inside the cabin is not inferior to that of a Rolls-Royce.

The sheet metal of the cabin has a three-layer structure, with a thickness of 38 centimeters, and two layers of shock-proof insulation materials in the middle. Now everyone thinks that the engine noise is loud, but when you enter and close the door, the noise is almost negligible.

The function of the steel shovel on the front is to shovel snow and break ice. It is said that this is the latest generation of Arctic scientific research vehicles developed by Lao Maozi scientists. However, for some unknown reason, it has not been distributed for the time being. I liked it after seeing it there. . I tried so hard to get three of them out of my entrustment relationship. I have only used this one twice, and the other two have not been used yet. Today, I will use these three cars to take everyone into the mountains at the VIP Camp Gate. "

After Nakewen introduced everyone, he opened the car door himself and prepared to invite everyone to get on the car. But when the car door opened, he realized that there seemed to be one person missing. The boss over there, Lu Feilu, was missing.

Nakewen was shocked, and his smile immediately faded.

As a host, he dressed up to show off but ignored his most distinguished guest. This was a serious mistake. He quickly closed the car door and looked for Lu Fei.

Hailong and the others were attracted by these three cars just now, and were fooled by Nakewen. No one even noticed when Lu Fei disappeared. Nakewen was panicked, and Hailong and others also became nervous and hurriedly Look around.

Fortunately, everyone found Lu Fei after leaving the shadow of the Big Mac.

At this moment, Lu Fei was squatting down in front of an empty stable, as if he was studying something. When everyone came up to take a look, they discovered that Lu Fei took off his gloves, stretched out his right hand, which was already red from the cold, and gently touched an old horse stall. snow sledge, eyes confused, as if recalling something. .??.

Na Kewen was about to call Lu Fei, but Hai Long grabbed him and signaled everyone to silence.

Hai Long has experienced many thrilling things with Lu Fei, and he knows Lu Fei quite well. It is obvious that Lu Fei should not be disturbed in this state.

Hai Long's guess was right. At this moment, Lu Fei was lost in memories. He didn't even notice that so many people came to him.

He was planning to visit the vehicle before, but when he approached the vehicle, his eyes were firmly attracted to the snow sledge in the stable, and he could no longer look away.

There were three snow sledges placed in the stable. After seeing the shabbiest one clearly, Lu Fei's heart beat several beats faster involuntarily.

Lu Fei has not been so excited about an object for a long time. There are countless peerless treasures in his museums and vaults, and there are even more valuable treasures placed overseas. His heart has long been numb, but today he saw this Setting up a sledge, that throbbing feeling suddenly resurfaced, even more exciting than before.

But in fact, this sledge is not a unique treasure. Even the material is red pine, the most common material in the north. Moreover, the surface is dilapidated, densely covered with insect holes, several pieces of wood have been broken, and even the main beam has been broken. However, it was later reinforced with double layers of wooden boards. In terms of advantages, there may be only one advantage. This sledge is more than double the size of the other two intact ones.

The sledges were ordinary and dirty. In the north where there was no shortage of firewood, no one would want them even if they were given away for free. However, this dilapidated snow sledge brought back memories deep in Lu Fei's heart.

In Mawei Mountain and Liangjiazhai, in the winter when heavy snow falls, snow sledges are the most common and important means of transportation. Since they need to haul supplies frequently, the sledges in Liangjiazhai are much larger than ordinary people. Generally speaking, The style, material, and size are all very similar to the one in front of Lu Fei now. Therefore, when he saw this sledge, Lu Fei's mind couldn't help but fly back to the Liangjiazhai in his previous life, and Liang Jiuyue's story kept flashing through his mind. Her voice, appearance, appearance, and every detail of her interactions with her.

Hai Long and others didn't know what Lu Fei was thinking. They just saw Lu Fei's expression changing constantly. Sometimes he frowned, sometimes he closed his eyes, sometimes he had a solemn expression, and sometimes he smiled. Seeing this made him panic. If it weren't for the broad daylight, , he even wondered if Brother Fei was possessed by an evil spirit. This expression pack changed too quickly!

Liang Guanxing didn't think as much as Hai Long thought. At this moment, he was more worried about whether Lu Fei would get frostbite. The weather here was so bad that the hot breath instantly condensed into ice mist. It had only been less than ten minutes since he came out of the room. Everyone's eyebrows and beards were already covered with frostbite. There was a layer of white frost, but Lu Fei took off his gloves and exposed his naked hands to the cold air. How could he bear this!

If he didn't stop it, he would easily get frostbite, but with Lu Fei's current state, he didn't dare to stop it, which made him in a dilemma and worried. When it came to the three cars of his own, Na Kewen couldn't hide his pride and introduced them eloquently.

"This is a good thing I got from Lao Maozi. The sheet metal is made of special coating material, fireproof and heat-insulating. Thirty-two hydraulic shock absorbers are installed in the middle. Don't look at it as a chain rail car. Even if the road conditions are light, Worse, the stability inside the cabin is not inferior to that of a Rolls-Royce.

The sheet metal of the cabin has a three-layer structure, with a thickness of 38 centimeters, and two layers of shock-proof insulation materials in the middle. Now everyone thinks that the engine noise is loud, but when you enter and close the door, the noise is almost negligible.

The function of the steel shovel on the front is to shovel snow and break ice. It is said that this is the latest generation of Arctic scientific research vehicles developed by Lao Maozi scientists. However, for some unknown reason, it has not been distributed for the time being. I liked it after seeing it there. . I tried so hard to get three of them out of my entrustment relationship. I have only used this one twice, and the other two have not been used yet. Today, I will use these three cars to take everyone into the mountains at the VIP Camp Gate. "

After Nakewen introduced everyone, he opened the car door himself and was about to invite everyone to get on the car. But when the car door opened, he realized that there seemed to be one person missing. The boss over there, Lu Feilu, was missing.

Nakewen was shocked, and his smile immediately faded.

As a host, he dressed up to show off but ignored his most distinguished guest. This was a serious mistake. He quickly closed the car door and looked for Lu Fei.

Hailong and the others were attracted by these three cars just now, and were fooled by Nakewen. No one even noticed when Lu Fei disappeared. Nakewen was panicked, and Hailong and others also became nervous and hurriedly Look around.

Fortunately, everyone found Lu Fei after leaving the shadow of the Big Mac.

At this moment, Lu Fei was squatting down in front of an empty stable, as if he was studying something. When everyone came up to take a look, they discovered that Lu Fei took off his gloves, stretched out his right hand, which was already red from the cold, and gently touched an old horse stall. snow sledge, eyes confused, as if recalling something.

Na Kewen was about to call Lu Fei, but Hai Long grabbed him and signaled everyone to silence.

Hai Long has experienced many thrilling things with Lu Fei, and he knows Lu Fei quite well. It is obvious that Lu Fei should not be disturbed in this state.

Hai Long's guess was right. At this moment, Lu Fei was lost in memories. He didn't even notice that so many people came to him.

He was planning to visit the vehicle before, but when he approached the vehicle, his eyes were firmly attracted to the snow sledge in the stable, and he could no longer look away.

There were three snow sledges placed in the stable. After seeing the shabbiest one clearly, Lu Fei's heart beat several beats faster involuntarily.

It has been a long time since Lu Fei was so excited about an object. There are countless peerless treasures in his museums and vaults, and there are even more valuable treasures placed overseas. His heart has long been numb, but when he saw this today Setting up a sledge, that throbbing feeling suddenly resurfaced, even more exciting than before.

But in fact, this sledge is not a unique treasure. Even the material is red pine, the most common material in the north. Moreover, the surface is dilapidated, densely covered with insect holes, several pieces of wood have been broken, and even the main beam has been broken. However, it was later reinforced with double layers of wooden boards. In terms of advantages, there may be only one advantage. This sledge is more than double the size of the other two intact ones.

The sledges were ordinary and dirty. In the north where there was no shortage of firewood, no one would want them even if they were given away for free. However, this dilapidated snow sledge brought back memories deep in Lu Fei's heart.

In Mawei Mountain and Liangjiazhai, in the winter when heavy snow falls, snow sledges are the most common and important means of transportation. Since they need to haul supplies frequently, the sledges in Liangjiazhai are much larger than ordinary people. Generally speaking, The style, material, and size are all very similar to the one in front of Lu Fei now. Therefore, when he saw this sledge, Lu Fei's mind couldn't help but fly back to the Liangjiazhai in his previous life, and Liang Jiuyue's story kept flashing through his mind. Her voice, appearance, appearance, and every detail of her interactions with her.

Hai Long and others didn't know what Lu Fei was thinking. They just saw Lu Fei's expression changing constantly. Sometimes he frowned, sometimes he closed his eyes, sometimes he had a solemn expression, and sometimes he smiled. Seeing this made him panic. If it wasn't for the broad daylight, , he even wondered if Brother Fei was possessed by an evil spirit. This expression pack changed too quickly!

Liang Guanxing didn't think as much as Hai Long thought. At this moment, he was more worried about whether Lu Fei would get frostbite. The weather here was so bad that the hot breath instantly condensed into ice mist. It had only been less than ten minutes since he came out of the room. Everyone's eyebrows and beards were already covered with frostbite. There was a layer of white frost, but Lu Fei took off his gloves and exposed his naked hands to the cold air. How could he bear this!

If he didn't stop it, he would easily get frostbite, but with Lu Fei's current state, he didn't dare to stop it, which made him in a dilemma and worried.

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