A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3366 Star Hotel in the Mountains

Just when Liang Guanxing was wondering whether to call Lu Fei, Lu Fei consciously woke up.

Lu Fei stood up, and then he felt that his hands were so cold that he almost lost consciousness. He quickly rubbed them together and once he regained consciousness, Ma Liuer put on his gloves.

"Teacher, it's too cold outside, let's get in the car!" Liang Guanxing said.

Lu Fei nodded and laughed to himself.

Recently, no matter day or night, when he calms down, he often thinks about Liang Jiuyue. Sometimes he even loses his composure and worries about gains and losses. This is not the way a person should be in two lifetimes. It seems that it is necessary to control it deliberately.

"Sir, can you give me this sledge?"

This sledge is not an expensive thing. If you mention the word "buy", it will be a bit disgusting. It is better to ask for it directly to make it easier for people to accept.

Sure enough, Na Kewen laughed heartily: "Mr. Lu, just like it, I will send someone to deliver it to your home later. It will be delivered within a week."

Na Kewen was actually extremely curious. He never thought that Lu Fei would be so fond of this thing. Besides, there were several intact ones nearby, and even a brand new one. Lu Fei didn't even want one, but he wanted a dirty one. Xixi, tattered, what on earth is going on?

As a direct descendant of Manchuria's Zhenghuang Banner, his knowledge and experience are not comparable to those of ordinary people. He has been playing in antique piles since he was a child. Although his eye for old objects is not as good as Lu Fei's, it is definitely not inferior to him. For an ordinary expert, he could see through this sledge at first glance. It showed traces of decades of age. Other materials, workmanship, appearance, etc., were all extremely ordinary. This kind of broken thing was even more... Not to mention the historical background, this is new.

But curiosity is nothing but curiosity, and a smart person would never ask.

Lu Fei took out a cigarette and handed one over: "Then I would like to thank that gentleman. Try to keep the things as they are. Later, ask your people to help me deliver them to my house in Tiandu. Lao Liang will tell you the location later."

"No problem, I'll take care of it, Mr. Lu. The sun is setting in the west. Let's go into the mountains quickly. There are still more than ten miles of mountain road to cover."

"Okay, let's go!"

Everyone boarded the three Big Macs in batches. The machine started for a while, the water temperature increased, and the interior of the car was warm and comfortable.

After closing the car door, the noise is minimal. The car is quite spacious, wider than the RV we came in. It has sofas, stereos, induction cookers, refrigerators, monitors, etc., and there is even a sofa that can accommodate one person. Small bathroom, just

Even Lu Fei praised it.

"If Mr. Lu likes it, I will give you two cars later to play with?" Na Ke said like a treasure.

Lu Fei smiled and waved his hand: "I accept it with good intentions. The car is a good car, but I have lived in Jincheng and Hong Kong Island all year round. It would be a waste of money to bring it back, so forget it!"

When Lu Fei said this, Na Kewen didn't show any humility anymore.

The car drove into the valley and slowly climbed the hill. There were a lot of people in the car, and the tea on the table was only shaking slightly. The shortcoming was that the speed was a bit impressive. Lu Fei looked out through the small window. At such a speed, it was very fast. The several-mile mountain road takes almost half an hour. In winter, the weather is short, so it will probably be dark when we reach our destination.

As expected, after walking for half an hour and opening the car door, the snow had stopped, but then the howling north wind caused the temperature to drop several degrees again, and everyone could not help but shiver.

"It's too cold outside. Everyone, hurry inside. The food and wine are ready. Let's warm up. Let's start dinner soon!"

It was completely dark outside, and everyone felt very uncomfortable with the strong low temperature. Everyone could only see a huge building with bright lights in front of them, but could not see the whole picture. At this time, no one was interested in admiring the building, and they all ran away with their necks hunched. Once inside, the heat inside rises, as if you have entered another world.

Everyone looked around and couldn't help but be surprised. With Nakwen's identity and the ability to acquire a radius of thirteen kilometers around the mountain, everyone would not be surprised to build a large villa in the mountain. But what caught everyone's eyes now was something bigger than the villa. Much larger and much more luxurious.

A lobby of several hundred square meters, luxurious decoration, luxurious crystal chandeliers, expensive imported leather sofas, modern cashiers, handsome men and women in uniforms and professional smiles, isn't this a modern hotel?

Damn, it's really a hotel. There are time difference clocks hanging behind the cashier, and flight information from various places is scrolling on the big screen not far away.

Looking further away, there are actually elevators, and there are two buildings.

Seeing this scene, not to mention other people, even Lu Fei was shocked.

Since arriving this afternoon, I haven't found anyone else. I haven't even seen a ghost of a pedestrian on the way. I thought this was a deserted corner, but I didn't expect that there is a clear and beautiful place in this mountain. It is a luxury hotel with modern facilities. The spaciousness and luxury of the lobby are definitely not inferior to those of a four-star hotel. It also has an elevator. The presence of an elevator means it is not just one or two floors. Everyone really can’t understand how a whole building in such a place can be built. What's the point of a hotel? Lao Liang said that Nakewen acted in a low-key manner, so he shouldn't be trying to show off in a big hotel, right? Just when Liang Guanxing was wondering whether to call Lu Fei, Lu Fei consciously woke up.

Lu Fei stood up, and then he felt that his hands were so cold that he almost lost consciousness. He quickly rubbed them together and once he regained consciousness, Ma Liuer put on his gloves.

"Teacher, it's too cold outside, let's get in the car!" Liang Guanxing said.

Lu Fei nodded and laughed to himself.

Recently, no matter day or night, when he calms down, he often thinks about Liang Jiuyue. Sometimes he even loses his composure and worries about gains and losses. This is not the way a person should be in two lifetimes. It seems that it is necessary to control it deliberately.

"Sir, can you give me this sledge?"

This sledge is not an expensive thing. If you mention the word "buy", it will be a bit disgusting. It is better to ask for it directly to make it easier for people to accept.

Sure enough, Na Kewen laughed heartily: "Mr. Lu, just like it, I will send someone to deliver it to your home later. It will be delivered within a week."

Na Kewen was actually extremely curious. He never thought that Lu Fei would be so fond of this thing. Besides, there were several intact ones nearby, and even a brand new one. Lu Fei didn't even want one, but he wanted a dirty one. Xixi, tattered, what on earth is going on? .??.??

As a direct descendant of Manchuria's Zhenghuang Banner, his knowledge and knowledge are not comparable to those of ordinary people. He has been playing in antique piles since he was a child. Although his eye for old objects is not as good as Lu Fei's, it is definitely not inferior to him. For an ordinary expert, he could see through this sledge at first glance. It showed traces of decades of age. Other materials, workmanship, appearance, etc., were all extremely ordinary. This kind of broken thing was even more... Not to mention the historical background, this is new.

But curiosity is nothing but curiosity, and a smart person would never ask.

Lu Fei took out a cigarette and handed one over: "Then I would like to thank that gentleman. Try to keep the things as they are, and ask your people to help me deliver them to my house in Tiandu. Lao Liang will tell you the location later."

"No problem, I'll take care of it, Mr. Lu. The sun is setting in the west. Let's go into the mountains quickly. There are still more than ten miles of mountain road to cover."

"Okay, let's go!"

Everyone boarded the three Big Macs in batches. The machine started for a while, the water temperature increased, and the interior of the car was warm and comfortable.

After closing the car door, the noise is minimal. The car is quite spacious, wider than the RV we came in. It has sofas, stereos, induction cookers, refrigerators, monitors, etc., and there is even a sofa that can accommodate one person. Small bathroom, just

Even Lu Fei praised it.

"If Mr. Lu likes it, I will give you two cars later to play with?" Na Ke said like a treasure.

Lu Fei smiled and waved his hand: "I accept it with good intentions. The car is a good car, but I have lived in Jincheng and Hong Kong Island all year round. It would be a waste of money to bring it back, so forget it!"

When Lu Fei said this, Na Kewen didn't show any humility anymore.

The car drove into the valley and slowly climbed up the hill. There were a lot of people in the car, and the tea on the table was only shaking slightly. The shortcoming was that the speed was a bit impressive. Lu Fei looked out through the small window. At such a speed, it was very fast. The several-mile mountain road takes almost half an hour. In winter, the weather is short, so it will probably be dark when we reach our destination.

As expected, after walking for half an hour, when I opened the car door, the snow had stopped, but then the howling north wind made the temperature drop several degrees again, and everyone couldn't help but shiver.

"It's too cold outside. Everyone, hurry inside. The food and wine are ready. Let's warm up. Let's start dinner right away!"

It was completely dark outside, and everyone felt very uncomfortable with the strong low temperature. Everyone only saw a huge building with bright lights in front of them, but could not see the whole picture. At this time, no one was interested in admiring the building, and they all ran away with their necks hunched. Once inside, the heat inside rises, as if you have entered another world.

Everyone looked around and couldn't help but be surprised. With Nakwen's identity and the ability to acquire a radius of thirteen kilometers around the mountain, everyone would definitely not be surprised to build a large villa in the mountain. But what caught everyone's eyes now was something bigger than the villa. Much larger and much more luxurious.

A lobby of several hundred square meters, luxurious decoration, luxurious crystal chandeliers, expensive imported leather sofas, modern cashiers, handsome men and women in uniforms and professional smiles, isn't this a modern hotel?

Damn, it’s really a hotel. There are time difference clocks hanging behind the cashier, and flight information from various places is scrolling on the big screen not far away.

Looking further away, there are actually elevators, and there are two buildings.

Seeing this scene, not to mention other people, even Lu Fei was shocked.

Since arriving this afternoon, I haven't found anyone else. I haven't even seen a ghost of a pedestrian on the way. I thought this was a deserted corner, but I didn't expect that there is a Qingyi in this mountain. It is a luxury hotel with modern facilities. The spaciousness and luxury of the lobby are definitely not inferior to those of a four-star hotel. It also has an elevator. The presence of an elevator means it is not just one or two floors. Everyone really can’t understand how a whole building in such a place can be built. What's the point of a hotel? Lao Liang said that Nakewen acted in a low-key manner, so he wouldn't put up a big hotel to show off, right?

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