A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3408 Dog Abuse

Li Tuozi gritted his teeth and glared, asking for three million. Lu Fei cursed in his heart, "It's terrible to be uneducated. Fortunately, this thing didn't fall into the hands of these men. Otherwise, sooner or later, he would be able to take advantage of others and use his tone to make others cheaper. Then Might as well make it easier on yourself.

Lu Fei was secretly happy in his heart, but frowned on the outside. He lit a cigarette and sat on the floor, silent for a long time.

Seeing Lu Fei's expression, Li Tuozi's uncle and nephew felt a little thump in their hearts. He wanted it too hard!

"Boss, this piece of pig grit is top-grade, really good stuff. If you meet someone who knows the stuff, you can definitely sell it for more. We want three million, but it's actually not much.

However, you are the boss after all. If you use your status to oppress us, there is nothing you can do about it without giving us a penny. "

"Yo ho!" .??.

Lu Fei laughed when he heard this: "Old Li, you are trying to kill me!"

Li Tuozi waved his hands repeatedly: "Don't dare."

"Haha, you don't need to explain. We made it clear from the beginning that I will not use my power to pressure others. What's more, millions of dollars is really nothing to me. However, I have money to return to. We are rich. We are doing business. You are right. This thing can indeed be worth three million if someone knows the goods. However, there are not many people who know the goods. I think you don’t have the patience to wait. And I Well, I don’t want to put money on this, so if you ask for three million, it is indeed a bit high, so how about two million and four hundred thousand?”

Lu Fei cut off 600,000 yuan in one go. Of course Li Tuozi was not willing. He also saw that his boss was a good person and would never bully him in this regard. With confidence in his heart, he plucked up the courage to talk to Lu Fei. They started bargaining, and after a lot of fighting, the two parties finally reached an agreement. The piece of pig sand was finally sold for 1.8 million. Lu Fei and Wang Hailong did not share the money. It all belonged to the uncles and nephews of the Li family. In other words, Li Tuozi and his three nephews each received 450,000 yuan.

Li Tuozi was relatively calm, and although the three brothers Li Biao didn't say anything, it could be seen on their expressions that they were all beaming with joy and excitement.

Wang Hailong was extremely contemptuous and thought to himself: "These idiots are hopeless, and so is Brother Fei. You are worth trillions, and you are arguing with a few country bumpkins who have never met you. Is it interesting?"

"Now that the price has been agreed upon, the things belong to me. You decide whether you want a check or cash. I can issue the check to you now. If you want cash, you can settle the matter only when you return to Hongxia Valley." Lu Fei said.

"Cash, we all want cash."

No need to discuss this

Li Tuozi directly made the decision. He had heard of the check, but he didn't put the money in his pocket for insurance. With this money, the harvest of this trip to the mountains has far exceeded expectations. Next, he will have to travel around the mountains. In a few days, he had plenty of time to step on the plates. They came to join the hunting team just to step on the plates. Since they had achieved their goal and there was an unexpected surprise, there was no need for them to stay in the hunting team. They went back to get the money and left directly. , whoever likes to be jealous is jealous, I don’t want to be a monkey anymore.

Cash is no problem. With such a big family business in Hongxia Valley, there’s no way they can’t afford two million in cash!

After the two parties reached an agreement, everyone started to clean up the remaining wild boars. Because this one ran into the basket, it was delayed for a long time. At this time, several wild boars were frozen.

The wild boar was too big, so it was dismembered on the spot and rolled a few times on the snow to temporarily lock in the moisture. Then the large pieces of meat were put into sacks and tied up on the sledge.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Li Tuozi quickly ordered his nephews to go into the forest to collect dry firewood.

One day after they came out, they had an income of nearly 500,000 yuan. The three brothers Li Biao were smiling from ear to ear and were full of motivation.

Deciding to rest in place tonight, Li Tuozi cut a few branches and made two temporary moats. Looking at Li Tuozi's skillful techniques and the shape of the moats, Lu Fei's heart moved and he couldn't help but look at this more. A few glances at the old guy.

Everything is ready, the sun has set, but there is still a faint halo in the sky.

Li Tuozi was about to light a fire to boil water and heat the rice, but at this moment, Li Tuozi and Lu Fei heard the noise at the same time.

"Boss, the goods have arrived again. Listening to the noise, they are either wild deer or roe deer, but there are not many of them."

Lu Fei nodded: "I heard it, but I am not as experienced as you. We have gained a lot today. Let your hounds come on this time."

From early morning to now, the three hounds have never been put to use. In the morning, each dog was fed a rice ball. They were already half full. After hunting down the prey, Li Tuozi still didn't feed them. At noon, there were rice balls again, and It was still cold. Seeing the delicious game right in front of you but not being able to eat it made these dogs so greedy that they drooled several pounds. Lu Fei liked dogs and he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Okay!" Li Tuozi agreed happily.

"Old Li, I'm not telling you that your rules are really screwed up. You bring hunting dogs with you when you go hunting in the mountains. The hunting dogs should be your comrades. No matter who kills the prey, they should be divided equally. But you just don't let them eat. , isn’t this abuse?” Lu Fei couldn’t help complaining. Li Tuozi gritted his teeth and glared, asking for three million. Lu Fei cursed in his heart, "It's terrible to be uneducated. Fortunately, this thing didn't fall into the hands of these men. Otherwise, sooner or later, he would be able to take advantage of others and use his tone to make others cheaper. Then Might as well make it easier on yourself.

Lu Fei was secretly happy in his heart, but frowned on the outside. He lit a cigarette and sat on the floor, silent for a long time.

Seeing Lu Fei's expression, Li Tuozi's uncle and nephew felt a little thump in their hearts. He wanted it too hard!

"Boss, this piece of pig grit is top-grade, really good stuff. If you meet someone who knows the stuff, you can definitely sell it for more. We want three million, but it's actually not much.

However, you are the boss after all. If you use your status to oppress us, there is nothing you can do about it without giving us a penny. "

"Yo ho!"

Lu Fei laughed when he heard this: "Old Li, you are trying to kill me!"

Li Tuozi waved his hands repeatedly: "Don't dare."

"Haha, you don't need to explain. We made it clear from the beginning that I will not use my power to pressure others. What's more, millions of dollars is really nothing to me. However, I have money to return to. We are rich. We are doing business. You are right. This thing can indeed be worth three million if someone knows the goods. However, after all, there are not many people who know the goods. I don’t think you have the patience to wait slowly, and I Well, I don’t want to put money on this, so if you ask for three million, it is indeed a bit high, so how about two million and four hundred thousand?”

Lu Fei cut off 600,000 yuan in one go. Of course Li Tuozi was not willing. He also saw that his boss was a good person and would never bully him in this regard. With confidence in his heart, he plucked up the courage to talk to Lu Fei. They started bargaining, and after a lot of fighting, the two parties finally reached an agreement. The piece of pig sand was finally sold for 1.8 million. Lu Fei and Wang Hailong did not share the money. It all belonged to the uncles and nephews of the Li family. In other words, Li Tuozi and his three nephews each received 450,000 yuan.

Li Tuozi was relatively calm, and although the three brothers Li Biao didn't say anything, it could be seen on their expressions that they were all beaming with joy and excitement.

Wang Hailong was extremely contemptuous and thought to himself: "These idiots are hopeless, and so is Brother Fei. You are worth trillions, and you are arguing with a few country bumpkins who have never met you. Is it interesting?"

"Now that the price has been agreed upon, the things belong to me. You decide whether you want a check or cash. I can issue the check to you now. If you want cash, you can settle the matter only when you return to Hongxia Valley." Lu Fei said.

"Cash, we all want cash."

No need to discuss this

Li Tuozi directly made the decision. He had heard of the check, but he didn't put the money in his pocket for insurance. With this money, the harvest of this trip to the mountains has far exceeded expectations. Next, he will have to travel around the mountains. In a few days, he had plenty of time to step on the plates. They came to join the hunting team just to step on the plates. Since they had achieved their goal and there was an unexpected surprise, there was no need for them to stay in the hunting team. They went back to get the money and left directly. , whoever likes to be jealous is jealous, I don’t want to be a monkey anymore.

Cash is no problem. With such a big family business in Hongxia Valley, there’s no way they can’t afford two million in cash!

After the two parties reached an agreement, everyone started to clean up the remaining wild boars. Because this one ran into the basket, it was delayed for a long time. At this time, several wild boars were frozen.

The wild boar was too big, so it was dismembered on the spot and rolled a few times on the snow to temporarily lock in the moisture. Then the large pieces of meat were put into sacks and tied up on the sledge.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Li Tuozi quickly ordered his nephews to go into the forest to collect dry firewood.

One day after they came out, they had an income of nearly 500,000 yuan. The three brothers Li Biao were smiling from ear to ear and were full of motivation.

Deciding to rest in place tonight, Li Tuozi cut a few branches and made two temporary moats. Looking at Li Tuozi's skillful techniques and the shape of the moats, Lu Fei's heart moved and he couldn't help but look at this more. A few glances at the old guy.

Everything is ready, the sun has set, but there is still a faint halo in the sky.

Li Tuozi was about to light a fire to boil water and heat the rice, but at this moment, Li Tuozi and Lu Fei heard the noise at the same time.

"Boss, the goods have arrived again. Listening to the noise, they are either wild deer or roe deer, but there are not many of them."

Lu Fei nodded: "I heard it, but I am not as experienced as you. We have gained a lot today. Let your hounds come on this time."

From early morning to now, the three hounds have never been put to use. In the morning, each dog was fed a rice ball. They were already half full. After hunting down the prey, Li Tuozi still didn't feed them. At noon, there were rice balls again, and It was still cold. Seeing the delicious game right in front of you but not being able to eat it made these dogs so greedy that they drooled several pounds. Lu Fei liked dogs and he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Okay!" Li Tuozi agreed happily.

"Old Li, I'm not telling you that your rules are really screwed up. You bring hunting dogs with you when you go hunting in the mountains. The hunting dogs should be your comrades. No matter who kills the prey, they should be divided equally. But you just don't let them eat. , isn’t this abuse?” Lu Fei couldn’t help complaining.

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