A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3409 Sleeping in the rough

Lu Fei spoke for the hunting dogs. The three hunting dogs looked at Lu Fei differently. If they could talk, they would definitely say, Boss, let's hang out with you. That old bastard Li Tuozi is simply not a human being!

Li Tuozi was unmoved.

"There are rules for entering the mountains. Without rules, there is no rule. These are all left by the older generation. Boss, don't worry, these three hunting dogs were all trained by me. They know the rules very well. You haven't seen it. You haven't seen it all day. Are you making a fuss?"

Hunting Dog: "Damn hunchback, why don't you learn how to be a good person?"

Lu Fei didn't insist. Moreover, the footsteps were approaching. Everyone held their breath and waited quietly. A few minutes later, three roe deer came out of the forest. They looked around warily for a while, and then stretched out their long legs. , came to the stream gracefully.

Li Tuozi winked at Li Biao, who gently loosened the dog's leash. .??.

The three hunting dogs were waiting for this moment with eyes wide open. They were sure that it was their turn to take action. Their excited eyes glowed green. However, hunting dogs are hunting dogs. Although they were excited, they remained calm.

These three dogs were all professional hunting dogs trained by Li Tuozi. They had quite a lot of experience and they spread out on their own initiative without Li Tuozi's instructions.

The yellow dog is in the center, the black dog and another dog are surrounding each other. The three dogs are hunched over, pushing the center to the lowest position, crawling slowly with their bellies close to the ground to increase the friction surface, making almost no sound.

The three dogs were very patient and approached the prey at a slow speed. The three silly roe deer who were drinking water were not alert and continued to sip tea.

Finally, the three dogs moved about five meters away from the prey. At this time, the largest male roe deer finally noticed it and raised his head to check. At this moment, the three heads burst out at the same time, baring his fangs and sticking out his tongue. Pounce on prey.

"Woof~ woof woof~"

The three roe deer were frightened and jumped up on the spot. After landing, they were about to escape but they couldn't make it in time.

If dealing with large beasts like wild boars, hunting dogs need to work together to fight a war of attrition with wild boars. Only then can they have a chance to kill the wild boar. Or, three dogs can cooperate to immobilize the wild boar, that is, cooperate to circle the prey and wait. The master comes up and gives the prey a fatal blow.

But it is too easy to deal with roe deer, a prey with a docile personality and almost no aggression. Any one of them can challenge the opponent in a one-on-one battle and is guaranteed to win the final victory.

There was no accident this time. The three hunting dogs successfully knocked down the prey, held each other down, opened their big mouths and bit the throat of the prey fiercely. The three poor roe deer let out a horrified scream.

Even though they scream, they cannot change their tragic fate. The weak eat the strong. This is the cruelty of nature, and it is also the law of survival of nature.

Two minutes later, the three roe deer gave up their last struggle, but the hunting dog still did not relax its vigilance. It bit the prey and let out a low growl of "Woo". It persisted for more than a minute, and then it was sure that the prey had its braids raised, and then let go. By this time, the battlefield had been dyed red.

Hunting dogs are hunting dogs and are well-trained. Even if they bite their prey to death, they do not feast wantonly. Instead, they step aside and stare at Li Tuozi with drooling eyes. The three tails are like three propellers, shaking so hard that they are about to take off.

Li Tuozi was very satisfied with this. He disemboweled the three roe deer with his own hands, took out the hearts of the three roe deer and handed them to the hunting dogs. The hunting dogs carefully took the delicacies from the owner's hands, and then lost their reserve, threw them on the ground, and devoured them.

For other internal organs, Li Tuozi took some liver and stomach and threw them to the hunting dogs. The rest was buried on the spot and covered with snow.

According to the rules in the mountains, the remaining entrails of prey are usually hung on low branches to honor the mountain god. Of course, this is a way of saying it, but it is actually reserved for other beasts to avoid being smelled by the ferocious hordes. Chase after you with the smell of blood and hurt the hunter.

However, today's situation is different. Li Tuozi and the others will spend the night here tonight. Of course, these internal organs cannot be hung up. Otherwise, they may attract wild beasts, which may be dangerous. Therefore, not only must the internal organs be buried, but also the internal organs must be buried. The blood stains on the ground were dealt with quickly. Wang Hailong didn't understand this. Lu Fei was the boss and didn't have to do anything. Fortunately, the uncle and nephew of the Li family were experienced and quick, and they were all dealt with in a short time.

The skins of three roe deer were also peeled off. Although the warmth of roe deer skin is not as good as that of wolf skin, sable, otter, etc., roe deer skin has an advantage. It has a small smell and is most suitable for being made into a leather mattress for use in the wild. Although people can't smell other strange smells from other animal skins, the sense of smell of wild animals is much more sensitive than humans, especially snakes, which are very sensitive to the smell of animal skins. It is very difficult to use other animal skins when spending the night in the mountains in summer and autumn. It is easy to attract the favor of snakes, so roe deer skin is the best choice for spending a night in the wild.

After everything was tidied up, it was completely dark. Li Biao lit the bonfire. With the bonfire, he could not only keep warm and boil water, but also drive away wild wolves and other wild animals.

In previous years, when the Li family's uncles and nephews went hunting in the mountains in winter, they would also heat up rice and barbecue over a campfire. This time, with Lu Fei following, they switched from shotguns to cannons.

The firepower of campfire barbecue is uneven. Lu Fei brought a folding oven and organic charcoal. This barbecue is convenient and safe. Roe deer meat and venison are leaner and suitable for frying. Wild boar meat has relatively more fat and is most suitable for barbecue. . Lu Fei spoke for the hunting dogs. The three hunting dogs looked at Lu Fei differently. If they could talk, they would definitely say, Boss, let's hang out with you. That old bastard Li Tuozi is simply not a human being!

Li Tuozi was unmoved.

"There are rules for entering the mountains. Without rules, there is no rule. These are all left by the older generation. Boss, don't worry, these three hunting dogs were all trained by me. They know the rules very well. You haven't seen it. You haven't seen it all day. Are you making a fuss?"

Hunting Dog: "Damn hunchback, why don't you learn how to be a good person?"

Lu Fei didn't insist. Moreover, the footsteps were approaching. Everyone held their breath and waited quietly. A few minutes later, three roe deer came out of the forest. They looked around warily for a while, and then stretched out their long legs. , came to the stream gracefully.

Li Tuozi winked at Li Biao, who gently loosened the dog's leash.

The three hunting dogs were waiting for this moment with eyes wide open. They were sure that it was their turn to take action. Their excited eyes glowed green. However, hunting dogs are hunting dogs. Although they were excited, they remained calm.

These three dogs were all professional hunting dogs trained by Li Tuozi. They had quite a lot of experience and they spread out on their own initiative without Li Tuozi's instructions.

The yellow dog is in the middle, the black dog and another dog are surrounding each other. The three dogs are hunched over, pushing the center to the lowest position, crawling slowly with their bellies close to the ground to increase the friction surface, making almost no sound.

The three dogs were very patient and approached the prey at a slow speed. The three silly roe deer who were drinking water were not alert and continued to sip tea.

Finally, the three dogs moved about five meters away from the prey. At this time, the largest male roe deer finally noticed it and raised his head to check. At this moment, the three heads burst out at the same time, baring his fangs and sticking out his tongue. Pounce on the prey.

"Woof~ woof woof~"

The three roe deer were frightened and jumped up on the spot. After landing, they were about to escape but they couldn't make it in time.

If dealing with large beasts like wild boars, hunting dogs need to work together to fight a war of attrition with wild boars. Only then can they have a chance to kill the wild boar. Or, three dogs can work together to immobilize the wild boar, that is, they need to work together to circle the prey and wait. The master comes up and gives the prey a fatal blow.

But it is too easy to deal with roe deer, a prey with a docile personality and almost no aggression. Any one of them can challenge the opponent in a one-on-one battle and is guaranteed to win the final victory.

There was no accident this time. The three hunting dogs successfully knocked down the prey, held each other down, opened their big mouths and bit the throat of the prey fiercely. The three poor roe deer let out a horrified scream.

Even though they scream, they cannot change their tragic fate. The weak eat the strong. This is the cruelty of nature, and it is also the law of survival of nature.

Two minutes later, the three roe deer gave up their last struggle, but the hunting dog still did not relax its vigilance. It bit the prey and let out a low growl of "Woo". It persisted for more than a minute, and then it was sure that the prey had its braids raised, and then let go. By this time, the battlefield had been dyed red.

Hunting dogs are hunting dogs and are well-trained. Even if they bite their prey to death, they do not feast wantonly. Instead, they step aside and stare at Li Tuozi with drooling eyes. The three tails are like three propellers, shaking so hard that they are about to take off.

Li Tuozi was very satisfied with this. He disemboweled the three roe deer with his own hands, took out the hearts of the three roe deer and handed them to the hunting dogs. The hunting dogs carefully took the delicacies from the owner's hands, and then lost their reserve, threw them on the ground, and devoured them.

For other internal organs, Li Tuozi took some liver and stomach and threw them to the hunting dogs. The rest was buried on the spot and covered with snow.

According to the rules in the mountains, the remaining entrails of prey are usually hung on low branches to honor the mountain god. Of course, this is a way of saying it, but it is actually reserved for other beasts to avoid being smelled by the ferocious hordes. Chase after you with the smell of blood and hurt the hunter.

However, today's situation is different. Li Tuozi and the others will spend the night here tonight. Of course, these internal organs cannot be hung up. Otherwise, they may attract wild beasts, which may be dangerous. Therefore, not only must the internal organs be buried, but also the internal organs must be buried. The blood stains on the ground were dealt with quickly. Wang Hailong didn't understand this. Lu Fei was the boss and didn't have to do anything. Fortunately, the uncle and nephew of the Li family were experienced and quick, and they were all dealt with in a short time.

The skins of three roe deer were also peeled off. Although roe deer skin is not as warm as wolf skin, sable, otter, etc., roe deer skin has an advantage. It has a small smell and is most suitable for making into leather mattresses for use in the wild. Although people can't smell other strange smells from other animal skins, the sense of smell of wild animals is much more sensitive than humans, especially snakes, which are very sensitive to the smell of animal skins. It is very difficult to use other animal skins when spending the night in the mountains in summer and autumn. It is easy to attract the favor of snakes, so roe deer skin is the best choice for spending a night in the wild.

After everything was tidied up, it was completely dark. Li Biao lit the bonfire. With the bonfire, he could not only keep warm and boil water, but also drive away wild wolves and other wild beasts.

In previous years, when the Li family's uncles and nephews went hunting in the mountains in winter, they would also heat up rice and barbecue over a campfire. This time, with Lu Fei following, they switched from shotguns to cannons.

The firepower of campfire barbecue is uneven. Lu Fei brought a folding oven and organic charcoal. This barbecue is convenient and safe. Roe deer meat and venison are leaner and suitable for frying. Wild boar meat has relatively more fat and is most suitable for barbecue. .

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