A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 898 Birthday Gift

The small branches on the treetops were overwhelmed by the weight, and Qiuqiu's black and white body was smashed down like a cannonball.

More than a dozen branches were broken along the way, and even the magpie nest that had been there for more than ten years was almost destroyed.


The black and white bomb hit the ground hard, kicking up a cloud of dust and smoke.



Just when the female relatives were screaming and preparing to check the situation, Qiuqiu turned over and got up.

He twisted his butt and ran to Chen Xiang, hugged Chen Xiang's thigh, raised his big head and barked like a dog to Lu Fei.

"Lu Fei!"

"You're going to die!"

"You are going too far. If the ball breaks, I will fight you tooth and nail."

"Can't even catch the ball, so stupid."


"I'll make some noodles tonight, and I won't get your share of dinner."

"Hey, Lu Fei, what are you doing standing there, pretending to be dead?"

"Hurry down and check Qiuqiu. If anything happens to Qiuqiu, I'm not done with you."

The female relatives criticized Lu Fei verbally and verbally, but Lu Fei stood on the treetops and looked at the magpie nest at his feet in a daze, with a very solemn expression.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he slowly climbed down. He was still half a meter above the ground and was pulled down by Yao Meier.

After enduring all kinds of grievances and enduring accusations, the women finally gave up.

Back in the living room, Lu Fei called Yaomeier Chen Xiang and Zheng Wenjuan into the room.

"Sister Zheng, happy birthday."


"Sister Zheng, you are wrong!"

"Why don't you say it's your birthday?"

"If it weren't for Sister Xue, such an important day would have been missed." Lu Fei said.

Zheng Wenjuan's face turned slightly red and she said nervously.

"I-I don't want to cause trouble to everyone!"

"Why is this troublesome?"

"Let's take this opportunity to gather together happily. It's not too late to be happy."


Sister, look at this. "

"This is my birthday gift to you."

"Hope you like it."

Lu Fei said, pushing a portfolio in front of Zheng Wenjuan.

Looking at the kraft paper portfolio, Zheng Wenjuan was a little at a loss.

"This, what is this?"

"It's too expensive, I don't want it."

"Open it and see for yourself, you will definitely like it." Lu Fei said.

Zheng Wenjuan took the file bag and opened it carefully.

After seeing clearly what was inside, Zheng Wenjuan shook her hands and screamed, and the file bag fell to the ground.

Zheng Wenjuan picked up the file bag again, nervously speaking incoherently.

"Lu Fei, this, this can't be done."

"This is too valuable. I, I absolutely cannot accept it."

“Please, I’m kind enough to accept it, you’d better take it back!”

It was definitely not an ordinary gift that could scare Zheng Wenjuan until she turned pale.

This is an equity transfer document.

Before going home, Lu Fei went to Tengfei Pharmaceutical specifically to ask legal help.

It is marked above that Lu Fei transferred 30% of the shares of the beauty cosmetics company under Tengfei Pharmaceuticals to Zheng Wenjuan.

This is the gift Lu Fei gave to Zheng Wenjuan.

The legal person of the beauty cosmetics company is Chen Xiang, but Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi each only have 30% of the shares.

The remaining 40% is all in Lu Fei's hands.

This is also a project that Wang Xinyi and Chen Xiang are preparing to go all out for this year.

The main product is the super repair ointment prepared by Lu Fei.

At present, all procedures have been approved and the factory is under construction. It is expected to be put into production in mid-June.

Although the company is not yet profitable, its prospects are quite promising.

There is Lu Fei

With the formula, and the connections of Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi, the beauty cosmetics company is bound to skyrocket.

If nothing else happens, the value of these 30% of the shares would be unimaginably high.

Zheng Wenjuan also understood this truth, so she was extremely frightened.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"Sister Zheng, don't be nervous."

"We are a family, you don't have to be polite to me."

"Besides, this company is only for women, so it's not appropriate for me to get involved."

"You will be doing me a favor by accepting these shares."

"No, no!"

"This is too expensive, I can't have it."

"Besides, I don't know how to run a business. Sister Xue and I opened the kindergarten. I am already very fulfilled and contented."

"You'd better take this back!" Zheng Wenjuan said.

"Sister Zheng, you don't need to run this, you just need to share the dividends."

"don't want!"

"This is my gift to you, you must accept it."

"don't want!"

"Sister Zheng, I have a lot of properties under my name now. This really doesn't mean anything. Just accept it!"

"don't want!"

"Sister Zheng, you are pushing back and forth. Is there someone you like who is ready to marry?"

"If I don't stop you, these will be your dowry."

"Lu Fei, shut up!"

"I said that I am a member of the Lu family when I am born and a ghost of the Lu family when I die. I will never remarry." Zheng Wenjuan gritted her teeth and shouted.

"Well, don't be angry, I'm just kidding you."

"If you do this, I won't be able to treat you badly, so accept it quickly."

"don't want!"

"Sister Zheng, do you look down on me?"


"If not, just accept it."

"don't want!"


br\u003e “Hiss——”

Half an hour later, the door opened.

Zheng Wenjuan walked out holding the portfolio with red eyes.

Yes, Zheng Wenjuan accepted it.

Just when Lu Feiyao Meier and Chen Xiang's lips were about to become thin, Zheng Wenjuan finally agreed to accept it.

This is not only wealth, not just a gift, but Lu Fei's reassurance to Zheng Wenjuan.

Gifts are given and everyone is happy.

Before the dinner started, Wan Xiaofeng also rushed back.

Wan Xiaofeng's engineering team arrived in Jincheng ten days ago. As of today, the preliminary preparations for the underground treasure house have been completed.

Starting tomorrow, work will officially begin.

When Wan Xiaofeng came back, all the boys were present except for the prospective nanny Li Yunhe.

Men, women, old and young, plus pandas and wicked dogs, gathered around five tables, and it was a lively scene.

When the old men like Zhang Huaizhi and Zhang Dafa retired, the young people became even more indulgent.

Everyone was arguing and shouting, not convinced by each other, and soon started fighting over drinks.

At a birthday dinner, the boys drank so much that it didn't end until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

Everyone went back to their rooms to rest, while the women gathered up the leftovers.

At around one o'clock in the morning, the Lu family finally became quiet.

At 1:30 in the morning, the last door light went out, and the entire Lu family area was completely plunged into darkness.

At two o'clock in the morning, Lu Fei quietly left the room alone and walked around the backyard wall from the courtyard.

Holding the edge of the wall with both hands, Ying Shi Lang Gu completely let go and looked around.

Half a minute later, Lu Fei retreated slightly and walked around the west courtyard wall.

A few minutes later, Lu Fei arrived at the base of the north wall.

With one operation, the sewage manhole cover that had been abandoned for more than ten years was pried open.

The manhole cover opened, and a warm stream of swamp gas rushed up. Lu Fei quickly stepped aside.

Half an hour later, after confirming that it was safe below, Lu Fei jumped down without hesitation.

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