A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 899 Counter-Monitoring

This sewage well was originally a wastewater sewage pipe from a food factory, with a diameter of less than fifty centimeters.

Although the pipeline has been abandoned for more than ten years, there are many damaged places along the way.

When the rainy season comes, sewage pours in. After more than ten years, there is still more than 20 centimeters of silt accumulated. Even a figure like Lu Fei has to crawl forward.

Those who are slightly larger cannot get in at all.

It was quite stuffy inside the pipe. After climbing more than 20 meters, Lu Fei was already sweating profusely.

When he got here, Lu Fei turned on his phone's flashlight.

After confirming that there was no obstruction in front of me, I wiped off some sweat and moved on.

An hour and a half later, Lu Fei emerged from the exit on the other side of the highway 800 meters away.

Sitting on the ground, Lu Fei gasped for air.

His whole body was soaked with sweat and the cold wind blew, making Lu Fei shiver. .??.

After smoking a cigarette, Lu Fei stood up and ran quickly southward along the wasteland beside the road.

Half an hour later, Lu Fei climbed over the 2.5-meter-high courtyard wall and jumped into the food factory compound.

That's right, after all his efforts, Lu Fei's final destination was the compound where the food factory once stood.

When I arrived at the courtyard, I bypassed my own security guard and took a familiar route to the east wall.

There is a row of more than a dozen large poplar trees at the base of the east wall, each one as thick as a human arm.

Lu Fei picked one of the trees and quickly climbed up.

Arriving at the tree crown more than ten meters high, I looked forward and saw all sixty houses in my house, as well as the small square and all the trees.

After finding the two most favorable locations, Lu Fei installed two infrared high-definition cameras.

These are all Xuanlong items, and they are all top-notch high-end products made in China. Although they are valuable, the picture clarity is not impressive.

Definitely worth the money.

After the camera was installed, Lu Fei cut off the excess branches around it.

Make sure that in a few days the leaves are fully grown and not blocking the view.

Everything was done, Lu Fei confirmed again and again before jumping down.

try to find

I walked into a secluded corner and turned on my phone to check the camera effect.

The picture is clear, the left and right rotations are free, the focus adjustment is no problem, everything is OK.

Later, Lu Fei followed the same method and found two locust trees at the root of the south wall, and installed two cameras again.

Now, there are no blind spots on the front and rear walls of Lu Fei's residential area.

After doing all this, Lu Fei drilled the pipe in a large circle and turned back according to the route he came before.

At half past five in the morning, Lu Fei returned to his room without anyone noticing.

Lying on the bed, lighting a cigarette, Lu Fei turned on his phone.

Looking at the scene in front of his house, Lu Fei's face instantly darkened.

Why did Lu Fei go to all the trouble to drill a pipe and go to the food factory to install a camera?

The reason was that Lu Fei discovered a situation that shocked him. His home was actually being monitored.

In the evening, Lu Fei was forced to climb a tree to catch a panda, but the ball slipped and fell.

When the ball fell, it broke more than a dozen branches.

One of the branches, which was as thick as a thumb, was broken off and hit the magpie's nest in the middle of the branch.

While the magpie's nest was shaking violently, a reflection was captured by Lu Fei keenly.

How good is Lu Fei's eyesight?

It was immediately clear that there was a pinhole camera installed in the gap of the magpie's nest.

With the location and height of this camera, everything in front of your home, including your yard and living room, is within the surveillance range.

Not only that, Lu Fei spent a few seconds in a daze on the tree and discovered that the magpie nests on the other three trees were also equipped with cameras.

And there are actually two magpie nests installed on the tree in the middle.

In this way, there are no blind spots within a few hundred meters in front, back, and rear of your home.

Seeing this situation, Lu Fei was shocked.

Who did this?

How long have these cameras been installed?

Apart from these, are there any other places? .??.??

The most important thing is, whoever installed these cameras, what did they want to do?

These questions concentrated in Lu Fei's mind, which shocked Lu Fei too much.

Lu Fei didn't tell anyone about the discovery of these cameras.

He was as calm as a normal person, but Lu Fei was always looking for anything suspicious out of the corner of his eyes.

After the banquet, Lu Fei returned to the room and searched for information online.

After comparison, the shape and size of the camera on the magpie's nest are exactly the same as the latest high-definition wide-angle infrared camera developed by the United States last year.

This kind of camera is quite expensive, just one costs $20,000.

There are five such expensive cameras in front of my house.

Five is one hundred thousand dollars.

Such a large investment is not something ordinary people can afford.

Since it is the latest product from last year, the installation time can be determined between last year and now.

From last year to now, Lu Fei has offended many people.

But after going through them one by one, Lu Fei quickly eliminated them one by one.

Although most of these people have the financial resources, they have no motivation.

In other words, these people may have various ways to deal with themselves, but they will never install cameras to monitor themselves.

Because there is no point in doing so.

Enemies can't be friends, right?

Chen Yunfei?

The old man installed a camera to monitor whether he was cheating on his granddaughter?


The old man acts aboveboard and would never use such dirty tricks.

If he doesn't want himself to be with Chen Xiang

Together, there are so many ways that you don’t know which one to use, so there is no need to do this.

Even if the old man still has his childlike innocence and is still playing surveillance, he will not spy on the outside.

Based on Wang Wu Jia Ming's experience, if a camera is installed in his room, he may not be able to detect it.

Who else could Chen Yunfei rule out?


After thinking about it, Lu Fei thought of the most suspicious person.

Especially the department boss, Dong Jianye.

On the night when he resurrected his own sword, three major suspense cases occurred in succession.

Dong Jianye has always been worried about this matter.

The biggest suspect in Dong Jianye's mind is himself.

There are no clues on the surface. It is definitely possible that this guy is spying on him secretly.

But Dong Jianye monitors himself, why not use special high-tech products instead of the latest products from the United States?

This point seems a little unreasonable.

But besides Dong Jianye, Lu Fei couldn't think of anyone else who had this motive.

Lu Fei thought about it and couldn't find a definite answer.

So Lu Fei decided to conduct a counter-surveillance.

In this way, if a suspicious person appears, or the other party changes equipment, Lu Fei may be able to find the answer.

Since it is counter-surveillance, it must be done so that no one is aware of it.

At first, Lu Fei planned to climb over the backyard wall and bypass the food factory.

But when he stood along the back wall and observed carefully, Lu Fei discovered that there were two magpie nests on the big tree outside the back wall.

Although I'm not sure if there are cameras on the magpie nest, it's better to be cautious.

Then, Lu Fei thought of the method of drilling pipes.

Lu Fei had drilled this pipeline more than once, so he was very familiar with it.

As for the big poplar tree in the food factory, it was also the installation location that Lu Fei had determined long ago.

Now that everything is done, the rest is waiting for the other party to reveal its flaws.

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