A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 900 Lu Yong is injured

Discovering that his home was being monitored, Lu Fei did not destroy the cameras, but implemented counter-surveillance.

It is easy to destroy those cameras, but no one can guarantee whether there are other undiscovered places.

Besides, not being able to find out who is so interested in my family is always a major hidden danger.

Implement counter-monitoring and wait for the other party to show up.

As long as the other party shows up, it is possible to find out the other party's ultimate purpose.

Lu Fei's mind was messed up by these crappy things. He tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. He lay in bed and planned his upcoming trip.

Construction of the underground vault will begin tomorrow, and the Ganoderma lucidum will be dug out and protected, and it's time to leave again.

Go to Tianducheng to attend the opening ceremony of the foundation.

When Tang Xin got a reply, he was going to do the most important thing in the spring of this year, which was to find and salvage the Neptune.

Thinking of the Neptune, Lu Fei's bad mood became even worse.

Since last winter, Di Chaodong has been investigating everything about the Sea King through various channels.

Incredibly, Di Chaodong checked all the customs clearance records of the Strait of Malacca in the second year of the Republic of China and found no record of the Sea King passing through.

Not only was there no record, but no clues about the Neptune were found in all the data in the entire South China Sea.

This is nonsense.

If Di Chaodong didn't know him well, he would have even doubted the existence of the Neptune.

Without information and clues, it is simply an impossible task to find the Neptune based on Lu Fei's own memory.

So Lu Fei had to investigate on his own.

Start arranging from Yangcheng Port, where the Neptune sails.

If you're lucky and find clues, there's hope. Otherwise, you're wasting resources by looking for a needle in a haystack, and you can only give up.

As soon as breakfast was served, Zhang Yan, Ma Guohui and Gao Henian rushed in excitedly.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Yanhe grabbed Lu Fei's hand and shook it hard.

"Bashao Fei, you are so interesting."

"You don't even know, Fatty Wang and those old guys, when they heard that you donated the "Book of Commandments" to us, they were all envious.

Slobber. "

"Now, I'm finally proud of you."

"Give me something to look at. If you dare to take it out and play with it, you won't be allowed to see a hair of it in the future." Lu Fei said calmly.


"Balanfei, do you mean you want to donate items to us?" Zhang Yanhe asked in surprise.

"It's not impossible, but it depends on your performance."

"You remember, "The Book of Commandments" can be lent to anyone for exhibition, but it cannot be lent to the National Museum."

"If I find out that you dare to lend it to Gao Feng, you will be responsible for the consequences."

"Why is this?" Zhang Yanhe asked confused.

"What nonsense, if you don't borrow it, you don't borrow it." Lu Fei said.

"Baoshaifei, this, this is inappropriate!"

"After all, I can't afford to offend Gao Feng!" Zhang Yanhe said in embarrassment.


"It's really embarrassing to the Bashu people."

"If you are afraid of him, return the things to me and I will send them to Fatty Wang."

"No, no, no, don't send it away."

"Isn't it okay if I don't borrow it?"

"Don't worry, with your words, even if Mr. Kong comes to send you the documents, I won't borrow them."

"I swear!"

"That's pretty much it." Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Hey, Gao Feng has offended you. Can you tell me?" Zhang Yanhe asked.


"Come on, I'm bored to death so early in the morning. Can you tell me?"

"You really want to know?"

Lu Fei asked, Zhang Yanhe nodded repeatedly.

"Well, since you are so curious, I will tell you."

"But let me warn you first. This matter is of great importance. Can you

Don't spread it outside, otherwise you won't be able to bear the consequences. "


"so serious?"

"It's more serious than you think."

"That's what happened that day."

"Don't say it!"

"Stop talking, Baoshaifei, I don't want to hear it!"


"I'm bored to death early in the morning. Tell me what's going on and help me analyze what's right and what's wrong."

"Here's the thing"

"Tashafei, stop fucking talking, please."

"Well, I'm going to be late for work. Say goodbye."

After Zhang Yanhe finished speaking, he wiped his hands with cold sweat and ran out at a sprint speed of 100 meters.

After scaring Zhang Yanhe away, Gao He Nian came up to him in a lowly manner.

"Xiao Fei, I have something to discuss with you."

"Can I still move back to your place?"

"The dormitory was cold and damp, and the walls were covered in hair."

"Also, I really can't get used to the food there!"

"To save face, let me move back. At worst, I'll pay for the room and food." Gao Henian said.

"Old Gaotou, let's not talk about that first. Let's continue the topic just now about me and Gao Feng."

"Here's the thing"

"Don't tell me, won't it be enough if I don't come?"

"Well, I have something to do, so I'll take my leave!"

"Mr. Ma, please sit down and I'll talk to you alone."

Ma Guohui, the only one left, heard this and was so frightened that he almost sat on the ground.

"Mr. Lu, I also have something to do. Let's talk some other time!"

"Lao Zhang, Lao Gao, wait for me."

"Ha ha."

Looking at the embarrassed backs of the three old guys, everyone burst into laughter.

After breakfast, Lu Fei and others followed Wan Xiaofeng to the North Third Ring Road construction site.

At this time, the construction site has been completely closed, and Wanjia's most reliable engineering team and all equipment are in place.

Ten thousand firecrackers were lit and the groundbreaking officially began.

Four excavators are excavating simultaneously on all four sides.

More than 20 construction waste trucks lined up for shipment, and the scene was truly spectacular.

After watching for more than half an hour, Lu Fei walked out of the construction site alone and came to Lu Yong's logistics city next to it.

Previously, I invested 1 million in Lu Yong to open a logistics company.

During the Chinese New Year, Lu Yong came up with a bolder idea.

The land he gave his cousin was large enough to open a logistics company, but Lu Yong felt it was a waste of resources.

So he proposed to Lu Fei that he wanted to start a partnership with his good friend Zhang Dawei.

Zhang Dawei is the benchmark mentioned by Lu Yong.

I learned all the logistics concepts and business methods from Zhang Dawei.

Bringing Zhang Dawei over will not only increase the scale, but also improve the logistics route and attract customers.

What Lu Yong said was reasonable, and this was Lu Yong's business. Although Lu Fei contributed capital, it was not easy to interfere too much.

When Lu Fei came to the logistics city, it turned out to be quite large.

It was very busy with large and small vehicles loading and unloading.

Although busy, it is busy but not chaotic. Everything is orderly and proceeding in an orderly manner.

But after walking around for a while, Lu Yong was nowhere to be seen.

Arriving in front of the office door, a strong young man was changing clothes.

The boy took off his sweat-soaked T-shirt, wiped his sweat and said to the woman at the desk.

"The two Shandong trucks were sent away."

"You stay here for a while, I'm going to the hospital."

"If there's an emergency, call me right away."

The woman nodded and said.

"No problem, leave it to me."

"By the way, how is Lu Yong's injury?"

"is it serious?"

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