Lu Fei stopped by the logistics city to visit his cousin Lu Yong.

As a result, I didn't see Lu Yong in person, but I unexpectedly heard the news that Lu Yong was injured and hospitalized.

Lu Fei's head was buzzing and he suddenly frowned.

"Brother, are you Zhang Dawei?" Lu Fei asked.

The young man was stunned for a moment, looked at Lu Fei, nodded and said.

"I am Zhang Dawei, who are you?"

"I am Lu Yong's eldest brother."

"I just heard you say that Lu Yong was injured."

"What's going on?" Lu Fei asked.

"Are you Brother Lu Fei?" Zhang Dawei asked in surprise.

"I'm Lu Fei."

"Tell me, what happened?"

On the way to the hospital, Zhang Dawei briefly described the incident with Lu Fei.

Years later, Zhang Dawei and Lu Yong merged and opened Shunfa Logistics City.

Due to the strategic location, coupled with the large venue and scale, it immediately attracted a large number of customers and business was very good.

The two young people are so busy every day that they even have food and accommodation in the logistics city.

Today there are two trucks of goods from Shandong that are urgently shipped.

At six o'clock in the morning, the loaders had not yet gone to work, so the two bosses, Lu Yong and Zhang Dawei, went to load the goods themselves.

Halfway through loading the second truck, Lu Yong accidentally slipped and fell off the truck, falling right on the solid wood packaging box.

This fall was not light, and Lu Yong couldn't stand up at all.

Zhang Dawei immediately called an ambulance to take Lu Yong to the hospital.

After examination, it was found that the pelvic bone was fractured and the calf bone was fractured, and he had to be hospitalized for treatment.

After Lu Yong was settled, Lu Yong's parents rushed to the hospital to help take care of him.

Zhang Dawei hurried back to take care of business.

I sent two Shandong trucks and left with satisfaction.

Now that all employees and loaders are on duty, Zhang Dawei took some time out of his busy schedule to prepare to visit Lu Yong again.

Seeing Zhang Dawei's nervous look, Lu Fei was really happy for his cousin.

This friend is not in vain.

"Dawei, thank you for taking care of Lu Yong." Lu Fei said.

"This is what it should be. Xiaoyong is my best friend. He

It's my business. "Zhang Dawei said.

"Dawei, let me give you an opinion."

"It's too tiring for you to do this business."

"You are the boss, and what the boss has to do is to strategize and revitalize the overall situation."

"Everything is done personally, no one else can have such energy."

"Don't be reluctant to spend money and hire more people."

"If it's particularly busy, you can work in two shifts."

"Also, I just went around and found that your fire protection facilities are not enough."

"You have a lot of people and goods here, and most of them are flammable. If a fire occurs, the consequences will be disastrous." Lu Fei said.

"Brother Fei, what you said makes sense."

"I will discuss with Xiaoyong soon to recruit people." Zhang Dawei said.

After arriving at the hospital, under the guidance of Zhang Dawei, we went to the orthopedic ward on the fifth floor.

This ward is a three-person room, and Lu Yong is at the door.

Looking through the glass, I saw that the second uncle, second aunt, sister-in-law and uncle were all there.

But everyone's eyes were not on the patient Lu Yong, but on their second uncle Lu Tianhao.

At this time, the second uncle was talking about lotus flowers and bragging to the other two patients and their families.

"Hey, did you watch the treasure fighting event on Hong Kong Island a few days ago?"


"You all watched it?"

"How's it going? Isn't it wonderful?"

"By the way, do you know?"

"The young man who spoke on behalf of Mr. Kong is also from Jincheng!"

"Really, I won't lie to you."

"I'm telling you, that's my nephew, my nephew."

"Do not believe?"

"If you don't believe me, ask my wife, I swear, I lied to you like a puppy."

"Still not convinced?"


"Just wait, old man

Mom, find the photo of me and Xiaofei having dinner during the Chinese New Year and show it to them. "

As Lu Tianhao said, he accidentally glanced towards the door and happened to see Lu Fei.

Lu Tianhao jumped up and ran to the door as if he had been injected with blood.

He opened the door and pulled Lu Fei in.

"Ha ha!"

"I'm here, now you believe me!"

"Xiao Fei, I told them you were my nephew, but they didn't believe it."

"Come on, call me uncle in front of them and listen."


Lu Fei looked embarrassed, and his second aunt, aunt, and uncle even blushed.

"Second uncle, I'm here to see Xiaoyong." Lu Fei said.


At this time, Lu Tianhao had already forgotten his son Bagou.

These are the words Lu Tianhao uses when meeting people these days. Unfortunately, no one believes that the boy from the treasure fighting competition is his nephew.

It doesn't work even if I take out the photos.

Lu Tianhao was extremely depressed after failing to show off countless times.

Lu Fei finally threw himself into the trap today, how could Lu Tianhao let him go?

At this time, Lu Tianhao was like a child, dancing excitedly.

Lu Fei's call of "Second Uncle" made him happy, but as for the following words, he didn't listen at all.

Lu Tianhao pulled Lu Fei and said to those people.

"Do you see it?"

"Do you see it?"

"This is my nephew, my nephew."

"Hey, you said you watched Doubao's live broadcast just now, right? Now take a good look and see if this is me."

"Let's see if I'm telling the truth or if I'm just bragging."

Lu Fei was terribly embarrassed, but he didn't dare to disobey his second uncle, so he had to stand here and be watched like a monkey by everyone.

"It seems!"


"It's really exciting!"

"Yes, yes, this is that boy."



"I didn't expect that we in Jincheng would have such a promising young man!"

"Young man, I remember your name is Lu Fei, right?"

"Are all the good things on stage real?"

"And those tens or tens of billions, are they true?"

"By the way, how old are you this year?"

"Do you have a partner?"

"Do you prefer the city or the country?"

"Look, this is a photo of my daughter. Do you like it?"

Good guy!

After Uncle Er's efforts, the small ward instantly became a fan meeting venue.

Everyone gathered around Lu Fei and asked questions. Lu Fei's head hurt due to the noise.

It took more than ten minutes of patient explanation to satisfy everyone's needs.

By the time he arrived at Lu Yong's bedside, Lu Fei was already sweating profusely.

Lu Yong gave Lu Fei a thumbs up and said with admiration.

"Brother, I've also watched Dou Bao. You are so awesome."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and have a good rest."

"Second aunt, show me Xiaoyong's X-ray film."

After taking the film, Lu Fei looked at it carefully and found that the fall was indeed not light.

Especially the calves, according to Western medicine standards, must undergo surgery and have steel nails inserted.

But with my own ice-condensed jade milk and tiger bone ointment, the surgery can be completely omitted.

Return the film to the second aunt, Lu Fei said.

"Second Aunt, you guys wait for me here while I go out."

"Xiao Fei, what are you going to do?" Lu Tianhao asked.

"I'm going to handle the discharge procedures for Xiaoyong."

"Oh, then go and come back quickly. What?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Are you going through the discharge procedures?"

"Do, do, discharge?"


"Xiaoyong's leg may need surgery here."

"Take him back to my home and I will treat him. He will be as good as before in a month at most."

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