A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 905 Have you heard of it?

Two PCs came to take notes for Li Lanfang, but the conversation changed and they became intermediaries.

Li Lanfang shook his head repeatedly after hearing this.

"Please tell that boss that we don't have 500-year-old wine at all, and we don't need his charity."

"Let's not talk about that boss for now."

"It's been a day. Have you caught those little gangsters who beat up my man?" ??

"Ms. Li, we are still investigating this."

"You don't have video surveillance. We can only visit and investigate little by little. We haven't found the suspects yet."

"If you have any clues, you can provide them to us so that we can solve the case as soon as possible."

Hearing the PC say that no one had been arrested yet, Li Lanfang burst into tears again.

Lu Fei patted Li Lanfang on the shoulder and said to PC.

"Gejia Village is right next to the highway. In my impression, there are cameras at the intersection."

"Fifty meters west of the intersection is a small roundabout, where four intersections are monitored."

"The perpetrators were in twelve vehicles and nearly thirty people."

"It shouldn't be difficult to accurately locate such a large group through monitoring from these angles, right?"

"You are right, there are indeed surveillance cameras at these locations."

"Unfortunately, on the morning of the incident, the entire Fenggu County surveillance system was upgraded and all cameras were temporarily shut down."

"So, it wasn't captured at all."

Lu Fei sneered when he heard this.

"Officer, are you kidding me?"

"If one or two of them break down, it's possible that the entire county will fail. Do you think I'm an idiot?"

"Sir, please don't confuse the situation."

"I said system upgrade, not failure."

"The morning before yesterday, our entire monitoring system was upgraded, and the entire process lasted two and a half hours."

"All cameras will be temporarily turned off during this period."

"This is just a coincidence." PC said.

"System Upgrade?"

"Skynet across the country is an automatic upgrade system. Is your county a special situation?" Qu Yang asked.

PC glanced at Qu Yang and said unhappily.

"Our monitoring system is regularly upgraded twice a year. It is not an automatic upgrade system at all."

"What you said is all hearsay and not true at all?"

"Are you sure what I said is wrong?" Qu Yang asked.

"Of course, there is no such thing as automatic upgrades."

Qu Yang smiled slightly.

"Okay, let's not worry about surveillance for now. Can you two please show us your police certificates?"

While talking about surveillance, Qu Yang suddenly changed the topic and asked to see the police officer's ID card. The two PCs were stunned.

"See our ID?"

"Why should we show it to you?"

"Aren't you right?"

"When you ask our family members to take notes, isn't it appropriate to show them their documents?"

"Otherwise, how do we know if you are a real PC?" Qu Yang said.

"Our IDs have been shown to Ms. Li Lanfang before. There is no need to show them to you now."

Lu Fei chuckled.

"My sister-in-law is illiterate and can't read two big characters. She can't read."

"Please show it to the two police officers. I want to check it myself."

"Don't think we don't understand the law."

"This is your obligation."

Lu Fei's words were so decisive that the two PCs were stunned.

After being stunned for two seconds, the two looked at each other, took out their IDs, waved them in front of Lu Fei and said.

"See clearly, is this true?"

Lu Fei examined it carefully, while Qu Yang took out a dark electronic instrument slightly larger than a mobile phone.

see this thing

, the two PCs' eyes widened, and they suddenly screamed.

"Police pass?"

"Who are you?"

"Why do you have a police pass?"

Lu Fei sneered.

"I don't even know him. I really wonder if you guys are fakes."

While talking, Qu Yang had already found the results.

"Liu Changhai, police officer of Fenggu County Criminal Investigation Brigade, this is true."

"Yuan Jianwei, deputy captain of Fenggu County Criminal Investigation Brigade." ??


"He talks nonsense and acts as a mouthpiece for a wealthy businessman."

"A scum like you is damn worthy of being the vice-captain?"

"Is your leader Jiang Guo blind?"


Qu Yangneng took out his police pass and cursed their boss Jiang Guo for being blind in public. The two PCs suddenly felt bad.

"You, who are you?"

"How dare you."

"who I am?"

"I am Qu Yang, have you heard of him?"


"You, are you Qu Ju?"

The two PCs were so shocked that they almost peed their pants.

"You two are so brave. You dare to deceive citizens and become the protection of wealthy businessmen. Aren't you afraid of death?"

"We are at a loss"

"Shut up!"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that I still have scum like you under my command."

"I don't have time to talk to you now."

"Hand over your mobile phones and police mobile phones. Think of your words here and give me an honest explanation later."

Qu Yang said, dialing Cui Hongwei, the captain of Jincheng Criminal Investigation Brigade.

"Old Cui, put down what you are doing and bring someone to the police clinic immediately."

"There's a huge case here

This case is a bit complicated. You should take it personally. "


"I'll be there right away."

Ten minutes later, Cui Hongwei led people to the police clinic in a hurry.

Seeing Lu Fei, Cui Hongwei also frowned. He instinctively felt that this case might be related to this man.

The medical office was temporarily commandeered by Qu Yang, who took Liu Changhai and Yuan Jianwei into two separate rooms for separate interrogation.

On Yuan Jianwei's side, Cui Hongwei took notes and Qu Yang interrogated him in person. This level of force was enough for Yuan Jianwei to brag about for a lifetime.

"Tell me about it!"

"What's going on?"

"What is the identity of Boss Ma?"

"Why do you have to protect him everywhere? Are you taking advantage of others?"

"Also, what's going on with your surveillance system?"

"We are defeated"

"Cut the nonsense!"

"Yuan Jianwei, tell me honestly, who is that Boss Ma?"


"Stop, just say it directly. There is no need to shout a report. You will never have the chance to shout these two words in the future."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Jianwei almost cried.

"Qu Ju, I was wronged!"

"This is none of our business!" Yuan Jianwei said aggrievedly.

"You tell me first. If you have any difficulties, I will give you a chance."

"However, if you dare to conceal it deliberately, you will know the consequences yourself."

"What's going on with Boss Ma?" Qu Yang asked.

"Boss Ma's name is Ma Guangyi. He is the richest man in Texas and the chairman of Yikai Real Estate Development Company."


"It's actually him?"

"Tell me what your relationship is with Ma Guangyi, and why do you want to help him spread the word?" Qu Yang asked.

"Hui Qu Bureau, I have nothing to do with Ma Guangyi. I have never even met Boss Ma. We are wronged!"

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