Qu Yang ordered Cui Hongwei to take over the vicious case of Ge family's pot-shaking.

Two PCs, Liu Changhai and Yuan Jianwei, were separated for interrogation. As a result, Yuan Jianwei kept crying about injustice.

"Qu Ju, I was wronged!"

"I have nothing to do with Ma Guangyi. I have never even met him in person!"

"never seen it?"

"Who gave the order for you to deliver a message for Ma Guangyi?" Qu Yang asked.


"Yuan Jianwei, now is your chance to make a contribution, don't have any scruples."

"Even if you don't explain, we can still find the truth."

"You are also engaged in criminal investigation. You know the nature of our investigation clearly."

"You only have one chance, you have to decide what to do!" Qu Yang said.

Yuan Jianwei was sweating profusely and struggled with his thoughts for five minutes. Finally, he gritted his teeth and confessed the truth.

"Yes, our Director Jiang told us to say so."

"Liu Changhai and I just followed Director Jiang's orders. We really don't know anything else."

"You mean Jiang Guo?"

Yuan Jianwei nodded.

"you sure?"

"What I said is the truth, nothing is hidden."

Qu Yang frowned and then asked.

"Then what's going on with your surveillance system?"

"Did the surveillance the day before yesterday really turn off?"

"Yeah, they're all closed."

"We don't know exactly what happened."

"Director Jiang explained that if the victim's family asked, they would say it was a system upgrade." Yuan Jianwei said.

"Yuan Jianwei, let me ask you another question. Do you know the details of the group of people who committed the murder in the Ge family?"

Yuan Jianwei shook his head and said.

"I don't know, I really don't know."

"you sure?"


"Okay, take a look at the transcript to see if there are any discrepancies. If not, sign and stamp it."

After finishing the transcript for Yuan Jianwei, Qu Yang and Cui Hongwei looked at Liu Changhai's confession in another room, and followed

Yuan Jianwei explained exactly the same.

This shows that the two of them did not lie.

Looking at the two confessions, Qu Yang gritted his teeth with hatred and punched the desk hard.

"Slap in the face!"

"Slap in the face!"

"Jiang Guo was promoted by me five years ago. Now he dares to engage in fraud for personal gain. This is a slap in my old face!"

"Old Cui, go to Fenggu County yourself and bring Jiang Country under control."

"In addition, you send someone to the Fenggu County Command Center to investigate the surveillance matter. No matter who is involved, you will never tolerate it."

"Also, go to Gejiazhuang yourself."

"Skynet is closed, but there are many buying and selling shops along the way. I remember that there is a petrochemical gas station two kilometers to the north."

"In these places, if there is surveillance, no family will be spared."

"The criminals have big goals. As long as they appear within the surveillance range, they will definitely be recognized."

"Locate the suspect and report to me immediately."

"As for Ma Guangyi, don't alert him yet."

"Ma Guangyi is a well-known entrepreneur in Texas. Without enough evidence, we can't do anything to him, and he will probably bite us back."

"In that case, we will be passive."

"Bring Jiang Guo to trial first, and investigate the ins and outs of the case and all the people involved before making any plans."


"Hey, where's the God of Plague?"

After everything was deployed, Qu Yang discovered that Lu Fei was missing.

"Old Cui, was Lu Fei here when we were taking notes just now?"

"This seems to be here!"


"Lu Fei is not one of ours, how can we allow him to be present when taking notes?"

"How do you do things?" Qu Yang said solemnly.

"When reporting to Bureau Qu and taking notes, Lu Fei

It doesn’t seem like it’s here! "

"It seems again, are you here or not?" Qu Yang asked.

"Report to Qu Ju, I, I didn't pay attention." Cui Hongwei said.

Qu Yang pointed at Cui Hongwei and scolded him.

"What do you do for food?"

"Captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, you didn't even notice this?"

"Did any of you notice just now that Lu Fei was present when the transcript was taken?"

"Report to Quju, here!" said a team member.

"Why did you let him in?"

"Report to Qu Ju, I, I thought you called him in, so I didn't stop him."

"Do you think?"

"You, you!"

"big eater!"

"Let me ask you, when did Lu Fei leave?" Qu Yang asked bitterly.

"Halfway through your interrogation of Yuan Jianwei, Lu Fei left."

"When exactly?"

"After Yuan Jianwei handed over to Ma Guangyi, Lu Fei left."



Qu Yang swore harshly.

Qu Yang had learned Lu Fei's ability to cause trouble more than once.

The reason why I was worried about whether Lu Fei eavesdropped on the interrogation was because I was worried that Lu Fei would overhear the content and seek revenge on the other party.

Lu Fei can definitely do this.

If a big trouble is really caused based on the interrogation content, Qu Yang will be unlucky for eight lifetimes.

Qu Yang asked Cui Hongwei to lead people to handle the case, and he left the medical office and quickly looked for Lu Fei.

When he came to the observation room, Lu Fei was not there, and Qu Yang suddenly felt bad.

"Ms. Li, where is Lu Fei?"

"I went out at that time and I don't know where I went." Li Lanfang said.


After leaving the observation room, Qu Yang quickly called Lu Fei, but Lu Fei didn't answer at all, which made Qu Yang stamp his feet in anxiety.

I searched the entire police clinic and found nothing.


I asked the doctors and nurses, but no one saw it.

Qu Yang even looked for the bathroom, but Lu Fei was nowhere to be seen.

Returning to the door of the observation room again, Qu Yang was already sweating profusely.

He leaned against the wall and thought for a few seconds. He was about to arrange for someone to go to Texas to protect Ma Guangyi secretly, when someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Qu Yang looked up and saw that it was Lu Fei, and was so excited that he almost cried.

"Ancestor, where have you been?"

"I'm going to go through the discharge procedures for my cousin. Why are you looking for me?"

Lu Fei left the medical office and first went to give medicine to the five wounded members of the Ge family.

Then I went to the payment office to go through the discharge procedures, only to realize that it was not as simple as I thought.

I returned to the orthopedic ward to find the director to sign. Unexpectedly, director Shi Wei had been waiting for a long time.

When he saw Lu Fei, he was full of accusations.

People are anxious because they are responsible for the patient, and Lu Fei must not be stupid.

Despite his earnest explanation, Shi Wei refused to listen and refused to be discharged from the hospital.

Lu Fei had no choice but to come to the public security clinic to ask Jia Xianglin for help.

Jia Xianglin came forward to guarantee, and Shi Wei signed.

When Qu Yang called, Lu Fei was holding something in both hands and couldn't answer.

After helping Lu Yong to the car, Lu Fei turned back.

Qu Yang pulled Lu Fei aside and whispered.

"Lu Fei, did you hear everything during our interrogation just now?"

"No, I will leave as soon as your interrogation begins."

"It's not appropriate for me to be there in that situation." Lu Fei said.


"Why did I lie to you?"

"Lu Fei, are we friends?" Qu Yang asked.

"Of course it counts. Aren't I thinking about you all about the opportunity to receive awards for meritorious service?"


Qu Yangxin said, are you so good?

Why haven’t I discovered it yet?

Even though I'm the one wiping your butt every time, can you still order Bilian?

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