A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 907 Gathering

Qu Yang was worried that Lu Fei would get into trouble, so he took Lu Fei aside and kept persuading him.

"This case is a very serious and vicious one, and we will definitely go all out."

"What's more, with you and Mr. Chen, we can't slack off."

"Currently, we have got some clues. I have sent people to investigate. Just wait at home and wait for good news. Don't mess around!" Qu Yang said.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Your worries are completely unnecessary."

"I'm a good, law-abiding citizen. I'm too busy with my business, so how can I have time to talk nonsense?"

"Besides, if I was going to handle it privately, why would I call you to come over?"


"What you said seems to make sense!"

"So, you really won't cause trouble?" Qu Yang asked.

"Nonsense, handling the case is your responsibility. It is not within my scope of business. I will definitely not interfere."

"However, I hope that the leader of Quda will give me a reply as soon as possible."

"The Ge brothers are my friends, and I must seek justice for them." Lu Fei said.

After Lu Fei said this, Qu Yang was completely relieved.

"Don't worry, I will do my best."

"I will notify you as soon as there is any progress."

"Then please." Lu Fei said.

Qu Yang left and Lu Fei called Li Lanfang out.

"Master, thank you so much. Without you, I would have been deceived by those two bad guys." Li Lanfang cried.

"Sister-in-law, just call me Lu Fei."

"I just checked their injuries, and they are indeed very serious."

"But don't worry, as long as I'm here, they won't leave any sequelae."

"I just gave them medicine and they will be better tomorrow."

"I'll come again tomorrow."

"When they can eat, I will take them to my

There, further treatment. "

"In two months at most, I guarantee that Brother Ge will fully recover." Lu Fei said.

"Lu Fei, thank you so much."

"Sister-in-law, there is no need to be polite to me. Brother Ge is my friend. I must help him with his affairs."

Lu Fei took out a bank card and handed it over. Li Lanfang was shocked and waved his hands repeatedly.

"Lu Fei, what are you doing?"

"Sister-in-law, here is one million. You can keep it for yourself. If it is not enough, call me anytime."

"No, we have money."

"You have helped us so much, I can't ask you to spend any more money." Li Lanfang said.

"Sister-in-law, please don't be polite to me."

"I asked just now. From yesterday to now, the examination fee plus treatment fee for the five of them is more than 200,000 yuan."

"Your little family cannot survive for a few days."

"You can use this money first. Don't feel pressure. Just treat it as something I lent to you."

"When the murderer is found, I will make them compensate you ten times a hundred times."


"It's nothing. This little money is nothing to me. Sister-in-law, please don't be polite to me."

"Lu Fei, sister-in-law, thank you."

Farewell to Li Lanfang, Lu Fei took his cousin back to the family home of the food factory.

When we got home, we were just in time for lunch. Seeing that Lu Yong was injured, everyone came over to greet him.

After arranging a room for the second uncle's family, Lu Fei immediately prepared medicine for Lu Yong.

Apply ice-condensed jade milk and then apply the tiger bone ointment brewed by Lu Fei. In less than half an hour, the pain was relieved by 70 to 80%. Lu Yong was endlessly surprised.

After dinner, I changed Lu Yong's medicine again, and the pain almost disappeared. Lu Yong was almost surprised.

The son doubts life.

After settling down the second uncle's family, Lu Fei took Ma Tengyun and left the food factory's courtyard at around eight o'clock in the evening.

Arrive at Ji Yong's villa and meet up with fifteen brothers including Yan Yonghui who arrived in the afternoon.

Everyone gathered together for a while and set off in batches to Dezhou, which is 60 kilometers away.

Qu Yang's worries were not unreasonable. Lu Fei simply couldn't give up.

The Ge brothers value love and righteousness, and they have nothing to say to themselves.

He took someone else's priceless 500-year-old wine, and because of his own reasons, he indirectly caused the Ge family brothers to suffer this disaster.

If Lu Fei doesn't do something, he will be worse than a pig or a dog.

When I arrived in Texas, I met Gao Yuan Gao Meng who came over to inquire about the situation in the afternoon. .??.

Everyone gathered together and arrived at Ma Guangyi's private mansion in Jingshan.

At the foot of the mountain, Lu Fei and others hid the car.

Gao Meng and Dapeng's two younger brothers were left behind, while the rest walked through the woods and walked up the mountain.

Ma Guangyi's mansion is located on a platform halfway up Jingshan Mountain, with a total area of ​​more than 2,000 square meters.

The building area of ​​the villa alone is about one thousand square meters.

Lu Fei and others continued to climb upwards for more than 20 meters. From the top, they had an unobstructed view of the mansion.

A three-story European-style building with an outrageously large garden swimming pool.

The entire Jingshan Mountain is dominated by this one building. Under the light of sky blue spotlights, it is a colorful and luxurious building.

Two security guards held rubber sticks and stood with straight pens on both sides of the gate.

There were three luxury cars parked in the courtyard of the villa, and eight strong men who looked like bodyguards stood beside the cars smoking and on guard.

The entire villa is brightly lit, and you can see through the large floor-to-ceiling windows that in the eastmost room on the second floor, four middle-aged men are playing cards.

Next to every middle-aged man, there is a sexy and sexy beauty who takes care of him carefully.

Red wine, fruit plate, everything is available.

"Xiao Fei, the fat guy facing us is Ma Guangyi."

"Have you found out clearly?"

"Did this grandson send someone to do it?" Lu Fei asked.

Gao Yuan nodded and said.

"Yes, he did it."

"The twins below are called Chi Qiang and Chi Liang. They are Ma Guangyi's personal bodyguards."

"Ji Yong retrieved surveillance video from a convenience store outside Gejiazhuang."

"On the morning of the accident, Chi Qiang and Chi Liang traveled there and back with twelve cars."

"There was an interval of thirty-two minutes. Based on the comparison of the time of the accident, it is 100% that they did it."

Lu Fei clenched his fists and said fiercely.

"Oh shit!"

"These bastards deserve to die!"

"Brother, tell me what to do!"

"We all listen to you." Yan Yonghui said.

"Don't worry, let's wait until they leave and Ma Guangyi is alone."

"What if they fight all night?"

"This matter is too serious and cannot be concealed. I had no choice but to ask Qu Yang to intervene."

"Now that Qu Yang and the others have launched an investigation, they may pay attention to Ma Guangyi at any time."

"We must not be careless. If we collide with Qu Yang, we will be in trouble."

"If there is a chance tonight, I should give him a thumbs up. If I fight all night, I will count it as an advantage for this bastard."

"I would rather miss it than make a mistake." Lu Fei said.

Lu Fei made a decision and everyone watched and waited in the woods.

It was midnight, and the four people at the card table were not tired at all.

It was two o'clock in the morning, and the four of them kept rubbing their eyes, but still had no intention of leaving.

The time came to 4:30 in the morning, and just when Lu Fei was about to give up, Ma Guangyi pushed the card and finally stood up.

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