A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 910 Perfect

Chi Qiang was indeed a tough guy, but in front of Lu Fei, no matter how hard he was, it wouldn't work.

After being hit with four slippers in a row, the tough guy will have to surrender obediently.

"I am."

"I'm Chi Qiang, don't, don't fight."

"Now if I ask you something, you should answer it honestly."

"If I'm not satisfied with your answer, I do so at my own risk."

"Let me ask you, the day before yesterday morning, did you two take people to Ge's house to burn pots, smash the shop and beat people?"

"I" ??



"Yes, it's us."

"We sent twenty-four people to Gejiazhuang, and we were the ones who injured them," Chi Qiang said.

Hearing Chi Qiang's confession, Ma Guangyi suddenly felt bad.

"Chi Qiang, didn't you ask for leave from me to go to Jincheng to attend the wedding?"

"How do you do this?" Ma Guangyi asked.

"Boss, what do you mean by this?"

"You asked us to teach the Ge family a lesson. Why don't you admit it?"

"Boss, our brother has been with you for so many years, you can't just kill the donkey!"

"You have to save us!" Chi Qiang shouted vaguely.


Hearing this, Ma Guangyi sat down on the ground in shock.

"Chi Qiang, are you crazy?"

"When the hell did I ask you to teach the Ge family a lesson?"

"I'm not mean to you, but you can't spit on others with blood!"

"Boss, what are you talking about?"

"It's obviously what you asked us to do."

"We have no grievances against the Ge family's pot roasting. If you hadn't asked us to do it, would we have done it?" Chi Liang said.

"Fuck you!"

"You two bastards!"

"I treat you like brothers. I buy you a house and provide you with a car. Is this how you repay me?"

"You have wronged me like this, won't your conscience hurt?"

"Boss Lu, I didn't. I didn't ask them to do it."

"I swear!"

"If not

Please call the police immediately and let the police intervene in the investigation. "

"I, Ma Guangyi, have never done anything, nor have I ordered these two bastards."

"I have a clear conscience and I am not afraid of investigations."

Ma Guangyi was shaking all over and said excitedly.

Lu Fei frowned, Ma Guangyi's eyes were firm and his tone was decisive, but there was a hint of cunning and amusement in Chi Liang's eyes.

Lu Fei still had a question in his mind.

Li Lanfang said before that when a group of gangsters came to burn pots, Ge Changqing only said no, and they immediately started smashing them.

If Ma Guangyi gave instructions, the ultimate goal must be to obtain five hundred years of aging wine, otherwise it would be meaningless.

But the behavior of that gang of gangsters was not to buy alcohol at all, but to smash up the store and beat people from the very beginning.

This is completely contrary to Ma Guangyi’s philosophy.

Something is wrong.

After considering everything for half a minute, Lu Fei immediately made a decision.

"Chi Qiang, please tell me honestly, who ordered you to do this?"

"Our boss, Ma Guangyi."


As soon as the slippers came off, Chi Qiang's nose turned to one side, and blood flowed from both nostrils.

"Who ordered it?"

"Ma Guangyi."



"Cao Nima, if you dare to kill me, even if you beat me to death, it was Ma Guangyi's instigation." Chi Qiang roared.

Lu Fei threw his slippers aside, clapped his hands and said.

"Have the guts!"

"A tough guy indeed."

"But you'll be unlucky if you fall into my hands. I specialize in dealing with tough guys."

"I can tell from the look in your brother's eyes just now that you are deliberately framing Ma Guangyi. Your little tricks can't be used here."

"I'll give you one last chance."

"Tell me honestly, who instigated you."

"What is your ultimate goal?"


Chi Qiang spat out a mouthful of blood and said arrogantly.

"Boy, don't talk about useless things. I'm not afraid of you."

"No matter who is here, it was Ma Guangyi who arranged for us to do it."

"That's the truth." .??.

"If you are not satisfied, you will kill me."

"You dare?"

Lu Fei laughed evilly.

"I certainly wouldn't dare kill you."

"But I can make your life worse than death."

"Wait a minute, I'm going to play a very interesting game with you."

Lu Fei said, took out the money snake venom, poured some out and stuffed it into Chi Liang's mouth. As for Chi Qiang, his treatment was much better than Chi Liang's.

Someone took Chi Liang to another room. In less than half a minute, Chi Liang's devastating screams resounded throughout the villa.

Even the best soundproofing materials can't stop it.

Listening to his brother's screams, Chi Qiang's eyes were wide open.

"Boy, what did you feed my brother?"

"If there is anything wrong with my brother, I will kill your whole family."

"I swear!" Chi Qiang roared.


"You can't control your brother's affairs now."

"You'd better guess what I'm going to do to you next!"

Seeing Lu Fei's evil smile, Chi Qiang couldn't help but shudder, and goosebumps instantly appeared all over his body.

Asking someone to spread Chi Qiang's palm and press it to the floor, Lu Fei took out a small brass hammer from his bag.

This hammer is small and delicate.

The hammer handle is only twenty centimeters long, and the hammer head is not much thicker than a thumb.

Lu Fei squatted in front of Chi Qiang and said with a smile.

"Stand up tough guy, don't let me look down on you."

"You, what are you going to do?"

"What do you mean, you're going to kill me if you dare?"


"Murder is against the law, and I won't do that stupid thing."

"This is much more exciting than killing someone."


Yes, it’s coming! "



Lu Fei raised and lowered the hammer, but did not break Chi Qiang's phalanges.

Instead, it hits the flesh against the phalanges.

And the strength is quite appropriate.

The meat was smashed to create big blood blisters, but the skin was not broken.

This is a technical job, and without professional training, it is impossible to achieve such accuracy.

The ten fingers are connected to the heart, and the nerves on the fingers are so dense that it hurts terribly to prick the skin and cut it, let alone smashing the flesh with a hammer.

At this moment, the tough guy Chi Qiang felt as if his heart had been pierced by thousands of arrows. He screamed in pain and sweat broke out immediately.

Chi Qiang howled miserably, Ma Guangyi almost peed in fear, and even Gao Yuan and Yan Yonghui rolled their eyes.

The two of them thought that Lu Fei was too wicked.

He could only think of such a missing trick, which was really bad.

"How about a tough guy? Isn't it exciting?"

"I'll mess with you!"



"Say or not?"

"Tell me about your mother!"



Five fingers were smashed one by one, and the tough guy Chi Qiang was so painful that the floor was soaked with sweat.

Then, Lu Fei reattached Chi Qiang's dislocated left arm, and swung the small copper hammer and smashed it down again.


"Devil, you are a devil, you cannot die well."



"I am going to kill you."



"Don't smash it, I said, I said."



"I said I did it, why the hell are you still smashing it?"

"Be patient a little longer, there is still one finger that is intact, I will get you a perfect one!"


"I'll draft it, sir."

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