A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 911 Knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing the heart

Under Lu Fei's special care, the tough guy Chi Qiang finally succumbed.

Lu Fei and Ma Jindao sat on the bed and listened to the tough guy who was a mess telling the truth.

Chi Qiang's first words shocked Lu Fei and Ma Guangyi.

"My cousin, Jiang Guozhi asked us to do it!"

"Jiang Guo is your cousin?"

"That's right!"

"You're talking about Jiang Guo, the leader of Fenggu County Police Station?"

"Yes, that's him."

It turns out that the Chi brothers were gangsters in the shanty towns of Xicheng, Jincheng in the early years.

Because of his ruthlessness, he is well-known in Xicheng District.

Ten years ago, the brothers were sentenced to seven years in prison for robbery.

Five years ago, Jiang Guo was promoted to the top of the Fenggu County Police Department and was considered the number one figure in the Jincheng police community.

After Jiang Guo's efforts, the Chi brothers were released from prison two and a half years early.

After being released from prison, the two became more restrained.

That year, Ma Guangyi happened to develop a small real estate in Jincheng, and the Chi brothers worked as security guards at the sales office.

When the property was delivered, due to some trivial matters, the owner and Ma Guangyi had a conflict and got into a fight.

The Chi brothers rushed to help and protected Ma Guangquan Zhouquan, but they severely injured one of the owners.

The family members of the injured called the police and took the Chi brothers away. Seeing that the Chi brothers were righteous, Ma Guangyi paid the family 1 million to settle the matter privately.

One million ten years ago was a big deal. In Ma Guangyi's community, buying three sets of commercial houses can still save decoration costs.

After fishing out the Chi brothers, the two brothers shed tears of gratitude.

From now on, I will be Ma Guangyi's personal bodyguard with all my heart.

They were dedicated to Ma Guangyi, and Ma Guangyi was unequivocal with them.

They purchased properties in Jincheng and Dezhou, equipped each of them with luxury cars, and in addition to their basic salary, they also paid bonuses to the Chi brothers in various names.

Over the past few years, Ma Guangyi regarded the Chi brothers as his most caring people and would not go behind their backs on anything.


When Lu Fei questioned, Ma Guangyi not only refused to admit it, but also helped the Chi brothers to excuse themselves.

Originally everything was fine, but I'm not afraid that nothing good will happen, I'm just afraid that there won't be good people.

With the rapid development of Ma Guangyi in recent years, it has really made a large number of people jealous.

Among them was Jiang Guo, the cousin of the Chi brothers.

Jiang Guo himself is not a good bird. He is not only lustful, but also a gambler.

He usually abuses his power and makes small fortunes illegally to make money to pay for his excessive expenses.

There was no thunderstorm for a long time, and Jiang Guo became more and more courageous.

He would get involved in any business that invested in Fenggu County under various names.

During the Chinese New Year the year before last, the Chi brothers went to give gifts to their cousin.

Jiang Guo was very surprised when he saw these two brothers driving million-dollar luxury cars, wearing luxury watches worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and giving out tens of thousands of dollars in gifts.

During the chat, Jiang Guocai learned about the special relationship between the Chi brothers and Ma Guangyi.

Knowing this, Jiang Guo lost sleep.

From that time on, Jiang Guo had his eye on the big fat sheep, Ma Guangyi.

After making up his mind, Jiang Guo began to frequently invite the Chi brothers to dinner parties under various pretexts.

Jiang Guo was their cousin and their benefactor. Of course the Chi brothers would not refuse.

At first, they just drank and chatted, but later, Jiang Guo started to wash the two brothers. Got a brain.


Although you are doing well now, compared to your efforts, this little reward is nothing.

If it weren't for you, Ma Guangyi might have been beaten to death, and how glorious is he today?

Also, how many things have you done for him overtly or covertly in the past few years?

Even for this small favor, Ma Guangyi is too stingy.

At first, the Chi brothers listened with their left ear and their right ear.


But under Jiang Guo's constant instigation, the two brothers began to waver.

Upon closer inspection, Ma Guangyi is really unjust.

The bonus of 30,000 to 50,000 yuan given to myself every month seems like a lot.

But Ma Guangyi bought the bitch a bag and shoes, which was far more than that.

Sometimes when Ma Guangyi is happy, he will ask the nightclub waiter to come on stage and twist his butt, and he will give him a reward of 30,000 to 50,000 yuan.

I tried my best to protect Ma Guangyi 24 hours a day, but what I got in return was not as good as the waiter twerking. This is really unfair.

Last year during the Dragon Boat Festival, when Jiang Guo invited the Chi brothers again, Chi Qiang expressed dissatisfaction with Ma Guangyi for the first time at the dinner table.

Jiang Guo felt happy and realized that his opportunity had come.

With continuous brainwashing, the Chi brothers' dissatisfaction with Ma Guangyi escalated to complaint, from complaint to resentment, and finally they simply hated Ma Guangyi to the core.

At last year's Mid-Autumn Festival gathering, the three finally came to a consensus and began planning to clean up Ma Guangyi and replace him.

Although Ma Guangyi has many shortcomings, he has a great business acumen.

Manage your company in a watertight manner.

The three people from Jiang Guo had been observing for half a year, but they couldn't find any opportunity to take advantage of it. This made the three people from Jiang Guo extremely depressed.

When Ma Guangyi was entrusted by Mo Xueqing to go to Ge's house to cook a pot and buy wine for the second time, Jiang Guo happened to be present.

The threatening words Ma Guangyi said to Ge Changshan before leaving made Jiang Guo realize that his opportunity had come.

Didn't Ma Guangyi say he would come back the next day and wanted the Ge family to look good?

Then make a fuss about this sentence.

That night, Jiang Guo came to Texas in person to meet with the Chi brothers.

Let them go to the Ge family to cook pot and cause trouble under the guise of Ma Guangyi, pointing all fingers at Ma Guangyi.

The more violent the trouble, the better, the worse the impact, and the more difficult it is for Ma Guangyi to end it.

As for letting the Chi brothers come forward in person, it was just to facilitate the frame-up of Ma Guangyi.

At that time, Ma Guangyi, the main criminal, will not be able to escape responsibility.

As for the Chi brothers, Jiang Guo had already obtained a mental history for them, and since they were in Jiang Guo's territory, the Chi brothers were absolutely safe.

Ma Guangyi fell, and his two closest bodyguards stepped forward to clean up the mess.

They are confident enough to hold all of Ma Guangyi's assets in their own hands within half a year.

After listening to Chi Qiang's words, Ma Guangyi rolled his eyes and fainted from anger.

Being slapped awake by Lu Fei's sole, Ma Guangyi stamped his feet, beat his chest and cried loudly.

"It is difficult to draw bones when painting a cat or a tiger. You know the person but not the heart!"

"Chi Qiang, you white-eyed wolf, you are so fucking heartless!"

At this time, Ma Guangyi looked at Lu Fei again, as if he was a living Bodhisattva who saved people from suffering.

As for the beating he received from Lu Fei before, it doesn't matter anymore, just treat it as a stick from the Bodhisattva.

Ma Guangyi hugged Lu Fei and said excitedly with tears streaming down his face.

"Boss Lu, if it weren't for you, I would have been killed by these two beasts."

"You are my great benefactor!"



"Get out of here, your snot is all over me."

Lu Fei broke away from Ma Guangyi and asked Yan Yonghui to carry Chi Liang back.

At this time, Chi Liang's face was ashen from the poison of the money snake, and he only had half his life left.

I learned from Dapeng Xiaofei that Chi Liang confessed not long after entering the house.

Comparing the two, the Chi brothers said exactly the same thing.

Obviously, this is the ultimate truth.

Ma Guangyi is their ultimate target, and the five members of the Ge family are their introduction to deal with Ma Guangyi.

All was finally revealed.

But just as we were finishing up, an accident happened.

Gao Meng at the foot of the mountain sent a message, and Qu Yang led a team of people to Jingshan.

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