A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 912 Divine soldiers descend from heaven

Based on Yuan Jianwei's confession, Qu Yang immediately ordered to control Jiang State.

Apart from anything else, Jiang Guo will never be able to get away with the crime of abusing power for personal gain.

On the other side, Cui Hongwei personally went to Fenggu County to investigate and soon made a major breakthrough.

Not only was it confirmed that the shutdown of surveillance was an order from Jiang Guo, but he also followed the clues and found out the criminal facts of Jiang Guo's more than ten violations of law and discipline.

Surveillance and investigation around Gejiazhuang are also making progress.

From the surveillance of petrochemical gas stations and a supermarket chain, Cui Hongwei quickly identified the suspect's appearance.

After comparing with the information in the database, the identity information of nine people, including the Chi brothers, was determined, which can be said to be a fruitful harvest.

Back in Jincheng, Qu Yang and Cui Hongwei conducted a surprise interrogation of Jiang Guo.

After more than ten hours of ideological struggle, at two o'clock in the morning, Jiang Guo finally confessed.

The interrogation ended at four in the morning and the arrest operation officially began.

The men arrested the gangsters, and Qu Yang and Cui Hongwei led the team to Texas to personally arrest the Chi brothers.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, he ordered the police car to be hidden at the foot of the mountain. Qu Yang personally led the team on foot up the mountain.

When they came outside Ma Guangyi's villa, they first observed the terrain, and then asked the team members to spread out and firmly block the suspect's possible escape route.

After making sure everything was safe, we came to the main entrance.

There were two security guards at the door, disheveled and with messy hair.

One of them had a scratch on his face, and it looked like he had just had a fierce fight.

When the two security guards saw the many police officers, not only were they not afraid, but they were extremely excited.

"Comrade, you came too fast, you are like a magic weapon descending from heaven!" The security guard grabbed Qu Yang's hand and said excitedly.

This statement made Qu Yang confused.

"Did you know we were coming?" Qu Yang asked.


"Didn't you come here after we called the police?" the security guard asked.

"Call the police?"

"You called the police?" Qu Yang asked.


"It was just a few minutes ago. Otherwise, how could I say that you are a magic weapon descended from the sky?"

Woolen cloth. "The security guard said.

At this time, Qu Yang finally understood. It turned out to be a happy reunion.

So fucking horny!

"What's going on here?"

"Why call the police?" Qu Yang asked.

"Didn't we make it clear on the phone?" the security guard said.

"Then what, say it again."

"All right!"

"The two bodyguards of our boss got up in the middle of the night and tried to murder our boss."

"Thanks to the fierce resistance of our boss and his friends, the gangsters did not succeed."

"Even so, our boss was seriously injured and two of his teeth were knocked out."

"Finally, with our help, the two bodyguards were captured."

"Our boss called the police immediately, but we didn't expect you to come so quickly," the security guard said.


"Your boss's bodyguard?"

"You are talking about Chi Qiang and Chi Liang." Qu Yang asked.


"Didn't we make it clear when we called the police?" the security guard said.

Qu Yang felt suspicious in his heart.

Isn't this too much of a coincidence?

Could it be that Chi Qiang and Chi Liang found out about Jiang Guo's method and broke the jar?


It is indeed possible.

"Where is Chi Qiang and Chi Liang now?" Qu Yang asked.

"It's in our boss's bedroom. It's under control. I'll take you there."


Under the leadership of the security guard, Qu Yang and others entered the villa and went straight to Ma Guangyi's master bedroom.

When he opened the door to the room and took a look, Qu Yang frowned.

Chi Qiang and Chi Liang were tied up and lying on the ground with bruises all over their bodies.

The Akira dagger was thrown beside the two of them.

Chi Qiang closed his eyes, his hands were bruised and swollen like bear paws.

Chi Liang's face was ashen, he was lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth and twitching continuously.

There was a fat middle-aged man sitting at the head of the bed.

The fat man's head was three times more bloated than a pig's head, and traces of slippers were still vaguely visible on his face.

Qu Yang's eyes looked around in the large and luxurious bedroom.

When he saw the slender and familiar figure on the sofa, Qu Yang's head buzzed, and he screamed as if he had seen a ghost.

"Lu Fei!"

"You, why are you here?" .??.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Why can't I be here?"

"It's you, Leader Qu Da."

"Has your business scope expanded to Texas?"

"Lu Fei, be more serious."

"To be honest, why are you here?" Qu Yang asked.

Before Lu Fei could answer, Ma Guangyi grinned and quit.

"Officer, please watch your words."

"I called the police to catch the murderer, not to ask you to interrogate my friend?"

"Boss Ma, is Lu Fei your friend?" Qu Yang asked.


"Boss Ma, please don't get me wrong. I am not interrogating Lu Fei. In fact, Lu Fei and I are also friends." Qu Yang said.


"That's right!"

"If you had told me earlier, it would be bad to cause a misunderstanding!" Ma Guangyi said.

"Boss Ma, why is Lu Fei here in the middle of the night?" Qu Yang asked.

"I have a project to cooperate with Boss Lu, and I'm going to have dinner with Boss Lu in Texas tonight."

"After dinner, play cards for a while. If you get late, you can stay at my place."

"Thank you Boss Lu for not leaving. If Boss Lu hadn't tried his best to help me, I would have been killed by these two white-eyed wolves tonight."

Listen to Ma Guangyi

With that said, Chi Qiang on the ground will quit.

"Officer, don't listen to Ma Guangyi's nonsense, it's not like this."

"In fact, it was Ma Guangyi who teamed up with this person to kill our brothers!"

"You see, our injuries are all due to them."

Ma Guangyi glared and shouted sharply.

"Fuck you!"

"To say that we are going to kill you is the most ridiculous thing in the world."

"What are you two brothers?"

"Based on Boss Lu and I's wealth, what motive do we have to kill you?"

"What good will it do to us if we kill you?"

"I have fed you with good food and drink for five or six years. I never thought you would dare to seek wealth and murder."

"You two white-eyed wolves are worse than animals."

"I bother!"

"Ma Guangyi!"

"I'll blame your ancestors!"

"You distort the facts and confuse right and wrong. You are not a human being."

"Officer, we were wronged!" Chi Qiang roared hysterically.

Qu Yang looked at Lu Fei and said.

"Lu Fei, do you have anything else to add?"

Lu Fei pointed to the dagger and slippers on the ground and said.

"These are murder weapons. None of us have touched them. Their fingerprints should be on them."

"Whether it is the murderer or not, you can take it back for testing and it will become clear."

"Lu Fei, are you really here to discuss cooperation with Boss Ma?" Qu Yang asked.

"if not?"


"Why didn't I know that you and Boss Ma were friends before?" Qu Yang asked.

"You don't know much. Who am I going to be friends with? Do I need to register it with you in advance?"

"Stop talking useless words, and don't forget you promised me to solve the case as soon as possible."

"If you can't do it, just say so and I'll report the matter to Mr. Chen immediately."


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