A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 916 Bloody Disaster

Fire and water are incompatible.

Hearing these words, Lu Fei couldn't help but frowned.

Turning around, I saw that there was indeed a tin-plated reflective plate stuck to the protective net facing south.

The reflector is not big, only thirty centimeters square.

But it does echo the door.

At a certain point in time, when the reflector refracts light and faces the door, it is really incompatible with fire and water.

The foreman was beside him, Lu Fei asked with a sinking face.

"What's going on with that reflector?"

"Who posted it?"

The foreman was even more surprised when he saw it.

"This, this wasn't there yesterday?"

"This can't be posted by our people."

"The reflector is four and a half meters above the ground. No one can reach it at such a high level?"

"Besides, that thing is useless. Who can carry a ladder and put up a reflector when they are full?"

"It's so evil!"

"Are you sure you didn't have it yesterday?" Lu Fei asked.

"One hundred percent sure."

"The logistics city found us later and said there was too much dust."

"I asked workers to raise the protective net by two meters yesterday."

"Mr. Zhang from the logistics city and I were both there at the time. I can guarantee that there was absolutely no such reflector," the foreman said.

"Brother, you won't be fooled by the little Taoist priest, right?" the little dog asked.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"indeed so."

"Damn it, no wonder I felt like something was wrong when I came in today. It turned out to be this thing!"

"In this case, my little Asian God of Gamblers just failed, maybe it was also because of this."


"go away."

"Brother Fei, what should we do now?"

"Should I ask someone to take off the reflector right away?" Wan Xiaofeng asked.

"That's too late."

"The Feng Shui situation has been ruined. Just taking off the reflectors will not help," said the little Taoist priest.

"Taoist Master, it's not as serious as you said!" Lu Fei asked lightly.

"Businessman, you don't understand the meaning of this."

"Actually, it's a lot more serious than you think."

"Now the defeat is complete. By noon, when the light from the reflector is reflected at the gate, this construction site will definitely see blood."

"This is not an alarmist statement, but a true fact."

"If you, layman, believe me and stop work on the construction site for one day, I will personally help you to eliminate the disaster."

"Don't worry, Pindao adheres to the purpose of blessing the world and promises not to charge a penny. What do you think?" said the little Taoist priest.

"A day off work?"

"I don't think that's necessary!"

"Although I don't understand Feng Shui, I have been in business for many years and I have seen a lot of big scenes."

"This is just an ordinary light evil. Even if water and fire are incompatible, it will only make the workers upset and angry at most."

"Without tit-for-tat, how could there be such a bloody disaster?" Lu Fei said.


The little Taoist priest frowned upon hearing this.

"Businessman, what you said is wrong."

"The light source hitting the building or wall is light evil."

"It's different here."

"At noon, the light beam reflected by the reflector will rush out of the open door and reach into the distance."

“It’s like a sword unsheathed and an arrow uncoiled.”

"Whether it's a sharp sword drawn from its sheath or an arrow loosened from its string, when both come out, there will be blood!"

"So, never be careless."

"I don't want to take any money from you, I just want to accumulate merit by forming a predestined relationship. Why should you be stubborn?" the little Taoist said excitedly.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"You won't take any money, but do you know how much I will lose if I stop working for one day?"

"No, no."

"There must be no shutdown."

"Buddha, is it more important, money or human life?" the little Taoist priest asked displeasedly.

"Of course money is important!"

"Among the four major elements of your Taoist practice, "Wealth Couple Dharma Ground", wealth ranks first."

"Do you think money is the most important thing?"


When Lu Fei said this, the little brother looked confused.

Everyone is thinking, what happened to Brother Fei today?


You can say such shameless bastard words. Isn't this Fei Ge's style?

The construction site foreman and the nearby migrant workers who heard Lu Fei's words were even more indignant.

What kind of bullshit boss is this that ignores the safety of workers?

If it weren't for Wan Shao's sake, I would have to give up my pick.

Unlike them, when the little Taoist priest heard this, he immediately felt the urge to vomit blood.


Listening to Lu Fei's words is not as simple as seeing it before, he is obviously an expert!

The hooligan knows martial arts, so he is not afraid.

But if the rogue knows magic, it will be a problem.

If Lu Fei was really an expert, he would really have nothing to play with.

The little Taoist priest really wanted to leave right now, but if he left by himself, someone would really die!

Oh shit!


What if this layman is just well-informed?

Thinking of this, the little Taoist priest said calmly.

"This layman, I cannot agree with what you say."

"Money is important, but life is more important."

"You have to consider the safety of your employees!"

The little Taoist priest was extremely excited, but Lu Fei was not moved at all and said with a faint smile.

"Taoist Master, what you said is too alarmist."

"It's just an ordinary light evil, not that serious at all."

"Thank you for your kindness. We won't bother the Taoist priest now."


"Taoist Priest, please do as you please."

"Come here, take off the reflector and continue working."

"No, we absolutely cannot start work."

"Bushi, what I said is true. You can't make fun of everyone's safety!"

"Human life matters, layman." The little Taoist priest said excitedly.

"I have made up my mind, Taoist Master, there is no need to say more."

"You can't afford to compensate for delaying my construction schedule."

"Lord, listen to me."

"Xiaolong Xiaoyao, please leave, Taoist Priest."

Lu Fei ordered them to be driven away, and the little Taoist priest was completely dumbfounded.

While retreating to avoid the pull of the two young men, he shouted loudly.

"Businessman, you can't do this!"

"Pindao swears to Sanqing Daozu that I am definitely not alarmist."

"You are so stubborn. Something is going to happen. You will regret it!"


The little Taoist priest shouted and backed away.

When he retreated to a large heavy-duty truck, the truck's rear tire suddenly burst without warning.

Large truck tires generally have a pressure of around 13, which is almost exactly the same as an oxygen bottle.

With a deafening bang, the wire tires fell apart.

The huge air wave knocked the dust and gravel on the ground flying everywhere.

The little Taoist priest who is close at hand is the most unlucky.

He was pushed forward two or three meters by the air pressure and flying air waves, and he screamed and fell to the ground.

Looking at the back of the little Taoist priest, there were countless small cuts caused by flying sand and broken steel wires.

It was dripping with blood and was simply too horrific to look at.

While everyone was stunned, the little Taoist sat up with a groan.

He reached out and touched his butt, grinning in pain.

But when he saw the blood on his palms, the little Taoist priest instantly forgot about the pain and shouted with a smile.

"See blood, see blood."

"I'm right, it's really a bloody disaster!"

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