A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 917 Black Horn

Truck tires burst without warning.

The little Taoist priest's back was scratched with blood and flesh by the splashed gravel and steel wire. It was simply too horrible to look at.

However, the little Taoist priest was not nervous at all. When he saw the blood, he laughed out loud.

"See blood, see blood!"


"Pindao is right, Pindao is right, it is indeed a bloody disaster!"

"Householder, do you have anything else to say?"

"The bloody facts are before your eyes, don't you still believe it?"


The little Taoist priest challenged Lu Fei excitedly.

But when he raised his head, the little Taoist priest was stunned.

Because everyone around him was smiling maliciously around him.

That smile was quite vulgar, and the little Taoist priest felt a chill when he saw it.

"You, what are you laughing at?"

"what's so funny?"

"That in itself is a fact."

The little puppy squatted in front of the little Taoist priest with a dusty wig and said with a wicked smile.

"Brother, did you graduate from a technical school? You have good skills!"

"The wig made of dyed corn silk, and the hosta made of bamboo strips wrapped in paper, even covered me."

"You're so awesome!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

"And this pinch!"

Wang Xinlei smiled evilly and turned over the little Taoist priest's broken robe, pointing to the label on it.

“Exclusively for the hotel!”

"You actually transformed the hotel sheets into Taoist robes. You are really a talent!"

"I wipe it?"

"These cloth shoes are also painted on, they are so awesome."


Only then did the little Taoist priest realize that he had betrayed the gang, and he screamed in fright.

Regardless of his injuries, he rolled over and got up to run away.

The little puppy took a step forward, grabbed the fake Taoist priest's collar and said with a smile.

"Hey, don't go, buddy, let's play some more!"


"let me go

. "

The fake Taoist priest twisted his shoulders and struggled desperately.

With this struggle, the red rope tied around his neck broke, and a dark object fell to the ground.

This thing is less than four centimeters long and curved in shape, resembling a horn.

The overall color is as dark as ink, the surface is shiny, and the patina is incredibly thick.

The little puppy picked it up and looked at it casually, then said with a look of disgust.

"What rubbish? It's so dark and disgusting."

The little milk dog said, and was about to throw it out.

"Xiaolong, stop!" Lu Fei and Gao Yuan shouted in unison.

The fake Taoist priest turned his head and saw that his things were in the hands of the little milk dog, and he tried his best to snatch them like crazy.

Unfortunately, under the supervision of the two young men, the fake Taoist priest was in vain and could only shout hysterically.

"Give it back to me, give it back to me."

"Please, give that back to me!"

Lu Fei took the thing and took a look, his expression instantly became serious.

Gao Yuan saw it and was equally shocked.

Arriving in front of the fake Taoist priest, Lu Fei asked.

"who are you?"

"May I have your name?"

"Give me my stuff, please."

"I was just passing by and I didn't cause you any losses. Please let me go!" the fake Taoist priest shouted.

"I ask you again, what is your name?"

"How come this black horn is in your hands?"


When Lu Fei said the word "wujiao", the fake Taoist priest was suddenly stunned.

"How do you recognize this thing?"

"Answer me first, why is this thing in your hands?" Lu Fei asked seriously.

"This is an ancestral inheritance from our family, so of course it is in my hands."

"Hurry up and return the things to me, or I'll call the police!" the fake Taoist priest shouted.


"You said this was passed down from your ancestors?"

"That's right!"

"you sure?"

"Of course."

"Then tell me, what's your last name?" Lu Fei asked.

"My surname is Li, what's wrong?"

"Last name is Li?"

"Since your surname is Li, this thing cannot be passed down from your ancestors." ??

"Sorry, I confiscated the things." Lu Fei said.

"No, give it back to me."

"If you want Wu Jiao, tell me your last name honestly."

"You only have one chance. If you are not honest, I guarantee you will never see this thing in your life." Lu Fei said.

Seeing Lu Fei's smart eyes, the fake Taoist priest felt guilty.

He gritted his teeth and whispered.

"My, my last name is Zuo."

"Where is your ancestral home?"

"Tianzhu Mountain in Northern Anhui."

"Everything I said is true, return the things to me." The fake Taoist priest begged.

"Let me ask you one last question."

"During the Republic of China, who was Zuo Yu, the most beautiful man in northern Anhui?"


When Lu Fei mentioned Zuo Yudu's name, the fake Taoist priest was shocked.

"You, who are you?"

"How do you know Zuo Yudu's name?"

Lu Fei looked around and asked Gao Meng and Ma Tengyun to bring the fake Taoist priest into the newly built color steel shed.

Qin Lehao ​​was left waiting outside and no one was allowed to approach.

Only Gao Yuan and Qin Rong followed in.

"What did you say?"

"Are you a descendant of Lu Baotou?"

"Are you a descendant of Senior Thief Saint Ouyang Qiankun of Guandong?"

"Who are you."

"Oh my God!"

"How can this be?"

"You can't lie to me!"

Fake Taoist priest

Shocked inexplicably, he fell to the ground as soft as a puddle of mud and cried out.

The fake Taoist priest's real name is Zuo Xuesong.

This is after another old friend.

That piece of black horn is a treasure that has been passed down by the Zuo family for thousands of years.

The ancestor of the Zuo family is named Zuo Ci, a famous alchemist in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, with the Taoist name Mr. Wujiao.

According to rumors, Zuo Ci knew the Five Classics, understood the stars and latitudes, learned Taoism, and understood Liujia. It is said that he could command ghosts and gods and cook while sitting.

However, these are just legends.

In fact, apart from Taoism, Zuo Ci's greatest achievement was the art of disguise. He was recognized by later generations as the originator of the art of disguise.

It would be a bit weird to say that the Zuo family's disguise technique is unpredictable, but it is not an exaggeration at all to say that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

The abilities of the Zuo family were passed down from generation to generation. By the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, Lu Fei's best friend Zuo Yudu, the most beautiful man in northern Anhui, was the only descendant of the Zuo family.

In the last life, Lu Fei and the Zhong brothers traveled around the world with their true abilities.

Only Zuo Yudu relies on his face.

That delicate and handsome face is hard for even Pan An Song Yu to compare with.

Therefore, Zuo Yudu also got a good reputation, called Zuo Zidu.

No matter where she goes, Zuo Yudu is the idol of all women.

From seventy to eighty years old to twenty-eight years old, most women couldn't control themselves when they saw him.

Zuo Yudu didn't waste his good skin. He was so bold and merciful that he almost never refused anyone who got his way.

Even the third concubine of Ni Sichong, the governor of northern Anhui at that time, was not used to it.

I secretly dated my third aunt for half a year, but the incident came to light.

If it weren't for his ancestral ability to disguise himself, Zuo Yu would have been killed by Ni Sichong.

Since then, Zuo Yu has become much more honest. He returned to his hometown of Tianzhu Mountain, married his childhood sweetheart Lan Hua, and gave birth to a son.

Lu Fei resolutely refused to let him follow when they robbed a ship in the South China Sea, but this guy sent his wife and children to the home of another friend, the pangolin Xie Feng.

Then he left behind two pairs of wives and children, and followed Lu Fei together with Xie Feng.

As a result, there was no return and both died.

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