A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 920 It’s too bad

After more than half a month of hard drilling and more than 800 holes, the brothers finally found the location of Ganoderma lucidum.

The moment they were sure it was Ganoderma lucidum, Zuo Xuesong and Xie Chuncheng were so excited that they almost went crazy.

The ruins are in a wide area.

You can see it clearly during the day, but it is often visited by homeless people and wild mandarin ducks at night.

Excavations carried out blatantly may lead to thunderstorms.

After two days of research, the two brothers decided to start from the small bedroom of the noodle shop just to be on the safe side.

Use the Xie family's best hole-drilling skills to dig underground passages from here and cross the road to the target.

It stands to reason that these two brothers discovered Ganoderma lucidum much earlier than Lu Fei.

But why hasn't it taken so long?

Talking about the reasons behind this, it smells sad and makes the listener shed tears. .??.

The two of them run the noodle shop during the day and can only do it at night.

For sound insulation, the room was wrapped tightly with quilts, and then digging began.

Although the noodle shop is not big, the construction quality is amazing.

The ground is twenty centimeters thick reinforced concrete.

Looking at the ground as hard as iron, the brothers felt for the first time that the shoddy construction was so cute.

Feeling guilty as thieves and to avoid making too much noise, the two brothers did not dare to use the pickaxe at all.

The hammer head is wrapped around the thick cotton cloth and broken bit by bit with an iron drill.

The cement was smashed to expose the steel bars, which had to be cut away bit by bit with a hacksaw.

The place is narrow and the hacksaw bow cannot be used.

The two brothers broke off the hacksaw blade, wrapped one end with cotton cloth, and held the broken saw blade to grind it bit by bit. It felt like they had traveled to the Neolithic Age.

Using this purely manual technique, the two brothers spent twenty days making a one-meter-square pit on the ground.

After twenty days of hard work day and night, the two brothers were very haggard.

The hole was dug out, but the compacted house foundation cushion underneath was equally hard and difficult to break.

It took more than 20 days to excavate the three-and-a-half-meter cushion.

The moment they saw the soft soil, the two brothers cried with joy.

Although digging into soft soil is light

There was a lot of pine, but the earth dug out made the two brothers very worried.

The bedroom is small and has nowhere to store things.

There are many shops outside and the population is dense, and every house is under surveillance.

It is simply unrealistic to transport soil blatantly. The only option is to put the soil into black plastic bags, mix it with domestic garbage, and transport it to the garbage transfer station together.

I don’t dare to take more than that. I can only transport three bags out every day.

This alone slowed down the progress of the project.

In this way, you can advance up to thirty centimeters a day.

Even if the space of the robbery hole is reduced, the maximum progress can only be about 40 centimeters.

Forty centimeters a day is twelve meters a month.

The straight-line distance from Ganoderma lucidum is just over fifty meters.

The actual distance is no more than sixty meters.

Even at such a slow speed, it takes more than four months to achieve the goal.

All right!

In order to prevent thunderstorms, the two brothers can completely accept more than four months.

However, although their ideals were full, reality gave them a hard blow.

On the seventh day of excavation in soft soil, there was a crisp sound, indicating that the engineer's shovel hit a hard object.

After cleaning it up, the two brothers were even thinking about death.

The source of the sound turned out to be the stones built on the roadbed.

Damn it!

It didn't go well.

Could it be that Tai Sui is really being punished for causing trouble?

But no matter what, there is no turning back when you shoot, you must fight to the end.

The roadbed is difficult, so dig down to get around it.

Go down two meters.


Or roadbed.

Go down three meters.





After half

In Yue's attempt, he dug down four meters and finally bypassed the roadbed.

Although it is no longer a roadbed, it is more difficult than a roadbed.

It turned out to be a river embankment below.

The stones are much larger than the roadbed.

Not only that, there was also a wire cage covering the outside.

The highway is actually built on the diversion of the river. It's so damn unethical.

This is literally killing me.

Seeing this situation, the two brothers even had the idea of ​​giving up.

But when they climbed up, thinking of their previous efforts, the two brothers felt unwilling to give in.

Finally gritted his teeth and decided to continue advancing through the roadbed.

Determination is determination, but reality is easier said than done.

On the first night, the two brothers took turns to fight, and it took a lot of effort to pry off two stones.

It was almost daybreak as we smashed the rocks and packed them into bags.

Starting from the second day, the progress was slightly faster, but at most five or six pieces could be pried off in one night.

Moreover, when the stones are excavated, red bricks and wooden squares must be used as supports.

In this way, the three-and-a-half-meter-thick roadbed slope protection layer was laid for a whole month.

Instead of stones, there is a composite soil pavement cushion inside, which is also not easy to mess with.

By the time we reached the slope protection layer on the opposite side, it was already New Year's Day, and the time exceeded the previous budget by more than twice.

It was at this time that Wan Xiaofeng's professional team began to clear the ruins and conduct on-site measurements and planning designs.

At this time, the two Zuo Xuesong brothers were dumbfounded.

After nine months of hard work, if someone else got there first, they would have to commit suicide.

House seemingly endless rain.

Just as the two brothers were preparing to speed up and compete, they received a call from their hometown.

My left mother was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer.

Zuo's mother is the brothers' only relative in the world, and nothing is as important as their mother's safety.

On the day they received the news, the two brothers hid the entrance of the cave, greeted the landlord and went home to take Zuo's mother for treatment.


After two months of treatment, selling off her property, and spending all her savings, Zuo's mother still passed away on the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month.

The brothers were devastated, but life went on.

After burying their mother, the two brothers returned to Jincheng after the first seven days.

After the noodle shop opened, we observed it for two days to make sure there was no thunderstorm, so we immediately continued working.

A month later, it finally penetrated the entire road.

After another week of hard work, we finally made it to the construction site.

The two brothers estimate that it will take at most a week to take out the Ganoderma lucidum.

But with victory in sight, Wan Xiaofeng's engineering team stationed at the construction site, and the two brothers panicked.

In a race against time, the two brothers went out of business and went all out day and night.

The excavated dirt was simply piled inside the noodle shop.

But the two brothers never dreamed that tragedy would happen when they were still five days away from eating Ganoderma lucidum.

Due to the huge vibrations from the excavators and muck trucks at the construction site, coupled with the inadequate support and protection work.

The night before yesterday, the robbery cave more than four meters deep underground suddenly collapsed.

The length of the collapse was more than fifteen meters. Zuo Xuesong came out to carry earth and survived, but Xie Chuncheng was blocked inside.

The accident happened suddenly, and Zuo Xuesong was frightened.

Crying loudly while cleaning up the collapsed soil.

After cleaning for half an hour, Zuo Xuesong realized that this was not possible.

It would take at least three days to completely clear out a landslide of more than ten meters by myself, even if we didn't eat or drink.

In three days, even if Xie Chuncheng was not suffocated to death, he would have died of thirst inside.

Also, if it collapses a second time, you may be involved.

Zuo Xuesong was not afraid of death.

If something happens to him, who will save Xie Chuncheng?

Zuo Xuesong forced himself to calm down.

Taking advantage of the cover of night, he secretly came to the construction site to observe.

After observing for more than two hours, I finally came up with a brilliant plan.

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