A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 921 Dreaming

The robbery cave collapsed, and Xie Chuncheng, his only relative, was trapped, and Zuo Xuesong was heartbroken.

He secretly came to the construction site, planning to find the correct position and dig from the front to rescue Xie Chuncheng while the work was suspended at night.

Digging from the front down, although the amount of work is not small, it is easy to carry out, and the speed is much faster than that of robbing a hole.

However, to his disappointment, the construction site worked in three shifts, 24 hours a day.

In desperation, Zuo Xuesong had no choice but to go back and continue digging holes.

After ten hours of non-stop digging, the palms of his hands were bruised with blood blisters. It took less than two meters to clear, and Zuo Xuesong was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Zuo Xuesong tried to shout at the top of his lungs, but could not get any response from Xie Chuncheng. Zuo Xuesong became desperate.

Zuo Xuesong knew that Xie Chuncheng was probably in danger.

But no matter what, if you want to see people alive or dead, you can't let your only relative sleep here.

Besides, there might be a miracle.

Having made up his mind, Zuo Xuesong came to the construction site again.

This time he forced himself to calm down.

Zuo Xuesong understood that if he wanted to dig out Xie Chuncheng as soon as possible, it was not advisable to continue digging holes for theft.

Whenever a truck passes by, sand and soil will scatter in the cave, and there is a possibility of secondary collapse at any time.

Once he was buried, Xie Chuncheng had no hope.

The only solution now is to dig at the front of the site.

It was unrealistic to negotiate with the construction site to stop work and help, and he didn't dare to mention it, so he had to find a way to stop the construction.

Zuo Xuesong racked his brains and thought hard, and finally came up with the idea of ​​using feng shui to scare the construction site boss.

After repeatedly calculating the details, I felt that I was almost certain to start planning immediately.

Zuo Xuesong planned to hang a mirror on the off-site protective net.

But the mirror was too flamboyant, and anyone could tell that it was hung up deliberately.

What if the mirror was taken away before he came, that would be nonsense.

Riding a bicycle to the outside of the Third Ring Road, I usually buy the construction waste and ruins I pass by.

A reflective panel and a discarded hotel sheet were found inside.

While it was still dark, I secretly attached the reflector to the off-position protective net.

Then I went to the domestic garbage dump and found a lot of corn silk.

Afterwards, he collected a series of materials and returned to the noodle shop, using his ancestral disguise skills to dress himself up as a young and handsome Taoist priest.

I thought it was foolproof, but something went wrong.

After listening to Zuo Xuesong's words, Lu Fei curled his lips.

If he hadn't missed Xie Chuncheng, Lu Fei would have laughed out loud.

Lu Feixin said, these two people are a bit too far apart.

It can be seen from their experiences that making trouble with Tai Sui is really no joke.

Before the construction, Lu Fei had already used the Bagua array to change the magnetic field here.

Otherwise, if you start construction rashly, you will probably be in trouble.

The rescue work lasted for half an hour, and the excavator in the east corner finally dug out traces of the robbery hole.

Continue digging along the direction of the robbery cave.

Ten minutes later, according to Zuo Xuesong's calculations, it should be not far from where Xie Chuncheng was trapped.

Lu Fei asked the excavator to carefully dig half a meter around the robbery hole.

After a few shovels, the two sides were hollowed out, forming a rectangular earth bag in the middle.

In order to avoid hurting Xie Chuncheng, Lu Fei planned to dig manually.

At this moment, the corner of the bag without support suddenly collapsed, and a naked human leg appeared in everyone's eyes.

Most people were shocked when they suddenly saw human legs.

But Lu Fei was inexplicably excited.

This leg has a natural skin color, no body spots, and no blue-purple color that is inevitable in death from suffocation.

What does this mean?

It means that this person is probably still alive.

Lu Fei didn't hesitate at all and jumped directly from the ground more than four meters high.

The soil below was soft and uneven, so Lu Fei did not stop.

He fell down hard.

He stood up and pounced on the man.

When he came closer, Lu Fei was extremely nervous.

When he reached out and touched it, his thigh felt warm, and Lu Fei's eyes filled with excitement.

"Brother Yuan, you are alive!"

"Still alive!"

"Come down and help!"

Hearing that no one was dead, Gao Yuan excitedly waved his fist and jumped down with Lu Fei.

Ma Tengyun was so fierce that all the uncles and nephews of the Qin family jumped down one after another.

Zuo Xuesong heard that he was still alive, but his body was at the end of its strength, and his energy and energy were instantly drained.

He sat down on the ground and burst into tears.

After crying a few times, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

When he woke up again, he was already lying in Lu Fei's home.

Zuo Xuesong opened his eyes vaguely and saw Ma Tengyun clearly in front of him. Zuo Xuesong's tears flowed out again.

"Brother Ma!"


"I just had a dream."

"I dreamed that Chuncheng was not dead, and I dreamed that Brother Fei and the others rescued Chuncheng."



"I fucking hate it, I hate it so much!"

"If you are doing business well, why do you want to poach Tai Sui?"

"Chuncheng is only nineteen years old this year, and he lost his life because of my greed."

"I'm not a human being. I'm sorry to all the seniors of the Xie family, and I'm even more sorry for my mother's dying instructions!"

"I should fucking die"


Zuo Xuesong covered his face and cried, but received a heavy slap on the head from Ma Tengyun.

"You are a good person, why are you howling?"

"Brother Ma, what did you say?"

"You said he was a good person?" Zuo Xuesong stopped his sorrow and asked carefully.


"Didn't you see it with your own eyes?

? "

After hearing what Ma Tengyun said, Zuo Xuesong cried again.

"That's a dream, a dream!"

"I will never see Chuncheng again."

"Brother Ma, you don't need to comfort me, just let me cry for a while, okay?"

"You're crying, you said everything is fine, why are you still crying?"


"If you don't lie to me, Chuncheng is really alive?"

"Of course I'm alive and in a much better state than you are."

"Get up quickly, it's time to eat."

Zuo Xuesong stared at Ma Tengyun blankly, shook his head and sighed.

"Brother Ma, you don't have to comfort me."

"After being buried down there for two days, with no food and no air, how could Chuncheng still be alive?"

"You must be lying to me."

Just as he was talking, the door to the room opened.

A strong young man walked in chewing an apple.

"Brother Song, you're awake."

"Brother Fei asked you to go out for dinner."

"You, are you Chuncheng?" Zuo Xuesong asked nervously.

The boy rolled his eyes and said.

"Brother Song, where are you playing?"

"You don't even recognize me anymore?"

"Hurry up and eat. Everything is delicious."



"Chuncheng, don't come over."

"I know I'm sorry for you, and I'm even more sorry for the Xie family."

"Don't worry, I'll go down to find you right away after I finish taking care of your funeral affairs."

"Brother Song keeps his word, don't scare me yet!"


Ma Tengyun and Xie Chuncheng cursed angrily.

"Brother Song, are you sick?"

"I'm fine, why are you cursing me?"

"I'm really fine. Brother Fei rescued me."

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