A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 922 Life should not be cut off

Seeing Xie Chuncheng alive, Zuo Xuesong directly doubted his life.

Ma Tengyun and the two explained for a long time, and then Zuo Xuesong accepted this reality.

Then, Zuo Xuesong couldn't wait to ask Xie Chuncheng how he was trapped.

He was buried underground for two days and two nights, but nothing happened. This is incredible.

The reason why Xie Chuncheng was able to save his life was all due to his incredible luck.

The robbery cave collapsed, and Xie Chuncheng was trapped in a small space less than two meters long.

With no way forward and no retreat, young Xie Chuncheng panicked. ??

He waved the engineer shovel in his hand and dug forward desperately.

It was okay not to move. After this torment, the oxygen in the space was exhausted in less than two minutes, and Xie Chuncheng was sweating profusely.

After another few dozen seconds, Xie Chuncheng found it difficult to breathe.

At this moment, Xie Chuncheng knew that he was doomed and was completely desperate.

He reluctantly turned over, closed his eyes with his face upward, and quietly welcomed death.

Another half minute passed, and Xie Chuncheng was at the critical point of unconsciousness.

Suddenly a furry thing fell from above and hit Xie Chuncheng squarely in the face.

At the same time, a tiny wisp of fresh air penetrated Xie Chuncheng's nostrils.

Feeling the air, Xie Chuncheng opened his mouth and breathed greedily through his nostrils. At this moment, Xie Chuncheng seemed to own the whole world.

After a few mouthfuls, the headache caused by hypoxia was relieved a lot.

He slowly opened his eyes, opened his hands and looked around, and unexpectedly saw a palm-sized mouse climbing onto his chest without fear.

Unprepared, Xie Chuncheng screamed in fright.

This voice scared the big rat so much that he stepped on Xie Chuncheng's chest and jumped high, got into a circular hole above, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The mouse got into the hole, and 90% of the remaining air disappeared in an instant. Xie Chuncheng's breathing became difficult again.

Xie Chuncheng understood that the life-saving air actually came from the old man.

The gift of the rat hole.

If I had known this, even if it bit me twice, I would not scare the Mouse Bodhisattva away!

The air was thin, the brain was deprived of oxygen, and his consciousness was gradually blurring. Xie Chuncheng regretted that his intestines were blue.

Just as the game was about to end, life-saving air appeared again in the mouse hole.

Before Xie Chuncheng took two breaths, the air disappeared again.

At the critical moment, air appears again.

After repeating this for five or six times, Xie Chuncheng finally understood.

Needless to say, it must be the rat Bodhisattva who is jumping up and down in the hole.

If this continues, sooner or later he will be played to death by a big rat.

The air came again, and Xie Chuncheng put his nostrils close to the mouse hole and breathed desperately.

This time, the Mouse Bodhisattva showed great mercy. Five minutes later, the cave entrance was not blocked. Xie Chuncheng burst into tears with excitement.


There was a sudden sound under the feet, and the flashlight shone over it. It turned out that the Mouse Bodhisattva made a hole under the feet and jumped down again.

With one more hole and twice as much air, Xie Chuncheng felt even more excited.

One mouse, two mouse holes.

And both holes have air flowing in.

Even if the Rat Bodhisattva is naughty, it can only block one hole.

In other words, from now on, at least one hole can be guaranteed for air circulation.

In a short period of time, he would not suffocate to death.

After the excitement,

Xie Chuncheng began to think.

Keep going, no air.

According to the current situation, it is the wisest choice to stay where he is and wait for Brother Song's rescue.

Stay where you are and take safety measures.

There is air, but if it collapses again, it will be over for me.

Thinking of this, Xie Chuncheng immediately began to reinforce the space.

Xie Chuncheng supported all the engineering shovels, crowbars, wooden sticks, and large water cups he carried with him.

Within the scope of ability, landslide prevention has been achieved to the extreme.

If this can't stop the landslide, then you deserve to die.

All that's left is to stay where you are and enjoy life.

Lying on the ground with nothing to do, Xie Chuncheng looked at the two mouse holes.

After looking carefully, Xie Chuncheng was surprised to find that these two were not purely natural mouse holes.

It was the hole dug by Luoyang shovel when he and Brother Song went down the pole to look for Ganoderma lucidum.

For nearly nine months, the entrance to the cave has been blocked by grass roots and sand.

Thanks to the Mouse Bodhisattva playing here, he saved his life.

In the following time, Xie Chuncheng, apart from observing the various habits of the Mouse Bodhisattva, spent the rest of his time sleeping.

There is a glass of water, and except for hunger, it is generally very comfortable.

Xie Chuncheng had a big heart and firmly believed that Brother Song would definitely come to save him, so he was not nervous at all and slept soundly.

Until he was rescued by Lu Fei, Xie Chuncheng's mouth was still wet with saliva.

Listening to Xie Chuncheng's story, Zuo Xuesong was so angry!

He grabbed Xie Chuncheng's collar and shouted.

"I was so fucking worried about saving you."

"I was so frightened that I cried all the tears in my life."

"But your kid is sleeping down there."

"Why are you so heartless!"

Xie Chuncheng said with an aggrieved look.

"In that case, what else can I do if I don't sleep?"

"Brother Song, can you tell me something?

Don’t understand? "

Ma Tengyun smiled and said.

"Chuncheng is right. In that case, sleeping consumes the least amount of calories."

"He can calmly fall asleep, that's his skill."

"Most people, in that situation, can't fall asleep even if they want to."

"Okay, you get up too!"

"Brother Fei has prepared a surprise banquet for you. Everyone is waiting for you."

When we came outside, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening.

The older ones went back to rest after eating, and the remaining three tables were all filled with these little guys.

After sitting around, Lu Fei introduced Zuo Xuesong and Zuo Xuesong one by one.

After the introduction, the brothers toasted to them one by one. The warm atmosphere moved the two of them to tears.

Everyone came and went and drank heartily.

After three rounds of drinking, everyone slowed down and chatted while drinking. The topic almost always revolved around Zuo Xuesong and Zuo Xuesong.

The two talked about the ups and downs of these years intermittently.

When happy topics are mentioned, everyone bursts into laughter. When depressive topics are mentioned, everyone sighs along with them.

The dinner lasted for more than an hour, and the little puppy took out the dice again.

This time we will have a drink, but the premise is that Lu Fei is not allowed to participate.

Just as Lu Fei was about to protest, the living room door opened, and Zhang Yanhe, Gao Henian, and Ma Guohui walked in with Fatty Wang.

Zhang Yanhe and the three old guys are frequent visitors to Lu Fei's house, the kind of stinky scoundrels who can't be driven away with a whip.

Lu Fei didn't look good at all when he saw them.

But Fatty Wang is different.

Fatty Wang is the boss of Chang'an Museum, which is nearly 800 kilometers away from Jincheng.

It was so late. Fatty Wang must have something important to come to see him.

Lu Fei asked everyone to continue drinking, and he invited Fatty Wang and the four of them into his bedroom.

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