The furnishings in Lu Fei's bedroom are all really good things.

Normally, when these old guys saw these objects, their eyes would be straightened.

But today the four old guys were uncharacteristically uncharacteristic and didn't even take a look at those good things.

After coming in, he stared at Lu Fei with a solemn expression.

Seeing their serious expressions, Lu Fei's heart tightened.

"Old Wang, when did you come to Jincheng?" Lu Fei said, handing him a cigarette.

Fatty Wang took the cigarette without lighting it and said with a sullen face.

"Bashao Fei, I came here specially to find you."

"You've got yourself into trouble again."

Lu Fei lit a cigarette for Fatty Wang, waved his hand and said.

"If anything happens, let's sit down and chat."

"The sky cannot fall."

Zhang Yanhe rolled his eyes at Lu Fei and said.

"You're such a big-hearted kid. To tell you the truth, your innocence has collapsed this time."


"What's going on?"

"Is it so serious?" Lu Fei asked calmly.

"is it serious?"

"You'd better remove the word "?", you're in big trouble this time."

"It's much more serious than you can imagine."

"Maybe it's possible that your reputation will be ruined." Zhang Yanhe said.

Fatty Wang waved his hand and said.

"Old Zhang, don't talk about that now, let's talk about business first."

"Baolanfei, we have a good relationship with each other. I just want to ask you a question."

"Who owns the huge sum of 92 billion that you helped Mr. Kong win?"

When Fatty Wang asked, Lu Fei had already guessed that they were almost inseparable.

Lu Fei knew that the huge sum of money would cause trouble, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Seeing that Lu Fei didn't speak, Fatty Wang stood up and continued to ask.

"Bao Bao Fei, for the sake of me coming here from Chang'an, can't you, kid, give me a solid foundation?"

"Where is that money?"

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and said calmly.

"Items won

Son, as well as the huge sum of 92 billion, Mr. Kong gave it all to me. "


"Is it really in your hands?"

"Here you go, will you continue?"

"Baoshaifei, you are so damn confused!"

"You can just keep those items, why do you still charge money?"

"Are you fucking crazy for being poor?"

"Can you handle such a huge sum of money?"

"How could you do such a stupid thing?" Zhang Yanhe roared with spittle flying around.

Lu Fei said after pressing Zhang Yanhe onto his seat.

"Don't make any noise. What happened?"

Zhang Yanhe glared and shouted sternly.


"I want to slap you, let me tell you."

"I thought you were a kind and honest man, but I didn't expect you to be a money-hungry person?"

"You are such a disappointment, boy."


As soon as Zhang Yanhe finished speaking, Lu Fei slapped the table hard, startling the four old guys at the same time.

Lu Fei said calmly.

"Is it over yet?"

"Do you still have people talking?"

"If you want to talk about something, just sit down and talk it over. If you don't want to talk about it, get out. I won't listen to your lesson."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Zhang Yanhe gasped in anger, and Fatty Wang spoke.

"You kid, don't make any noise. Lao Zhang isn't trying to teach you a lesson. Everyone is worried about you!"

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"I know everyone is good for me, but I can't be unreasonable and unforgiving!"

"If I don't stop him, Lao Zhang will take action."

"About that money, of course I know the importance. I was so damn unjust."

"I was openly tricked by the old man!"

"Mr. Qian, Mr. Wang and Mr. Kong are all present. I must force you to

Ask me to accept the money, otherwise I will be anxious. "

"For this money, Mr. Kong's blood pressure has risen."

"Tell me, what would you do if you were me?"


"Is there still such a problem?"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Zhang Yanhe asked.


"You came in and made a fuss. Did you give me a chance to speak?"


"Don't worry, I have taken care of the money. The sky will not fall."

"Tell me first, what happened?"

"Other than the three old men, only Guan Haishan knows about this matter. Who spread the news?" Lu Fei said.

After Lu Fei explained, the four old guys relaxed. Fatty Wang took a sip of water and told Lu Fei what happened.

At two o'clock this afternoon, an anonymous post was posted on the official website of the Department of Archeology of Chang'an University.

The content said that Lu Fei appeared to be a gentleman, but in fact he was a sanctimonious villain.

At the treasure fighting conference, he used tricks to become Kong Lao's spokesperson, successfully won everyone's attention, and became famous in one fell swoop.

At the conference, Lu Fei assigned the Baihua Bank team to keep the items he won on his behalf.

But after the treasure fight ended, Lu Fei refused to return it for various reasons, and even threatened several of Boss Kong's disciples with weapons.

The next day, Lu Fei threatened Mr. Kong with these treasures and some unspeakable secrets, and defrauded Mr. Kong of the huge sum of 92 billion he had won.

Lu Fei's move made people and gods angry beyond words.

I hope Lu Fei’s fans will keep their eyes open and never be deceived by such villains.

A few pictures are also pasted below the post.

More than a dozen black guns were pointed at Senior Brother Gao Feng and the others, and they could be seen clearly.

The people holding the guns were all mosaiced, but Lu Fei's serious and decisive expression was clearly visible.

In addition to this photo, there are also the moments when the escort team left the venue, as well as the moments during the journey and arrival at the venue.

Several fragments of the flower bank.

With the support of these pictures, the suggestion that the loot was stolen by Lu Fei is almost confirmed.

Currently, Lu Fei is in the limelight.

As soon as the negative posts about Lu Fei were posted, they were immediately retweeted.

In just ten minutes, it spread on major websites and live broadcast platforms.

Although there is no evidence in the photo that Lu Fei extorted huge sums of money.

However, based on the fact that the treasure was stolen by Lu Fei, the melon-eating crowd finally became convinced that Lu Fei extorted huge sums of money.

Coupled with the fact that someone later published the various favors Mr. Kong had given Lu Fei, it became even more terrible.

All of a sudden, all kinds of negative comments came out.

Despicable, shameless, shameless, and supercilious, are these words nothing?

There are endless words of extreme curses and insults.

When people in the archaeological collection community in China heard about this, they went crazy.

I don’t know who took the lead and wanted to completely ban Lu Fei in the industry.

Refuse to negotiate with Lu Fei.

Refuse to do any business with the company under Lu Fei's name.

Refuse to have any transactions with Jubao Pavilion under Lu Fei's name.

Anyway, everything about Lu Fei is just two words, rejection.

Fatty Wang guest-starred as a professor in the Department of Archeology at Chang'an University. The post reached his ears as soon as it was posted.

Fatty Wang knew the matter was serious and called Lu Fei, who turned off his phone.

After investigating some internal information in Chang'an, he immediately flew to Jincheng to inform Lu Fei.

After listening to the story and reading the post, Lu Fei sneered.

"I can guess who did it. Don't worry, this little wave won't capsize the boat."

"Baolanfei, have you already reached this point?"

Lu Fei nodded, and Zhang Yanhe asked next.

"Then you must have a plan to deal with it. Tell it quickly so that no one will worry about you."

"Lao Zhang, please wait a moment, there is something new!"

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