A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 924 Counterproductive

The treasure-fighting trophies and huge amounts of cash were uncovered and further processed for malicious speculation.

A few days ago, he was a great hero who turned the tide, but now he is pushed to the forefront and becomes the target of public criticism.

If things continue to deteriorate like this, Lu Fei will be ruined.

From now on, it will be difficult to make progress in the collection industry.

Fatty Wang and others were worried to death and came to Lu Fei at night to discuss countermeasures.

"Lu Fei, I have already investigated it."

"The person who posted the post is Li Rui, a lecturer in the Archeology Department of Chang'an University."

"He also has another identity, the third apprentice of Shen Zhong, the director of Luojing Museum."

"In other words, this Li Rui is Gao Feng's disciple and grandson."

"It is rumored that you had some unpleasant experiences with Gao Feng."

"Tell me, is it possible that Gao Feng was behind this incident to deliberately take revenge on you?" Fatty Wang said.

Lu Fei had already guessed this, nodded and said.

"Thank you, Lao Wang, you are considerate."

"You are right, it was probably Gao Feng who did it."

"What misunderstanding is there between you and Gao Feng?"

"If the problem is not serious, I will help you make peace with it personally."


"But forget it."

"There are too many tricks here, you'd better not get involved," Lu Fei said.

"What should we do?"

"You can't just let it go!"

"If you keep spreading the word like this for a few more days, you'll be completely stinky." Zhang Yanhe said.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"Do not worry!"

"Such a small scene will not capsize the boat in the gutter."

"Thank you for your concern. I can handle it myself."

"Bao Bao Fei, looking at how well-informed you are, wouldn't you have a countermeasure already?"

"If there is, tell us quickly and listen, so that we don't have to worry about you."

"It's not convenient to say it now. I will tell you when it's time to say it."

"Baolanfei, we are all very nervous for you.


"Old Wang didn't even have dinner, so he flew here to give you the news."

"We are so interesting, but you are still hiding us, are you still a human being?"

"Can you order some more Bilian?"

Zhang Yanhe made a fuss and made a fuss, but Lu Fei was not angry at all. Instead, he felt warm in his heart.

Now he is the target of public criticism, and others are avoiding him, but these four people are going against the trend to support him.

This is so valuable, this is a true friend.

"I'm so grateful that you can come."

"It doesn't matter if you haven't eaten. I'll prepare it right away. Drink as much tea and wine as you like."

"However, I can't tell you what my countermeasures will be."

"That's a trick. If you tell it in advance, there will be no surprises."

"Beat sex!"

"Your boy belongs to Cao Cao and is too suspicious."

"If you don't say pull it down, I don't want to hear it anymore."

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up and prepare the food and drinks. We are going to have a big dinner today." Zhang Yanhe said jokingly.

Lu Fei had a way to deal with it, and everyone's tension disappeared immediately.

Lu Fei smiled contemptuously.

"Look at your triumphant face."

"Okay, I'll satisfy you today."

"But let's keep the scandal ahead. I'm doing this all for Lao Wang's sake."

"If you come by yourself, I won't even give you any kimchi."

"Let's go!"

Everyone stood up and prepared to go out to drink, but Fatty Wang suddenly froze.

"Fat man, why are you so stunned?"

"Aren't you hungry already?" Zhang Yanhe said.

"Old Zhang, look, there's something new."


Everyone gathered around to watch. It turned out that it was Guan Haishan who posted negative news about Lu Fei on his Weibo.


mentioned in the text.

On February 2nd, all the treasures from the fourteenth round of the treasure hunt are Lu Fei’s personal collection.

The complete victory in Dou Bao was entirely due to Lu Fei alone, and the spoils of war should belong to Lu Fei.

The weapons in the picture are the routine operations of Baihua Bank’s armed escort team.

I was at the scene at that time, and there was no conflict, let alone any threat.

As for the huge sum of 92 billion won, it was his mentor Mr. Kong Fanlong who took the initiative to return it to Lu Fei without any threats.

Mr. Lu Fei single-handedly won the battle of treasures. We, the master and the apprentice, are extremely grateful, and we will not have any misunderstandings with Mr. Lu.

Please respect Mr. Lu Fei and do not spread rumors.


After reading the content, Fatty Wang rolled his eyes fiercely.

"Li Rui's post was published at two o'clock in the afternoon."

"This old guy Guan Haishan has only come forward to clarify now. Why did he come here so early?"

"I was so frightened all afternoon that I was really in trouble."

"Forget it."

"It doesn't matter whether it's sooner or later, it's a good thing if it's clarified."

"With Lao Guan's clarification, Basha Fei has passed this test safely."

"Let's go out and have a drink. I have my heart in front of you and my back." Zhang Yanhe said.

However, the development of things was completely contrary to what Zhang Yanhe said.

Outside, the little puppy and the others were having a great time, making a lot of noise and making a pot of porridge.

Lu Fei sent the four old guys to a side hall, asked Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi to accompany them, and cooked a few side dishes himself.

The food and wine were put on the table, but before the drinks started, Wang Xinyi discovered something new.

Guan Haishan's post was posted online, but not only did it not help Lu Fei clarify, it actually had the opposite effect.

The voices of accusation and abuse not only did not stop, but intensified.

The reason is that the time when Guan Haishan published the article aroused people's imagination.

Some people speculate,

The reason why Guan Haishan delayed speaking out for so long was probably because the afternoon post made Lu Fei feel nervous and uneasy.

Then he threatened Guan Haishan to help him speak out and save his face.

Lu Fei can blackmail Mr. Kong for 92 billion, and he must have the means to fatally threaten Mr. Kong.

Since he can extort a huge sum of 92 billion and threaten Guan Haishan, it shouldn't be too easy.

This absurd guess was actually approved by most netizens.

For a time, malicious comments quickly fermented.

And as it spread, countless nonsense versions appeared.

No matter which version, it will be a great disadvantage to Lu Fei.

Seeing this, the old guys and Chen Xiang were immediately confused.

"how so?"

"Don't these people use their brains to think about problems?"

"Is this obviously a rumor?" Wang Xinyi said.

Fatty Wang said with a serious face.

“It’s not the netizens’ fault, but the old guy Guan Haishan.”

"Delaying it for six hours before coming out to clarify, doesn't this give people room for imagination?"

"If I had known this, I might as well not have clarified it!"

"Isn't this causing trouble?"

After such a fuss, all four old guys lost their appetite.

Lu Fei poured wine for everyone and said with a smile.

"Drink, drink!"

"I said, this little wave can't capsize the boat."

"Don't worry, I can handle it!"

"Basha Fei, why don't you kid stop holding it?"

"Okay, how about you reveal a little bit about it?"

"Otherwise, we would really have no idea!"

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Don't ask any further questions, but I can give you a suggestion."

"Please arrange the work on hand these days."

"Come to Tianducheng and find me in five days. I will give you an unexpected surprise."

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