A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 926: Withdrawing from the Group

The next morning, Lu Fei came to change his cousin's dressing.

When changing the dressing, Lu Yong looked serious and hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?"

"Brother, I saw a lot of people talking about you on the Internet."

"Do you believe it?"

"Of course I don't believe it, but these people are really annoying." ??

"It looks disturbing!"


"These people are all suffering from pink eye disease. If they are troubled, they will look at other things."

"I see."

After leaving home, Lu Fei came to the hospital carrying six portions of special nutritional porridge.

After giving Ge Changshan five people treatment and medication, they prepared to go to the construction site.

Before the car reached the third ring road, I received a call from Xing Shuya.

Lu Fei had no choice but to go to Tengfei Pharmaceutical first.

Upon entering the company, many employees glanced at him strangely, but Lu Fei turned a blind eye and went straight to the president's office.

Opening the door, Xing Shuya and assistant Yu Xiaojuan were busy answering the phone.

"Mr. Li, don't believe those, they are all rumors."

"Our boss is not like that!"

"Mr. Li, please listen to my explanation."


"What are you doing!"

Xing Shuya was explaining to the customer, but Lu Fei hung up the phone.

Yu Xiaojuan went to pour tea, Lu Fei sat down and said.

"No one deserves your humble explanation."

"Because you are the president of Tengfei Pharmaceutical."

"My president, you don't need to look at anyone's face."

When Yu Xiaojuan was not there, Xing Shuya rolled her eyes at Lu Fei and said.

"Things are different now."

“I’ve received calls from six agents since I started working.”

"When these people heard that the archaeological community questioned you and wanted to block your industry, they didn't want to do it anymore."

"No, I'm calling to get the agency fee refunded."

Just as he was talking, the landline phone rang again.

Before Xing Shuya could answer, Lu Fei picked up the phone.

"Is it Mr. Xing?"

\u003e "I am Baotou agent Zhang Wei!"

"Mr. Zhang, do you want to quit the group too?" Lu Fei asked.


"who are you?"

"I'm Lu Fei."

"Boss Lu?"

"Hello Hello!"

"Okay, let's not be polite. If you have anything to say, say it directly. Do you also want to leave the group?"

"Boss Lu, look, if something like this happens, so will I"

"You don't need to explain, I can understand."

"Tell me clearly if you want to leave the group?"

"Uh. Yes!"


"In that case, come to Jincheng tomorrow and meet at the company auditorium at one o'clock in the afternoon."

"Okay, Mr. Lu, I."

Before Zhang Wei could finish speaking, Lu Fei hung up the phone and said to Xing Shuya with a smile.

"See, this is how a boss should behave!"


Lu Fei's words made the frowning Xing Shuya and Yu Xiaojuan laugh at the same time.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I was serious."

"My big boss, this is the seventh person who has asked to leave the group."

"If this continues, there will be big problems in the operation of our company."

"What could go wrong?"

"Isn't it just money?"

"Your boss, what I don't need most is money."

"Didn't you listen to them?"

"I blackmailed Mr. Kong for 92 billion!"


"Can you, can you be more serious? I'm worried to death." Xing Shuya said in a dumbfounded voice.

"What are you worried about?"

"If anyone calls to leave the group again, just press the button I just

Just do what you say. "

"Xiaojuan, please notify the six previous agents and ask them to come to the company for a meeting at one o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"Tell them they won't wait until the expiration date." Lu Fei said.

"Lu Fei, what will you do if you call them all here?" Xing Shuya asked.

"What else can be done?"

"If someone wants to withdraw from the group, then let's help them!"

"But, what will happen to our channels if they all withdraw from the group?" Xing Shuya asked. ??

"Don't worry, those who retreat are short-sighted fools."

"Since it's a fool, of course it's an exception, definitely not too many."

"Kick the idiot out of the group and a smart substitute will come in immediately. Normal operations will definitely not be delayed."

"You, can't you speak in a more civilized manner?"

Xing Shuya looked at Yu Xiaojuan, her face turned red with embarrassment.

Lu Fei smiled awkwardly.

"What the hell, I just let my mouth slip for a moment."

"Xiaojuan, just skip this part!"

"Although my words are a little crooked, they are not rough."

"Just do as I say."

"But, the Internet says that the archaeological community will ban you!"

"In this case, is there anyone willing to substitute?" Xing Shuya asked.

"I've said it before, anyone who believes that is a fool."

"Smart people will not take this seriously. Instead, they will regard it as their own opportunity."

"Not only will there be backup by then, but I can guarantee that there will be a queue waiting for you to review." Lu Fei said.

“There is another question, what about those people’s agency fees?”

"Are they all going back?" Xing Shuya asked.


"If you want to play, you can play. If you don't want to play, you can leave the group. Who has such bad habits?"

"If our normal operations are delayed, who will bear the loss?"

"According to the contract, each person will deduct 30% of the agency fee."

"If anyone is dissatisfied, let them sue at will."

"Forget it, you are responsible for notifying all agents except Li Yunhe, and they will all come to the meeting tomorrow."

"I will meet them personally." Lu Fei said.

"All right!"

"It's all up to you."

Just after leaving the company, Lu Fei received another call from Han Bing.

The situation on Han Bing's side was even worse than that on Xing Shuya's side.

In the entertainment industry, any small situation may be magnified infinitely, causing immeasurable losses.

What's more, the boss of the entertainment company is suspected of extortion.

As soon as the post went viral yesterday, Ascendas Entertainment, owned by Lu Fei, was also exposed.

Ascendas Entertainment was pushed to the forefront, and other small entertainment companies in the three northeastern provinces believed that their opportunity had come.

Since last night, there has been an undercurrent in the entertainment industry in the three northeastern provinces.

As soon as she got to work this morning, Han Bing's phone was buzzing with calls.

All those who called were business partners.

The purpose of the call is surprisingly unified, which is to cancel cooperation.

As of now, all cooperation intentions of Ascendas Entertainment in the first half of the year have been cancelled.

Now, everyone from the president to the driver has nothing to do.

"Lu Fei, please teach me what to do!"

"I'm sorry, I'm really at my wits end." Han Bing said helplessly.

"Don't worry, I'll find something for you to do right away."

"I'll call you later!"

After hanging up Han Bing's call, Lu Fei immediately called Bai Zirui.

"Lu Fei, who did you offend?"

"How did it get like this?"

"I've been deleting your comments at the company since last night."

"But it can't be deleted at all!" Bai Zirui said depressedly.

"Don't worry about that, let them say whatever they want."

"You need to do something for me now. My entertainment company has been isolated and all orders have been cancelled."

"Hurry up and give me some projects, otherwise, my president will curse me!"

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