A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 927 Failure

Han Bing's troubles were nothing to Lu Fei.

It is possible to block other industries, but it is sheer nonsense to want to block one's own entertainment company.

Huangtian Entertainment was established on Ao Island, and Xiangjiang Entertainment was annexed on Hong Kong Island.

Bai Zirui's Tiandu Entertainment is now the unshakable number one in Asia.

It can be said that all the top businesses in Asia are lining up to wait for Bai Zirui to make a comeback. .??.??

Only other companies will have a chance if Mr. Bai doesn't like Tangtangshuishui.

It's not easy to ask him for a project.

If he doesn't do this shit well, he can really die.

After talking to Bai Zirui on the phone, Lu Fei didn't need to worry about the rest. Bai Zirui directly contacted Han Bing.

Just as he started the car and headed to the construction site, Zheng Wenjuan's phone call came in again.

After listening to Zheng Wenjuan's words, Lu Fei's mood suddenly lost its beauty.

His brows were furrowed, and all the veins on his forehead were bulging.

After smoking a cigarette, Lu Fei drove directly home.

As soon as I arrived in the courtyard, I heard a fierce quarrel taking place in the living room.

Several female relatives were at a loss outside and did not dare to go in.

Chen Jiajia's mother was already sweating profusely.

Seeing Lu Fei coming back, the female relatives felt relieved.

Just as he was about to say hello, Lu Fei made a silent gesture. The female relatives understood and quietly left.

Lu Fei came to the door and listened carefully, then frowned.

"You old guys can even say such unscrupulous things, why don't you still want Bilian?"

"If you encounter some shit, just throw yourself into chaos, and your fucking lives have been in vain these past few decades."

"Lao Meng, please stop saying a few words about virtue!"

"We don't want to either!"

"Isn't there nothing we can do?"

"The archaeological community and the collecting community jointly banned Tao Bao Fei."

"Yesterday afternoon, not a single red rope was sold."

"More than a dozen employees need expenses, the store needs rent, and water and electricity bills need to be paid. Money is needed for everything!"

"The Tao Fei family has a big business and doesn't care about this little money."

\u003e "But can we bear it?"

"If we keep going like this for half a year, we'll have to pay for the entire coffin!"


"Half a year?"

"If you ask to withdraw your shares after losing money for half a year, if I, Meng Xianguo, say this, then I am not a human being."

"It has only been depressed for a long time now."

"Just half a fucking day!"

"Bashao Fei's kindness to you is only worth holding on for half a day?"

"What do you think?"

"Are you worthy of Baolan Fei?" Meng Xianguo shouted excitedly.

"Meng Xianguo, don't make any noise."

"You can stand and talk without back pain."

"A place as big as Jubao Pavilion costs tens of thousands of yuan every day. No one can stand it."

"Disband early and everyone can keep their losses."

"If you continue like this, it will be a useless waste. In the end, you will have to jump off the building."

"Then why bother?"

"Fuck you!"

"Don't pretend that I don't know."

"When you were a partner, Tashafei paid two years' rent."

"Except for the big part of rent, the remaining expenses are for those nine people."

"Including water and electricity bills, the maximum per day is no more than 1,500 yuan. Where did you calculate the 10,000 yuan fee?"

"One thousand and fifty a day, how much the hell does it cost for half a year?"

"How much money have you each made since you formed a partnership?"

"You, Zhu Dahai, during the Chinese New Year, you took 150,000 yuan in dividends alone, right?"

"And you, Hua Zhengshu, you have at least 180,000 yuan."

"And you, you, you."

"Think about it, how did you earn this money?"

"Isn't it a good thing to expect the junk to fly away?"

"No junk flying

, you want to make so much money in three months with just your own rags? "


"Human, you can't do this!"

"Drink water and think of the source. All this is for you."

"Now that things are going wrong, you can't help me, but you still come here to cause trouble. Are you still human?"

"I'm fucking blushing for you."

"When it comes to making money, Bao Po Fei is the Guanyin who saves people in need."

"As soon as we encounter obstacles, we will fly away when the disaster comes."

"Who do you think you are?"

"I, Meng Xianguo, am blind, how can I know you idiots?"

"I bother!"

"Just squeak!"

"Sooner or later you will regret it."

Meng Xianguo cursed loudly, and his voice became hoarse by the end. Lu Fei, who was guarding outside, was inexplicably moved.

"Meng Xianguo, shut the fuck up."

"It's not your turn to teach me a lesson."

"You and the rags are making a lot of money, while I have to live with my family and my family. We can't stand it."

"It's a good time to get together now so that we don't lose money and turn against each other."


Meng Xianguo wanted to fight back, but when the door rang, Lu Fei walked in.

When Lu Fei comes in, one bird enters the forest and hundreds of others silence their voices.

The people who were blushing just now stopped talking in an instant.

Lu Fei sat on the sofa as steady as a rock.

He took out a cigarette, lit one, and threw the cigarette case on the coffee table.

Pour a cup of tea and take a sip.

Looking up at these extremely familiar faces, and thinking about those happy times in Xiaonanmen, Lu Fei felt like needles pricking his heart.

Yesterday, I told Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi that I planned to take this opportunity to purge the team.

Lu Fei had long expected that Tengfei Pharmaceutical's agents would withdraw from the group.

Needless to say, Han Bing also understood the plight of the entertainment company, as Lu Fei also understood.

But Lu Fei never thought about it

Come on, the old guys like Xiaonanmen don’t believe in themselves.

For Lu Fei, this was the biggest failure.

There was deathly silence in the living room.

Lu Fei smoked two cigarettes, but no one spoke.

After stubbing out the cigarette butt, Lu Fei said calmly.

"When I was collecting rags, Zhao Zhiyong was like a mountain in front of me."

"An insurmountable mountain."

"But I, Lu Fei, walked over forcefully."

"When Mr. Li was celebrating his birthday, the eldest son of the Zhou family in Runan deliberately made things difficult for him."

"A thousand-year-old family, its heritage is unimaginable."

"But Zhou Haoran's face was still slapped back by me."

"Boguzhai, a century-old brand in Tiandu Liulichang, came to Bianliang to open a branch. This will be a devastating disaster for all the stores in Xiaonanmen."

"But I, Lu Fei, drove Boguzhai out of Bianliang City in just half a day."

"You have witnessed these with your own eyes."

"These big winds and waves can't stop me. Can a little public opinion overthrow the current Lu Fei?"

"You are all seniors who have watched me grow up."

"I treat you as confidants, friends, and even relatives."

"But I never expected that you wouldn't believe me."

"This is my failure as a human being, Lu Fei."

"What Zhu Dahai said just now is right. It's a good time for everyone to get together as friends."

"You don't need to withdraw your shares, I, Lu Fei, will withdraw."

"Zhao Qingfeng, what do you think?"

"Now the shares are yours, no need to worry about your brother-in-law Gao Nian."

Zhao Qingfeng nodded and whispered.

"I listen to you."

"Are you telling the truth?"

"I swear!"

"Okay then, you and Lao Meng go back to Bianliang to take inventory and clear out the accounts."

"Also, rent the store opposite and put up the Jubao Pavilion sign for me."

"If anything goes wrong with my plaque, you are the only one I have to ask questions about."

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