A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 930 Deng Shaohui

Lu Fei left in embarrassment, while Chen Xiang Wang smiled happily and the branches trembled forward and backward.

After laughing, Chen Xiang was about to select spokespersons when he received a call from Lu Fei, saying that someone was looking for him outside.

Chen Xiang left the laboratory without thinking and came outside, but Chen Xiang was stunned.

There was a group of luxury cars parked outside the gate, and eight bright-looking teenagers stood in the middle of the road surrounded by a man with glasses. ??

The leader, the man with glasses, is in his early twenties, about 1.8 meters tall, with a well-proportioned figure, regular facial features, and a face as white as jade.

Wearing a custom-made brown suit, holding a large bouquet of red roses in his hand, he looked at Chen Xiang and smiled.

Seeing this young man, Chen Xiang frowned immediately.

Seeing Lu Fei smoking against the stone lion at the door, Chen Xiang was about to go over.

But the man with glasses stepped forward and stopped in front of Chen Xiang, handed over the rose in his hand and said with a smile.

"Chen Xiang, long time no see."

"This is a bouquet of flowers for you. I hope you like it."

Chen Xiang took a step back and said calmly.

"Thank you, I don't want it."

"Chen Xiang, I found out that you were in Jincheng, so I flew directly to Magic City and then transferred to Jincheng to meet you."

"I didn't even go home, just to give you a surprise. How could you not accept it?" said the man with glasses.

"Deng Shaohui, we are just classmates. I don't need your surprise. You should keep it for others!" Chen Xiang said.

Deng Shaohui was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile.

"Chen Xiang, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy because I came back late?"

"I can explain this to you."

"I am in the United States, working with a company to develop an online game that will shock the world."

"These six months are the most critical moment. I really can't get away!"

"I think you also hope that I can make a difference!"

"Deng Shaohui, you are thinking too much."

"What you do is your business and has nothing to do with me."

"I've told you countless times that I have no feelings for you. Please don't pester me again." Chen Xiang said.

"Chen Xiang, what are you talking about?"

"We have been in the United States day and night for three years. I have done so much for you, how can you not feel it?"

"Don't make trouble, Chen Xiang."

"I have already told my mother that in a few days, my parents will go to your house to propose marriage."

"You and I are similar in age, are classmates, and have similar family backgrounds. It's a perfect match!" Deng Shaohui said.

Chen Xiang smiled disdainfully and said.

"Don't waste your time on me, we can't."

"Also, I advise you not to go to my house."

"I make my own decisions, no one can influence me."

"Besides, my parents know that I have a boyfriend, so they are even less likely to agree."

"Your parents are just asking for trouble when they go there. Why embarrass everyone?"

Deng Shaohui frowned upon hearing this, glanced at Lu Fei and said.

"Is he the boyfriend you are talking about?"

"Yes, Lu Fei is my boyfriend."


"Chen Xiang, are you kidding me?"

"As far as I know, that guy is just a rag collector."

"And this man has evil intentions and tries to trick people everywhere."

"At the Jincheng auction last year, this guy defrauded people of more than 6 billion."

"Afraid of Liu family's revenge, please do everything you can to please Mr. Kong."

"If it weren't for Mr. Kong's protection, he would have been dealt with by the Liu family long ago."

"But not only was he ungrateful, he kept the treasures he won after the treasure fight, and even extorted a huge sum of 92 billion."

"Is this something humans do?"

"This is simply worse than a beast!"

"Such a scumbag, how can he deserve you?"

"Besides, he is

What's your origin? "

"What's his background?"

"If you don't belong to the right family, your grandpa won't agree."

"Chen Xiang, please stop making trouble."

"I am sincere to you. You can clearly see how I have treated you in the past three years."

"In this world, only I, Deng Shaohui, am worthy of you, and only I, Deng Shaohui, treat you sincerely!"

"Deng Shaohui, that's enough."

"I know better than you who Lu Fei is."

"Let me say it for the last time, I have nothing to do with you, and I will not allow you to insult my boyfriend." ??

"For the sake of being my classmate for three years, I ask you to respect yourself and stop harassing me."


Chen Xiang said, came to Lu Fei's side in two steps, naturally took Lu Fei's arm, and said with a smile like a flower.

"Let's go home."


"I want to eat the pickled fish you made."

"I'll do it for you."


The brief but intimate conversation between the two immediately ignited the anger in Deng Shaohui's chest.

Deng Shaohui's facial features were ferocious, his teeth were clattering, the veins in his hands were bulging, and his fingers were deeply dug into the wrapping paper of the roses.

While Lu Fei and Lu Fei were holding hands and preparing to leave, the fire of ignorance in Deng Shaohui's heart broke through the shackles and completely exploded.

Handing the flower in his hand to the person behind him, Deng Shaohui strode in front of Lu Fei and glared at him.

"Lu Fei, leave Chen Xiang immediately. I won't argue with you."

"Otherwise, you can't afford the consequences."

"Deng Shaohui, what are you doing?" Chen Xiang scolded.

"Chen Xiang, this is a matter between men. Please don't interfere." Deng Shaohui said.


Just as Chen Xiang was about to speak, Lu Fei stopped him and hugged him into his arms.

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