A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 931 Annoying

Back home, Lu Fei made a pot of pickled fish.

After finishing it, I went to call Chen Xiang, but found that Chen Xiang was packing her bag.

"Where are you going?" Lu Fei asked.

"I want to go back to Tiandu City." Chen Xiang said nervously.

Lu Fei took Chen Xiang into his arms and whispered.

"do not go."

"I'm not afraid of him!"

"Lu Fei, this is not a matter of fear."

"With the power of the Deng family, it would be easy to deal with you."

"Deng Shaohui is angry with you because of me. I can't cause you to be bullied by him."

"Don't worry, as long as my grandfather says something, the Deng family will never dare to make a mistake." Chen Xiang said.

"do not go."

"Chen Xiang, this is not because you are hurting me. This is a problem that I should face."

"If I can't even protect my girlfriend, I would rather die."

"Obey, don't go."

"I don't want your grandpa to look down on me."

"do you understand?"

Chen Xiang shed tears after hearing what Lu Fei said.

"Lu Fei, I understand what you mean."

"But the Deng family is really scary."

"If they attack you, you won't be able to bear it!"

Lu Fei stroked Chen Xiang's messy hair and smiled slightly.

"When soldiers come and cover up the water and earth, the ship will naturally straighten when it reaches the bridge. How do you know if it doesn't work if you haven't tried it?"

"Don't worry, I'm not a fool, and I will never bear it hard."

"When I can't bear it anymore, I will personally ask your grandfather for help."

"Now, please tell me first, what is the background of the Deng family."

In Chen Xiang's room, we chatted heart-to-heart for more than two hours.

Then he stared at Chen Xiang and ate a bowl of rice before Lu Fei returned to his room.

After closing the door and falling on the bed, Lu Fei's expression instantly became serious.

Not long after Chen Xiang returned to China, he was not very familiar with the distribution of forces in China.

I understand, but only the Deng family is clear about it.

According to Chen Xiang's description, the Deng family is so awesome.

During the Anti-Japanese War, there were four war gods in China, namely Nan Liu, Bei Wang, Dong Deng, and Xi Chen.

Among them, Xi Chen refers to Chen Yunfei.

And Dong Deng is Deng Chunbao, Deng Shaohui's grandfather.

Unfortunately, Deng Chunbao became ill due to overwork and suffered a recurrence of an old injury. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he passed away within a few years of good fortune.

Although Deng Chunbao is gone, his disciples, former officials, and life and death friends are all over China, and he even saved the life of the leader No. 5 at the time.

After the old man passed away, his only son, Deng Shaohui's father, Deng Xinhua, was assigned by the senior management to be a secretary to important leaders.

Deng Xinhua knows how to be a good person and has outstanding ability to do things, winning the trust of his leaders.

After training with a big leader for several years, I was promoted to take charge of my own business.

As the saying goes, there are people in the court who like to be officials, and this is not true at all.

Deng Xinhua relies on the legacy left by Lao Tzu, and no matter what he does, he will be much more happy than ordinary people.

In a few years, with his superb work ability and the support of his old man's friends, Deng Xinhua rose through the ranks and his status became higher and higher.

Today, Deng Xinhua, who has just turned 50, is already the leader of China PC.

This position is simply too awesome.

Deng Xinhua is not only strong but also has many connections. At his age, it is only a matter of time before he can take another step forward.

It would be really easy for such a big boss to deliberately deal with Lu Fei.

His only son Deng Shaohui has a soft spot for Chen Xiang.

For this reason, he traveled thousands of miles to follow Chen Xiang to study in the United States.

During his three years in the United States, Deng Shaohui launched a fierce offensive against Chen Xiang.

Although he failed to do so, Deng Shaohui had already regarded Chen Xiang as his woman.

When he thought about it, getting Chen Xiang was just a matter of his parents visiting Chen's house.

But he didn't expect that Lu Fei would step in the middle.

It was inevitable that he would resent Lu Fei for killing his father and taking away his wife.

Although it didn't break out today, once the opportunity comes, Deng Shaohui will never give up.

In addition, Jiang Mingzhe was beaten today. If the two families join forces, Lu Fei's situation will be in danger.

Therefore, Lu Fei must be extra vigilant.

This time, Lu Fei figured it out.

If you can bear it, try your best to carry it yourself.

If you can't bear it, even if you are despised by the old man, you must ask Chen Yunfei for help.

No matter what, Xing Shuya's tragedy cannot be allowed to happen again.

The safety of your loved ones is always more important than your face.

When the boys came back in the evening, Lu Fei ate, drank and played with everyone as usual.

After the banquet was over, Lu Fei only called Gao Yuan and Xu Maochen back to the room.

When I told them about Deng Shaohui, they both frowned.

It is simply impossible to take the initiative. What we have to do now is to hide and defend to prevent our loved ones from being harmed.

The three of them discussed for more than two hours, and finally Gao Yuan gave Lu Fei an idea to take Chen Yunfei over for vacation.

As long as this old man is here to take charge, no one in China will dare to come here to make a fuss.

This method is indeed clever, but Lu Fei cannot agree.

Bringing Chen Yunfei here is equivalent to asking the old man for help.

We haven't reached that point yet, and Lu Fei is not so shameless.

However, Gao Yuan's words reminded Lu Fei.

Although Chen Yunfei is not here, Chen Xiang's presence here is the same.

Considering Chen Xiang's factors, Deng Shaohui couldn't come to his house to cause trouble if he wanted to attack him.

If you don't touch your family, you can only deal with your own property.

Lu Fei's head hurts when he thinks of his own property.

Chen Hongyi is in charge of Modu Tengfei Company, and they

Never dare to move.

There is nothing we can do about the rest. We can only ask everyone to be more careful and try not to leave a fatal tail in their actions.

Gao Yuan and Xu Maochen left, and Lu Fei turned on his cell phone and felt upset again.

After this day of deliberation, the negative comments about myself online have escalated again.

Just click on any website and Lu Fei will dominate it.

It can be said that Lu Fei is now a super internet celebrity.

Just as he was about to take a shower, Guan Haishan's call came in.

"Tatters fly!"

"What are you doing?" Guan Haishan said listlessly.

"I'm greeting you."


"It's already all this time, and you still have the guts to talk nonsense. You're so awesome." Guan Haishan said.

"what is it now?"

"Is it possible that I still have to jump off the building?" Lu Fei said.

"Baolan Fei, you won't blame my master for this!"

"This is none of his business."

"The old man asked me to help you clarify the facts, but who knew it would get worse?"

"How damn evil!"

"Hey!" Guan Haishan sighed.

"You sigh like a hammer."

"Why is it none of your master's business?"

"I was clearly tricked by your master."

"I'm even more unjust than Dou E. Not only did you not comfort me, you also tried to excuse your master."

"Are you still a human?" Lu Fei shouted.

"My master also considers the overall situation. Who knew he would be picked out?"

"My master doesn't want it to happen like this!"


"This matter was 100% caused by your petty senior brother."

"Over there, your master tricked me. Later, your senior brother added fuel to the fire. Then you can help them get away with it."

"Do you want some more Bilian?"

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