A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 932 Living and dying together

Lu Fei couldn't sleep that night.

His mind was running rapidly, thinking of ways to deal with Deng Shaohui.

But until dawn, I didn't think of any good countermeasures, so I could only pay more attention and be more careful.

The whole morning of the next day, there was no action from Deng Shaohui.

On the contrary, the negative impact on Lu Fei on the Internet has become more and more intense.

Twenty-one shops in Tiandu Liulichang jointly spoke out to condemn the boycott of Tiandu Jubao Pavilion.

Taking this lead, various actions against Lu Fei also followed. .??.

Dozens of entertainment companies have issued announcements, announcing that they will never cooperate with Ascendas Entertainment, owned by Lu Fei.

More than 20 senior collectors in China and several big names in the archaeological community posted on their Weibo, strongly condemning Lu Fei's shameless behavior.

And once again called on the collection and archeology community to ban Lu Fei.

Some people maliciously hyped it up, and netizens commented and forwarded it. For a while, Lu Fei was completely reduced to a street rat.

At nine o'clock in the morning, a set of photos was posted online, causing huge waves again.

This set of photos is of the same content. Bianliang Xiaonanmen Antique Market and Jubao Pavilion branch received plaques.

Lu Fei is scared!

Lu Fei can't bear it anymore!



Such a villain should have this fate.

However, the Xiaonanmen branch alone is not enough.

Everyone, please work harder. If this continues, it won't be long before all of Lu Fei's industries will be closed down.

Block him!

Yes, let's unite and block this ungrateful, shameless villain.

Let this grandson feel what it means to be judged by justice.

"How could it be like this?"

"Master, it's not okay to continue like this!"

"He tried his best to help us, but he got a reputation that will last forever. Lu Fei is not sure why he feels wronged."

"If the trouble continues like this, Lu Fei might collapse. What should we do?"

Guan Haishan, who also stayed up all night and had dark circles under his eyes, said.

Kong Fanlong didn't have any worries and said with a smile.

"That kid is not as fragile as you think."

"So far, the boy has not made any response, which shows that he has confidence in his heart."

"Public opinion is just making noise, and it won't cause much loss to Lu Fei."

"In a few days, if other hot spots come out, this matter will naturally be forgotten by people. You don't have to worry about it."

"It's you, I asked you to investigate Li Rui's matter. How is the investigation going?"

"Did the boss instigate Li Rui to do this?" Kong Fanlong asked.

Guan Haishan shook his head and said.

"No evidence has been found yet."

"Then continue to investigate. We must get to the bottom of it."

"Master, I don't think it was the senior brother who did it."

"Because of that little misunderstanding, senior brother should not do such a despicable thing." Guan Haishan said.


"You don't have to cover it up for him. I'm my own apprentice. I know it myself."

"I hope he won't disappoint me." Kong Fanlong said with a frown.

Seeing the master's solemn expression, Guan Haishan's heart tightened.

"Master, if it is done by senior brother, how are you going to handle this matter?"

Kong Fanlong said after glaring at Guan Haishan.

"Third brother, I know what you are thinking."

"No matter who you are, you must take responsibility for making mistakes, and my apprentice is no exception."

"Okay, hurry up and investigate and give me the news as soon as possible."

"Yes, Master."

At noon, Lu Fei came to Tengfei Pharmaceutical to have lunch with Xing Shuya.

After dinner, we chatted in the office and left for the company auditorium at one o'clock.

Just when I pushed the door open a small crack, I heard something going on inside.

There was a lot of discussion.

"Hey, I really didn't expect that Boss Lu is such a person!"

"Ninety-two billion!"

"My mother-in-law!"

"Too cruel."

"It's just that Mr. Kong is not kind to Boss Lu, and Boss Lu is indeed not very kind to do this."

"I don't think so."

"The wages of avarice is death." .??.

"Ninety-two billion, you can't control it even if I leave you alone."

"Boss Lu can get it. That's Boss Lu's ability. There's nothing wrong with that."

"As for those who make irresponsible remarks, they are just jealous and jealous."

"Besides, what is said on the Internet may not be true."

"Didn't Mr. Guan already send a message to clarify for Boss Lu?"


"Is that called clarification?"

"The more you draw, the darker it gets, right?"

"Everyone can see that Mr. Guan was forced. Otherwise, how could he have come forward so late?"

"Besides, Boss Lu hasn't responded yet. This is obviously a guilty conscience."

"I think that's what it is."

"Hey, stop talking."

"No matter what, it's a matter between Boss Lu and Mr. Kong, and has nothing to do with us."

"It's not good to gossip about others behind their backs."

"What you said is wrong, why does it have nothing to do with us?"

"Those big guys have already announced that they will completely block Boss Lu."

"By then, Boss Lu's business will definitely be in difficulty, and he may even go bankrupt."

"He takes a huge amount of money and is free and doesn't care. Can we bear it?"

"My sales performance has dropped significantly in the past two days. If we keep struggling for a few more days, I will definitely not be able to survive."

“I thought I could make a lot of money from Mayfair’s products, but I didn’t expect such a disturbing thing to happen.


"What a mess."

"I don't care about you, I came here today to quit the group."

"Retiring early will save you worries. If Tengfei Pharmaceutical goes bankrupt, you won't be able to do so even if you want to."

"At that time, we will really live and die together."

"Don't you think things can turn around for Boss Lu?"

"What a turn of events."

"Boss Lu's former backstage was Mr. Kong. If this incident comes to light, Mr. Kong will definitely lose hope."

"Without the support of Mr. Kong, it would not be easy for the big guys to ban him."

"Didn't you see it?"

"The Bianliang Jubao Pavilion has been awarded a plaque, and the Liulichang Jubao Pavilion has also closed."

"The next step is for other industries to go bankrupt, and it will be a matter of time before Ascendas Pharmaceuticals goes bankrupt."

"I've also figured it out. It's better to make plans as early as possible, so as not to have no place to cry by then."

"I go!"

"If you say so, Boss Lu is really in trouble this time?"

"If that's the case, I'll quit the group too!"

"I can't help but struggle with the little money I have!"

"Hey, stop talking, Boss Lu is here, Boss Lu is here!"

Lu Fei and Xing Shuya pushed open the door and walked in. The noisy auditorium just now fell silent instantly.

When I came to the stage and looked down, I saw that except Li Yunhe, more than 30 provincial agents were all present.

Wang Xian from Yunnan and Yang Haiwen, general agent of the three eastern provinces, are also among them.

Lu Fei sat down with a golden sword, and Xing Shuya poured the water herself.

After taking a sip and looking around the audience, Lu Fei said.

"Recently, there have been a lot of news and comments about me on the Internet, which has made people panic."

"Several agents called yesterday wanting to quit."

"Today I gathered everyone here from their busy schedules to discuss this matter."

"I want to hear what everyone thinks."

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