A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 945 No bargaining

Outside the airport, Lu Fei finally realized the enthusiasm of Tiandu taxi drivers.

However, this enthusiasm made Lu Fei doubt his life.

If I had known this, I might as well have found someone to pick me up at the airport.

What a mess.

After running into obstacles one after another, Lu Fei became embarrassed.

Another taxi came over, and Lu Fei felt a little guilty for no reason.

I wanted to stop the car, but I couldn't raise my hand.

Fortunately, the taxi stopped on its own initiative.

Just as Lu Fei was about to strike up a conversation, the car window rolled down, and the taxi driver's gloomy and ferocious face appeared inside.

Before Lu Fei could say anything, the taxi driver spat hard, stepped on the accelerator and drove away.


What the hell is this attitude?

Did I provoke you?

Damn it!

You just run fast I tell you.

Slow down, I have to blackmail you!


What a damn bad luck.

After learning the hard way, it seems that taxis may not be available, so I might as well take the airport bus.

Thinking of this, Lu Fei strode towards the site.

But just after walking a few steps, another taxi stopped next to Lu Fei.

This time, Lu Fei didn't even look at it and continued walking forward.

The taxi slowed down to follow Lu Fei's pace, and the driver lowered the window and shouted loudly.

"Brother, do you want to take a taxi?"

"I'm Lu Fei!"

"I don't care who you are?"

"Give me the money and I'll do it," the taxi driver said.


Hearing what the driver said, Lu Fei was so moved that he almost cried.

"of course it's true."

"My purpose is to make money to support my family, and the rest has nothing to do with me."

"It's only natural to take your money and send you on your way."


"Brother, what you say sounds scary."

“Isn’t taking people’s money to help them eliminate disasters?”

"It's all the same, it's all the same."

"Get in the car, buddy."


After opening the door and getting in the car, Lu Fei felt more comfortable than his own Huiying.

Looking at the interior, touching the seat cushions, I was very excited.

"Man, where are you going?"

"Excuse me, Panjiayuan."


"Fasten your seat belt, let's hit the road."


As the car drove onto the airport expressway, Lu Fei took out his cigarette and asked.

"Master, can I smoke?"

"no problem!"

"Master, please have one too."

"Thank you, I don't dare. If you take the photo, you will be deducted points."

"Master, they all dislike me and refuse to take me."

"If you pull me, it won't cause you any trouble!" Lu Fei asked.


"They don't dare."

"Isn't it just the nonsense on the Internet?"

"How many things posted on the Internet are true?"

"Besides, even if it's true, you didn't trick me and have anything to do with me?"

"If you don't make any money, wouldn't you be a fool?" the driver said.


"You're right."

"Those grandsons are idiots."

The two chatted for more than half an hour, and the taxi drove to Panjiayuan without any obstruction.

"Excuse me, one hundred and six dollars and thirty cents."

"Rounding up, just give me one hundred and six," the driver said.

Lu Fei took out a handful of cash from his bag, counted nine hundred in total, and handed it all over.

"Brother, thank you for pulling me in. These are all yours."

"I'll go, so many?"

"No, no, I can't accept this money. It's too much."

"Take it!"

"Even for your services

The attitude is rewarded. "

Lu Fei opened the door and got out of the car.

Looking at Lu Fei's back, the driver counted the money excitedly and sighed.


"As expected of a billionaire fraudster, he was so damn righteous in his actions!"

Lu Fei came to Panjiayuan purely to kill time.

If you encounter a good object that catches your heart, of course you can't get used to it.

However, with Lu Fei's current temperament, he really doesn't look down on ordinary small objects. .??.

After checking the time, I put on my mask and walked into Panjiayuan.

Why wear a mask?

It's better to wear this.

To avoid the embarrassment at the airport from happening again.

After wandering around the entertainment area for a while, Lu Fei spent six hundred yuan to buy a pair of official hat walnuts.

This pair of walnuts are in pretty good condition, with a very thick coating. They are an old item from the late Qing Dynasty.

In recent years, the price of Wenwan walnuts has plummeted due to grafted walnuts.

Coupled with the stall owner's ignorance of the goods, Lu Fei made a big mistake.

If these walnuts were given to someone knowledgeable, they would be worth at least twenty thousand.

If it catches up with the market situation of previous years, it will sell for more than 50,000 yuan.

Of course, Lu Fei didn't buy these walnuts to make money. He planned to go home and give them to Zhang Huaizhi to play with.

Lao Zhang has a small head and small hands, so this pair of official hats are just right.

After leaving the cultural and entertainment area, Lu Fei saw another nice object.

This is a small cloisonné bowl.

It is five centimeters high and about nine centimeters in diameter. It is made of red copper filigree and filled with enamel. It has exquisite craftsmanship and is in good condition.

At this time, two groups of customers got hold of this small bowl one after another. In the end, they both left regretfully because they could not agree on the price.

Lu Fei made two rounds of simple bargaining with the stall owner and pocketed 16,000 yuan.

The transaction was 16,000 yuan, and the stall owner was extremely excited.

But Lu Fei despised the stall owner.

Although this small bowl didn't have any mark on it, Lu Fei recognized it at a glance. It was Lao Tianli's imitation of Jingtai's small bowl.


During the Guangxu period, there was a cloisonne workshop on Baochan Temple Street in Tiandu. The imitation cloisonné wares were so awesome that they could be fake and real.

In that era, many foreign devils were tricked.

Later, the foreign devils woke up and established a joint venture, the Laotianli Cloisonné Processing Factory, to jointly manufacture handicrafts.

In 1904, the "Baoding Stove" produced by Lao Tianli won the first prize at the World's Fair in Chicago, USA.

In 1915, he won another first prize at the Panama International Exposition.

Since then, Lao Tianli's reputation has become world-renowned.

Laotianli's objects are divided into two categories according to morning and evening.

Those with the meaning of "God makes things right" are the products of joint ventures.

There is also a kind without any distinction, the quality and craftsmanship are more exquisite.

It was a workshop in the early years, specializing in making top-quality imitations that deceive people.

Ninety percent of those high-imitation cloisonné items went overseas, and only a handful of them were passed down from China.

And the small cloisonné bowl in Lu Fei's hand is exactly one of those deceptive works.

In terms of value alone, this small bowl starts at RMB 100,000, but if you find a good buyer, it will cost you RMB 150,000.

But for Lu Fei, this high-imitation and deceptive item that specifically makes foreigners feel embarrassed is even more memorable.

Putting the small bowl into his bag, Lu Fei continued walking forward aimlessly.

After wandering not far, I discovered a familiar figure.

On a stall more than five meters long, a fat and white boy sat inside.

The young man had a grimace on his face and his eyes were blurred.

An old man picked up a bowl and asked the young man for the price.

"Boss, how much does this button bowl cost?"

The young man glanced casually and said absently.

"Dehua white porcelain from the Republic of China, one thousand yuan."

"too expensive!"

"This one doesn't look like it came from the Republic of China. I'll give you fifty at most."

The young man said casually without even looking at it.

"I said the Republic of China is the Republic of China."

"If you don't negotiate the price of a thousand yuan, you won't buy it and leave."

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