A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 946 Big Fat Drops Out of School

An old man took a fancy to a white porcelain button bowl on the stall.

But the fat stall owner got into trouble.

Not only did he have a bad attitude, but he also refused to sell it for less money, which made the old man very unhappy.

"I, Lao Bai, have been working in Panjiayuan for decades, and I have never heard of anything that cannot be negotiated on!"

"Young man, you can't do business like this!"

"If this continues, you'll have to lose all your money!"

The fat man's face was still as dark as water and he said coldly.

"Today you will see people who don't bargain."

"If it's only a thousand, don't pull it down."


When the old man heard this, his beard stood up in anger.

"Young man, business cannot be done without righteousness."

"I'm your age."

"Is it appropriate for you to talk to me like this?"

"Don't you understand the most basic manners?"

After the old man finished speaking unhappily, the fat man finally turned around and looked at him.

But it's not about showing off, it's about giving the old man a pair of big, hygienic eyeballs.

This time, the old man was so angry that he almost returned to his seat.

"You little bastard, you dare to stun me for nothing. Do you believe that I will slap you with my big mouth?"


This time, the old man's answer was not only a pair of hygienic eyeballs, but also an extremely disdainful snort.


"What kind of uneducated little brat are you from?"

"I must teach you a lesson today for your parents."

The old man said, raising the cane in his hand to beat the fat boy.

At this time, three teenagers, two women, one man, and two men ran over.

The tall boy among them hugged the old man tightly from behind, making the old man unable to move for an instant.


"Little bastard, let me go."

"What's wrong?"

"Do you still want to beat me, old man?"

"Come on, come on, here you go

Fight, do you dare? "

"I can't blackmail you to death." The old man shouted loudly.

The old man made such a noise that the stall owners and tourists gathered around him like a swarm of flies.

In the blink of an eye, Fatty's stall was surrounded by water.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Bai?"

"What's going on?"

"Boy, let go of Mr. Bai quickly."

"Second Master is already over 80 this year. He's in trouble. You can't bear the responsibility."

Hearing what everyone said, the tall boy was startled and quickly let go of the old man.

The old man raised his cane and was about to beat the tall boy, but was pulled aside by the stall owners.

"Second Master, calm down."

"What did you say? Who made you so angry?"

The old man pointed at the unconscious fat man in the stall with his walking stick and said.

"Reverse, reverse!"

"I have been living here in Panjiayuan for decades, and this is the first time someone dares to anger me like this."

"Relax, I must teach him a lesson today."

When the stall owners took a look, someone quickly recognized the fat man.


"Isn't this the fat boy from Wei Laosi's family?"

"Big fat boy!"

"It's out of season, why don't you go to school?"

"You're usually quite good at getting into trouble. What happened today?"

"Looking at you, I've made the second master so angry that my blood pressure has gone up."

"You kid, hurry up and apologize to the second master. The second master is magnanimous and won't argue with you."

"If you really make the second master angry, you will have to carry it around because you can't eat it."

"Stop dawdling, hurry up."

Everyone helped to smooth things over, but the fat man seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit, keeping a straight face but saying nothing.

Now, the stall owners who came to the rescue were also very angry.

Mr. Bai Er yelled angrily, holding up the walking stick and struggling to come over to fight.

At this time, the two girls who came with the tall boy came to the old man and said.

"Grandpa, our class president dropped out of school and was in a bad mood."

"Don't be acquainted with him. Otherwise, can we apologize to you?"


"You said Big Fat dropped out of school?"

Before Mr. Bai could say anything, the stall owners around him were all shocked.

Even Lu Fei, who was watching from the side, frowned.

"Girl, did you just say that Big Fat dropped out of school?"

The two girls nodded.

"Is what you said true?"


"Hey, oh, oh, oh!"


"Big Fatty, what the hell did you take the wrong medicine for?"

"Why is this?"

"Is it easy for your father and mother to wake up early and stay late?"

"In order to support your education, your father rode a broken tricycle to go to the countryside, even to Fangshan, Liangxiang."

"Do you know how much your dad has suffered over the years?"

"After a lot of blood and sweat, it was finally revealed that you, a top student in the Archeology Department of Tiandu University, are all happy for your parents."

"But before you could get ahead, you fucking dropped out of school."

"Is your boy possessed by an evil spirit?"

"Are you worthy of your parents?"

"Are you worthy of yourself?"

"What the hell is going on?"

Faced with the shouts of the stall owners, the fat man remained silent.

But on his chubby face, two lines of clear tears fell down like broken pearls.

Now, even Mr. Bai, who was ready to fight for his life, calmed down


The two girls also whimpered quietly.

"Uncles, please stop scolding the monitor."

"The monitor feels uncomfortable!"

"Girl, what happened?"

"Is someone bullying Big Fat in school?"

"In that case, tell your uncle and I'll go and judge the big fat guy." the enthusiastic stall owner asked.

"No, it was the monitor who dropped out of school on his own initiative."

"What's going on?"

After everyone's questioning, the two girls told the truth.

This fat man was none other than Wei Dongyu, who was called by Lu Fei to answer questions at the treasure fighting conference.

In the second round of the treasure fighting competition, the Liu family brought out a unique treasure, Chen Rong's original "Nine Dragons".

In order to draw out his "Ten Dragons", Lu Fei specially asked Wei Dongyu to help him show off.

Wei Dongyu's answer made Lu Fei quite satisfied. For this reason, Lu Fei also awarded Wei Dongyu a scholarship of 100,000 yuan in his own name.

This is nothing to Lu Fei, but it is of great significance to Wei Dongyu.

Lu Fei's knowledge, Lu Fei's collection, Lu Fei's righteousness, Lu Fei's ruthlessness, and Lu Fei's righteousness.

It deeply touched freshman Wei Dongyu.

From the moment he received Lu Fei's praise, Wei Dongyu has regarded this senior as his idol, as a motivation for learning, and even as a lifelong goal.

Back in Tiandu City, Wei Dongyu was so excited that he even couldn't sleep at night.

All he could think of was Lu Fei's majestic and heroic appearance as he passed five levels and killed six generals.

No matter when chatting with classmates, roommates, family or friends, I can't help but talk about Lu Fei, and I almost want a magic wand.

However, the good times did not last long.

Within a few days, all kinds of unfavorable news about Lu Fei suddenly went viral on the Internet.

The treasure-fighting hero a few days ago instantly fell from the altar and became a public enemy.

The idol's personality collapsed, and Wei Dongyu almost collapsed.

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