A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 947 The beginning of defeat

The idol's character collapsed, and Wei Dongyu almost collapsed.

But after calming down, Wei Dongyu immediately concluded that Lu Fei was wronged.

We tried our best to organize more than 2,000 archeology students at our own expense to go to Hong Kong Island for on-site observation.

Why is Lu Fei doing this?

For fame?

Lu Fei has already attracted worldwide attention by winning Dou Bao. Does he still need to use the students' gimmicks to promote himself?

The answer is definitely not.

Lu Fei did this just to broaden everyone's horizons. .??.??

Make the boring archeology profession interesting.

More than two thousand teachers and students were happy, but Wei Dongyu could imagine how much it cost Lu Fei.

That price is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

How could such a good person be as miserable as what is said on the Internet?

Absolutely impossible.

In addition to this, Lu Fei's righteousness during the treasure fighting competition is the national integrity engraved in his bones, which cannot be faked no matter how high his acting skills are.

Let me ask, how could such a person do such immoral things that are worse than animals?

Thinking of this, Wei Dongyu became even more convinced that his idol had been wronged.

Wei Dongyu firmly believed in Lu Fei, but most of his classmates did not believe it, and even followed the idle keyboard warriors on the Internet to accuse and abuse Lu Fei.

Wei Dongyu felt quite unhappy when he heard these accusations.

For this reason, Wei Dongyu had to argue with his classmates more than once.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of students did not buy Wei Dongyu's account.

Not only did he not stop blaming Lu Fei, he even brought Wei Dongyu into it.

It is said that Wei Dongyu received 100,000 yuan in benefits from Lu Fei, and was willing to be a scumbag and so on.

The words he said were as ugly as they sounded.

At first, only a few people in the class gossiped, but within a day, these gossips quickly spread throughout the entire archeology department.

The next day, the news spread throughout Tiandu University.

Except for a few best friends, everyone else looked at Wei Dongyu strangely.

Some people even asked art students to draw some exaggerated pictures.


Paint Wei Dongyu with a human head and a dog body, kneeling and licking Lu Fei.

In this way, Wei Dongyu became the laughing stock of the entire school, which also caused Wei Dongyu's self-esteem to suffer tens of thousands of injuries.

When school was over yesterday afternoon, a frustrated Wei Dongyu put his withdrawal application on his desk and left the school.

This morning, the students in the class found out about Wei Dongyu's application to drop out of school. Some were shocked, some were shocked, but most of them were gloating about his misfortune.

When the head teacher saw this application for withdrawal from school, he suppressed it instead of sending it to the Academic Affairs Office.

When I inquired about the situation, I found that the top student with both good character and academic performance was forced to drop out of school due to public opinion. The head teacher was furious.

The class teacher reserved the whole morning.

A vivid ideological education lesson was given to the whole class.

After class, Wei Dongyu's best friends, Chen Qianhua, Yao Lina and Zhang Jie were asked to find Wei Dongyu back.

These three people all knew that Wei Dongyu's family had a stall in Panjiayuan, so they went straight to Panjiayuan.

It's better to come early than to come by chance, just in time for Mr. Bai to teach Wei Dongyu a lesson.

After hearing what Chen Qianhua and Yao Lina said, the stall owners around them were filled with indignation.

"Oh shit!"

"What are the qualities of these college students now?"

"Wouldn't this push the child to death?"

"It's just too much."

"Big fat, so are you."

"Lu Fei's reputation is so bad."

"If you don't come forward to explain yourself, why are you pretending to be a big clove of garlic?"

"Aren't you full and full?"

The stall owners are in trouble with these few words.

Mr. Bai yelled and even started to fight, but Wei Dongyu didn't respond.

The stall owners felt sorry for him and complained about him, but Wei Dongyu remained indifferent.

But when it came to Lu Fei's fault, Wei Dongyu gave up and suddenly stood up and roared with red eyes.

"Shut up!"

"Senior is not that kind of person."

"The senior has been wronged, and you are not allowed to speak against him."

"Holy shit!"

"Big Fatty, are you crazy?"

"Why don't you distinguish between good and bad?"

"We are doing this for your own good. It's not worth risking your own future for Lu Fei!" the stall owners said.


"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

"The senior is a good person, and I don't allow you to talk about him."

Wei Dongyu burst into tears and roared hysterically.

At this time, a thin palm stretched out, patted Wei Dongyu's shoulder and said lightly.

"They're right."

"It's not worth it!"

"Give it to me too."


"It's you?"

"It's you"

"You are. Ah."

An hour later, in the children's living room of Di's courtyard in Shichahai.

Lu Fei personally made tea and served it to the four teenagers.

"This is Hongfuhao aged Pu'er from the Hongwu period."

"You have all seen it at the treasure fighting conference. Let me give you a taste today."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, the eyes of the four boys and girls opposite him flickered with desire, but no one dared to reach out.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Don't stand there, it will get cold soon."

"Senior, if I'm not mistaken, this is the Xuande Dragon Pattern Blue and White Hand Cup that wins the Liu Family!"

"This cup is too expensive, I, I dare not touch it!" Wei Dongyu said nervously.


"Mr. Liu Yiqian dares to drink tea from a chicken cup. Is this Xuande blue and white just a piece of cake?"

"Drink it with confidence. If it breaks, it's mine." Lu Fei said.

With Lu Fei's constant encouragement, the four teenagers finally

He picked up the cup with full concentration.

Yao Lina took a sip and frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you not used to drinking?" Lu Fei asked.

Yao Lina nodded and said.

"I have never drunk Pu'er tea before, and I feel a little uncomfortable."

"It doesn't matter. I'm not used to drinking Pu'er. Let's switch to the Liu family's mother tree Dongding Oolong."


"Senior, you are too wasteful!"

"If you lose your family, don't be afraid of having a big family fortune. You and I can afford to lose."

"If you still can't get used to the frozen oolong, we still have the mother tree Dahongpao."

"If that doesn't work, there's Shifeng Longjing. There's always one that suits you."

Lu Fei said, about to pour away Yao Lina's Pu'er tea.

Yao Lina was startled and quickly grabbed Lu Fei's hand and said distressedly.

"don't want!"

"It would be such a waste to throw it out."

"I just haven't drank before. Senior, please let me get used to it."

"Okay, if you're not used to it, don't force it!" Lu Fei said.

Yao Lina really couldn't bear to drink it, but she couldn't bear to throw it away, so she had to say it tasted good against her will.

The second cup of tea was poured, and the Di family's nannies brought pastries from Daoxiang Village and various top-notch dried fruits.

Lu Fei waved his hand and made whatever he wanted.

Facing the inhumane senior, Wei Dongyu and the others' eyes were full of envy and admiration.

After the third cup of tea was poured, Lu Fei said.

"Dong Yu!"

"I can't thank you enough for exonerating me."

"But I still have to say to you, it's not worth it."

"Be rational and do things rationally. Don't lose these two things at any time."

"Otherwise, you will only be a useless mediocre person for the rest of your life."

"Rest here for a while, and I'll take you somewhere in the evening."

"Go back and have a good rest after it's over, and go back to school tomorrow."

"Otherwise, we will break off our relationship immediately."

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