A photo of the genuine registration document appeared on the big screen, and host Feng Zhigang explained to everyone.

"This is the original registration document, and the date is clearly written on it."

"The registration time for the Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation is 9 a.m. on March 15th."

"The post of Mr. Li Rui, a lecturer at Chang'an University, was posted at 2pm on March 19th."

"Comparing the two, I believe everyone can recognize the facts."

So that’s it!

This is actually the case!

We all misunderstood Mr. Lu Fei. He was not prepared to pocket this money from the beginning!

Ninety-two billion, that’s ninety-two billion!

How much assets does the richest man in the country have?

Mr. Lu can actually face such a huge sum of money without being tempted. What a noble personality this is!

So that’s it!

I knew the senior was wronged.

I have always believed that the senior was wronged!

The senior did not disappoint me. He is still the indomitable hero in my heart.

He is still my role model and my idol.

Damn it!

Those who question seniors, what do you say now?

Those who question the seniors, what are you thinking now?

Are you blushing?

Are you heartbroken?

Are you ashamed?

After learning the truth, Wei Dongyu burst into tears, but her heart was boiling with excitement.

Feng Zhigang continued.

"Mr. Lu Fei's failure to come forward to clarify and explain is not because Mr. Lu Fei feels guilty, but because he is busy running the foundation and has no time at all."

"Today, all preliminary preparations for the foundation have been completed."

"Here, we officially announce that we will initiate legal proceedings against Mr. Li Rui for his unfounded and malicious slander, including irresponsible articles by some media."

"What we want is not only an apology, but also the huge damage caused to Mr. Lu's reputation and business."

"Without further ado, I would like to invite Mr. Lu Fei to speak on stage."

Feng Zhigang stepped aside, and Lu Fei strode onto the stage amidst thunderous applause.

"First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Feng Zhigang."

"Everything Mr. Feng said is completely my intention."

"In the past few days, I have suffered heavy losses due to those irresponsible remarks."

"Someone must be responsible for all this."

"Starting tomorrow, our company's legal department will officially launch litigation."

"I hope the selfless law can give me justice."

"I hope that injustice like mine will not happen again."

"I call on the whole society to do their job well."

"Be filial to your parents, be kind to your friends, and don't believe it, let alone spread such rumors."

"One of your bad comments and one of your irresponsible reposts may very well ruin a person's life."

"If you encounter someone who is not confident, it is likely to ruin a person's life."

"If someone commits suicide and dies because of rumors, each of you who spread the rumors will be held responsible."

"Even if the law does not hold you accountable, I believe you will be condemned in your heart."

"So, I hope that it would be better for everyone not to do this kind of thing that harms others but does not benefit oneself."


"Let's get back to the point."

"Mr. Feng Zhigang just told me about my original intention of establishing the foundation."

"Now let me talk about the foundation's operation plan."

"Starting from this year, the Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation will allocate no less than one billion Shenzhou coins in special funds every year to support China's archaeological undertakings."

"The specific uses are as follows."

“First, the foundation will examine the top ten major archaeological discoveries every year.

Ancient teams and outstanding individuals will be rewarded. "

"Second, the foundation will allocate special funds every year to improve archaeological equipment."

"Third, the foundation allocates special funds every year to provide cash comfort to the families of individuals who were seriously injured, disabled, or even sacrificed during archaeological operations."

"Fourth, the foundation will allocate special funds every year as a reward for reserve talents."

"Not only will we provide additional scholarships to students in the Department of Archeology, but we will also provide significant help to poor students."

“I’m here, and I’m also asking my friends in the media to help spread the word about this.”

"I want students all over the world to understand that applying for the Department of Archeology is not without a future."

"Applying to the Department of Archeology is not only glorious, but also has a bright future."

"And those poor students, please feel free to apply for the Chinese Archeology Major."

"It doesn't matter if you don't have money."

"As long as you sincerely contribute to China's archaeological cause."

"Then, I'm here to guarantee you that if you enroll, I'll pay for it."

"I will pay all the expenses that I cannot afford."


"Mr. Lu said it well!"

"With your words, China's archaeological cause will surely move towards glory in the future."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, we will make a special report and call on fresh graduates to apply for the archeology major."

Kong Fanlong nodded and smiled, the reporters applauded warmly, and the four students of Wei Dongyu burst into tears of excitement.

Lu Fei waved his hand and waited for everyone to calm down before continuing.

"And one last thing."

"I appeal to private collectors and antique dealers not to dump good items overseas."

"There are not many good things left by our ancestors, so we can't mess with them anymore."

"Those are our national treasures. Don't you feel guilty if you sell them to foreigners?"

"I hope you will donate good things to the country."

"As long as you donate, besides

In addition to the rewards given by the state, our foundation will also give rewards. "


There was another round of warm applause from the audience.

"Let me tell you another piece of good news."

"Since the establishment of the Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation, we have received a large number of social and caring enterprises to join us."

"Tiandu Entertainment Company donated the first batch of 500 million Shenzhou coins."

"Mr. Bai Zirui, chairman of Tiandu Entertainment, gave a written guarantee that there will be no less than 100 million donations every year in the future."

"Please applaud Mr. Bai for his generosity!"


"Mr. Bai is domineering!"

"In addition to Mr. Bai, Mr. Di Chaodong, chairman of Baihua Bank of Malaysia, also donated NT$500 million."

"Mr. Fang Shinan, chairman of Aodao Huangtian Entertainment City, donated 500 million yuan."

"Mr. Chen Hongyi, Chairman of Tiandu Yunlong Group, donated 500 million yuan"

"The Demon Capital Wang Consortium also donated 500 million yuan."


Every time Lu Fei reported a donation, the audience burst into applause and cheers.

Wave after wave of applause instantly brought the atmosphere at the press conference to a climax.

Lu Fei continued.

"In addition, Mr. Qian Shaobin, chairman of Tiandu Wynn Group, donated 200 million yuan and provided strong support of no less than 50 million yuan per year."

"Ms. Kong Panqing, chairman of Xiangshan Auction House, donated 50 million yuan in her own name."

"Mr. Li Yunhe, chairman of Bianliang Lingbao Pharmaceutical, donated 50 million yuan."

"Mr. Ji Dongmin, a famous entrepreneur in Jincheng and chairman of Dongmin Group, donated 50 million yuan."

"In addition, there are several large donations. Due to time constraints, I will not go into details here."

"I'll give you the total number!"

"So far, we have received donations from all walks of life, totaling 4.63 billion yuan."

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