Donations, in business circles, have evolved into a form of pretentiousness by big bosses.

Donating some money symbolically not only helps advertise your company.

After being hyped by the media, you can also improve your personality and influence.

In this case, the donation will not be very large.

In a market like this in China, a donation of tens of millions can even fuel the hype for half a year.

Lu Fei used his personal influence to obtain 4.63 billion in donations.

For China's business community, this is simply a miracle.

"These donations will be used in batches year by year based on the foundation's expenditure budget."

"Big bosses from all walks of life are welcome to show their love and continue to support our archaeological undertakings in China."

"Here, I promise everyone."

“Every donation and every expenditure received by our Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation is completely open and transparent.”

“All people from all walks of life are welcome to join in supervision.”

“Now we invite Ms. Kong Panqing, General Director of the Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation, to speak on the stage.”

"Everyone welcomes you with applause."


Amid the cheers of the audience, Kong Panqing walked onto the stage dressed in a smart professional suit.

"Hello everyone!"

"Mr. Lu Fei has already said everything that needs to be said."

"Let me give you a guarantee here!"

"I guarantee that every penny of the foundation will be used where it is most needed. Please supervise it."


After Kong Panqing finished speaking, Financial Director Kong Jiaqi came on stage to give her assurance.

Later, the host Feng Zhigang said excitedly.

"The specific operations of the foundation will be explained clearly to everyone."

"Now, with the warmest applause, let us invite Mr. Kong Fanlong, the first archaeologist in China and the general consultant of China's historical archeology, to speak on the stage."


Everyone stands up

Welcome with applause.

Guan Haishan and Zhao Bo pushed the master to the stage, and the old man held on to the wheelchair and stood up.

Lu Fei supported the old man with one hand and personally held the microphone for Kong Fanlong with the other hand.

Kong Fanlong patted Lu Fei on the shoulder and then said.

"Good evening everyone!"

"Hello, Mr. Kong!"

"Today is a special day."

"My old man is exactly one hundred years old this year."

"Today is the happiest and most exciting day for me in this century."

"none of them."

The old man was too serious. The reporters in the audience stood up and applauded enthusiastically again.

Some people don't even notice when their palms turn red.

"As a Chinese archaeologist and the leader of archaeologists, I have not done enough."

"I am well aware of the environment and treatment of front-line personnel below."

“But sometimes, as a leader, I am unable to do what I want.”

"That's always been my biggest regret."

"But today, Lu Fei made up for this regret for me. On behalf of the Chinese archaeologists, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to him."

The old man said, straightened his clothes, and bowed to Lu Fei, which shocked Lu Fei and quickly stopped him.

"Old man, please don't."

"This junior can't bear it," Lu Fei said.

"No, this is the gratitude of all Chinese archaeologists to you. You can definitely bear it."

"Maybe people don't know."

"Before this, Lu Fei has given us a lot of help."

"Everyone knows about the Zhang Xianzhong treasure excavation in Jiangkou that caused a sensation in China last year!"

"I can tell you that Mr. Lu Fei helped find the exact location of the sunken treasure."

"The location we circled is nine kilometers away from the exact location."

"Without Lu Fei's help, we would have had to wait at least one more year to find Zhang Xianzhong's treasure."

"Mr. Lu Fei deserves the first credit for this excavation."


After Kong Fanlong finished speaking, the whole audience was shocked.

Among the top ten archaeological excavations last year, Jiangkou Shipwreck ranked first. Thousands of important cultural relics were unearthed at that time, which caused a sensation throughout China.

But no one expected that the biggest contributor to the sinking of the Jiangkou ship was Lu Fei.

It's incredible. .??.??

Kong Fanlong continued.

"It's not just the shipwreck at the mouth of the river."

"Last year, the tomb of Leyang from the Spring and Autumn Period in Panlongling, Bianliang, was also discovered by Mr. Lu Fei."

"Moreover, Mr. Lu Fei immediately notified the cultural preservation department to carry out rescue excavation of Leyang's tomb."

"Not only were a large number of heavy bronze artifacts unearthed from Leyang's tomb, but also thousands of colorful vessels were unearthed."

“The quantity and quality of the unearthed cultural relics are the highest in the Spring and Autumn Period tombs in history.”

"Moreover, we also found a complete epitaph in Leyang's tomb."

"With this epitaph, we have made another major breakthrough in our research on the humanities and history of the Spring and Autumn Period."

"So, Lu Fei also took the lead in the excavation of Leyang Tomb."

"In addition, Lu Fei also personally participated in dangers and helped us detect two major cultural relics cases, saving countless losses for the country."

Oh my God!

Lu Fei has done so many great things, but the outside world doesn't even know about it.

How low-key do you have to be to do this?

Such a person cannot be described as great!

"In the treasure fight a few days ago, Lu Fei used his own

Turn the tide. "

"Not only did I save my face, but I also won dignity for the archaeological collection community in China."

"After the treasure fight, Lu Fei took the initiative to donate 300 kilograms of the authentic "Book of Commandments" by Suma Liqing and Zhuge Kongming, as well as Fan Kuai Wuyanghou Seal to the country free of charge."

"I think everyone here has watched the live broadcast of the treasure fighting conference!"

"How valuable these three treasures are, I don't need to introduce them too much."

"But Lu Fei did not hesitate to donate for free, filling many gaps in our Chinese archaeological community."

"What kind of integrity is this?"

"What kind of magnanimity is this?"

"If it were all of you here, ask yourselves, which one can do it?"

"As for that huge sum of money, it was completely won by Lu Fei."

"Leave it to Lu Fei, it will just return to its original owner."

"At that time, Lu Fei resisted in every possible way, but in the end, the old man forced him, and Lu Fei finally accepted."

"But I didn't expect that Lu Fei would turn around and use the money to start this archaeological foundation."

"And I even got my friends to join in. The total amount is nearly 100 billion."

"Including Lu Fei's previous personal donation, the total value exceeds 120 billion."

"One hundred and twenty billion, this is money!"

"What kind of courage does Lu Fei have to donate so much money? What kind of courage does this have?"

"The great chivalrous person serves the country and the people."

"With such a righteous deed, such courage, and such contribution, I don't think it is an exaggeration to say that Lu Fei is a contemporary hero."

"But such a heroic hero was insulted and criticized by some shameless villains on unfounded charges."

"They are not just insulting Lu Fei, they are insulting the entire archaeological collection community in China. I will never allow this."

"I have ordered a thorough investigation into this matter, and no matter who is involved, I will never tolerate it."

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