After Kong Fanlong's impassioned speech, the press conference ended directly.

Even the part of answering reporters' questions was ignored by the reporters.

It’s not that no one wants to ask questions, it’s just that there is really no time.

These reporters were all invited by Bai Zirui.

At that time, Bai Zirui just said that he would hold a press conference.

Boss Bai calls, reporters must give face.

However, everyone thinks that Bai Zirui will release news about the entertainment industry, most likely about the ban on Jiang Xinxin and Huang Hai Entertainment today.

This matter is no longer news, and reporters don’t pay much attention to it, so there is no group of people carrying live broadcast equipment.

When I arrived at the press conference, I saw the banner and realized that it was a press conference for the foundation, and it was also a foundation invested by Lu Fei.

That alone is nothing.

What I never expected was that this press conference would be so exciting.

With a reserve fund of nearly 100 billion, more than a dozen big names joined the company and it was named after Kong Fanlong, coupled with Kong Fanlong’s impassioned speeches.

This is simply the biggest news hot spot of the year.

But in the face of such a hot topic, no reporter even brought live broadcast equipment. This is simply a big joke.

But fortunately, no one brought it, so it was fair. At least everyone was on the same starting line.

As soon as the press conference ended, reporters rushed out like crazy.

All the reporters had only one idea at this time. They immediately went back to the studio to sort out the materials and publish this hot news as soon as possible.

So, even if there were questions, there was no time to ask them.

Reporters rush to write and publish at the speed of light.

Just twenty minutes later, news of the press conference spread into the evening.

【Hot spots】

Mr. Lu Fei was wronged.

The huge sum of 92 billion was not blackmail by Mr. Lu Fei, and the truth has been revealed.

The following is the latest report from our reporter


Mr. Lu Fei, joins forces with the nineteen consciences of China

Entrepreneurs donated 100 billion to establish the Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation.

The following is a report from our station.

【Express News】

Mr. Lu Fei has helped China’s archaeological undertakings several times and spent hundreds of billions to establish the Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation.

Mr. Kong spoke highly of Lu Fei as a contemporary hero.

The following is the latest report brought by our station from the press conference

All media rushed to report it.

In less than twenty minutes, news of the foundation's press conference spread to every platform in China.

Ten minutes later, the positive report about the foundation and Lu Fei completely dominated the screen, with over a million views.

is this real?

Don't you say that Lu Fei is an ungrateful white-eyed wolf and a heinous blackmailer?

It’s only been a few days!

How could there be such a big reversal?

is this real?

If these are true, what does the previous one mean?

If what we say is true, what have we done before?

Insult heroes, criticize justice, distort facts, and spread lies.

Oh my God!

What have we done?

We actually listened to rumors and suppressed heroes, we deserve to die!

Dozens of media outlets released it simultaneously.

The ironclad facts of the foundation’s registration documents are before our eyes.

Coupled with Kong Fanlong's words, everyone knew that Lu Fei had misunderstood the hero.

Netizens who knew the truth were ashamed and regretful.

"What have we done?"

"Oh my God!"

"We actually suspected Tasha Fei!"

"Baolan Fei has been so kind to us, but we betrayed him when Bao Lanfei needed help the most."


Are we still human? "

"Zhu Dahai, you bastard, we were all deceived by you."

"You're such a pest!"

"What should we do now?"

"What should we do now?"

"After this incident, Baolan Fei must be heartbroken."

"How should we face Baoshaifei in the future?"

"Do we still have the face to face Rogue Fly?"

"How can we survive in this industry from now on?"

The veteran Bianliang people who understood the situation stamped their feet, beat their chests, and cried bitterly.

However, they themselves also know it.

Things have come to this, and there is absolutely no going back to the past.

After this incident, they must be infamous.

There will be no place for me in this industry from now on.

The only way is to close the shop and go home to retire.

As for those agents who had withdrawn from the group, they felt even more regretful after receiving the news.

Damn it!

Lu Fei said there was a way to deal with it, but we were so obsessed that we didn't believe it at all.

Not only did they give away the huge cake, but they also had to bear a heavy loss of 30% of the agency fee.

Now that I think about it, my smart-aleck behavior is simply stupid!

No wonder Lu Fei said that even if he doubled the agency fee, some people would join him.

After what happened tonight, Lu Fei's personal and company reputation will surely reach a higher level.

In this case, let alone doubling, even if it doubled again, someone would break their head and get in.


I want to admit my mistake to Boss Lu.

I want to have a good talk with Mr. Xing.

Even if you pay some extra agency fees, you have to get them back.

However, when they called Xing Shuya again, no one answered.

At the same time, in an apartment in Chang'an, Li Rui was sweating profusely and on pins and needles.

“I didn’t know until now that you were the instigator.


"Li Rui, what exactly do you think?"

"You are a university lecturer!"

"Don't you understand the important consequences of this matter?"

"Lu Fei provoked you, why did you want to harm others?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Li Rui, tell me the truth. Why did you do this?"

"You weren't like this before. Did someone force you?"

"Are you talking?" Li Rui's wife cried.


"This is all my own intention."

"It has nothing to do with other people." Li Rui said.


"I know you, you are not like this at all."

"Besides, you wouldn't know so much if someone hadn't told you."

"Li Rui, I beg you, please tell me the truth!"

"Is this your master Shen Zhong?"

"That's what you said?"

"Don't force me. No one gave me instructions. This is all my own decision." Li Rui said.

"Li Rui, when was this?"

"If you continue to be stubborn, you will be hopeless."

"Have you thought about the consequences of this?"

"If Lu Fei sues tomorrow, you will be ruined."

"Your future, everything about you, even me and my children will be implicated by you!"

"If it's really what you mean, we, mother and son, will have no regrets about being implicated by you."

"But if it's someone else's instruction, why should we suffer the consequences for someone else's fault?"

"Is that fair to you?"

"Is it fair to us, mother and son?"

"Have you ever thought about our mother and son, Li Rui?"


"I'm sorry!"

"It's all them."

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