A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 959 Encounter in the nursing home

At ten o'clock in the morning, Lu Fei and Xue Taihe took Chen Yunfei's special car to Miyun Nursing Home.

After undergoing two levels of security checks with live ammunition, the car entered a quiet valley.

Across the valley, two old low-rise buildings from the 1990s appeared on the open land.

This is Miyun Sanatorium.

Despite the outdated architecture, the environment is mediocre.

However, ordinary people holding gold and silver in their hands can't even think of coming in at the gate, let alone recuperating here.

When they arrived at the parking lot, the two middle-aged men who had just got out of the car in front of them subconsciously glanced back.

After seeing the license plate number clearly, the two people were stunned for a moment, and then walked over quickly. .??.

Seeing these two middle-aged men through the car window, Lu Fei frowned.

Although Lu Fei and these two people have never met, they have seen them on TV more than once.

The tall man in Chinese tunic suit is Jiang Mingzhe's father, Jiang Hongyang.

The man next to him is about 1.75 meters tall, with a well-proportioned figure, slightly dark skin, regular facial features, and bright eyes.

This man was wearing a PC uniform, and the number on it was so clear that even an idiot could remember it at a glance.

Because this number 000001 is too concise.

With such an awesome number, this person is of course the boss of China PC, Deng Shaohui’s father, Deng Xinhua.

Unexpectedly, Lu Fei was quite surprised to see the fathers of two enemies here at once.

Arriving in front of the car, Deng Xinhua opened the door himself, and Jiang Hongyang stretched out his hand to protect the roof of the car. The two of them were extremely polite.

"Hello, Mr. Chen!"


"Xiao Deng and Xiao Jiang!"

"Which one are you coming to visit?" Chen Yunfei said as he got out of the car.

"Back to Mr. Chen, let's visit Mr. Pan." Deng Xinhua said.

"What a coincidence, I'm also visiting Xiao Pan, so let's go together!"


"Shall I help you?" Deng Xinhua said.


"I can't walk that far, so I'd better use a wheelchair!"

"Lu Fei, move my wheelchair down." Chen Yunfei said.

Hearing this from Lu Fei

Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang couldn't help but frown.

Looking at Lu Fei, a hint of splendor flashed in his eyes.

The wheelchair was moved down and Chen Yunfei was helped to sit in the wheelchair.

The old man said to Lu Fei.

"Boy, let me introduce you to two leaders."

"This is Mr. Deng Xinhua Deng."

"Next to me is Mr. Jiang Hongyang, please get to know him."

Lu Fei stretched out his hand politely.

"Hello, Mr. Deng, hello Mr. Jiang."

"I'm here, Lu Fei, please take care of me."

Deng Xinhua held Lu Fei's hand and said with a smile.

"Mr. Lu, you're welcome. Your name is well known to us!"

"Needless to say the treasure fighting conference."

"Yesterday you spent hundreds of billions to establish an archaeological foundation. Such courage can be said to be unprecedented!"

“The foundation’s immeasurable meritorious deed has attracted great attention from the leaders above.”

"It is said that in a few days, the leader will also give you a big commendation."


"Mr. Deng deserves the award."

“Everyone has the responsibility to revitalize China.”

"Lu Fei just did what he should do."

"Not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning." Lu Fei said with rare humility.

"Mr. Lu has made outstanding achievements many times at a young age. Given time, he will definitely have a bright future!"

"Quan Zi is about the same age as you. I'll introduce you to him some other time. I hope Mr. Lu can help me and get closer to him!" Jiang Hongyang said with a smile.

"I like socializing with people my own age the most."

"As long as the noble master doesn't dislike you, there will be no problem with Lu Fei."


"Then we've settled."

After exchanging a few words, everyone gathered around Chen Yun and flew inside.

Deng Xinhua asked softly.

"Mr. Chen, you are so old, you should take a good rest at home."

"You can just ask your second brother to do this kind of thing. Why do you have to do it yourself?"

"Xiao Pan looks like this, I can't feel at ease at home."

"It just so happened that Lu Fei came to Tiandu and took this boy to give Xiao Pan a diagnosis and treatment."

"Despite his young age, this kid's medical skills are quite impressive!"

"In case he has a way to cure Xiao Pan, it will save him from suffering here." Chen Yunfei said.


"That's right!"

"I have heard that Mr. Lu has superb medical skills, and even Mr. Xue is willing to be his disciple."

"With Mr. Lu's help, Mr. Pan's condition will definitely recover soon."

"Mr. Deng is so complimentary."

"Lu Fei knows a little bit about medical skills, but he's not as exaggerated as you said."

"Whether it's okay or not, let's check the condition first."

"As long as there is a way, Lu Fei will do his best to treat him."

"That being said, I'll leave it to Mr. Lu."

"Mr. Pan has a heavy responsibility and being bedridden is the greatest loss to the people."

"If Mr. Lu can cure Mr. Pan, it will be a miracle!"

Everyone chatted and entered Building 1.

Once you get here, you have to go through another security check before you can enter.

The security check here is much stricter than at the gate.

Not only X-ray scanning is required, but also metal scanning is required.

Bags and all metal objects carried by each person must be deposited at the security checkpoint.

Even Chen Yunfei is no exception.

Lu Fei didn't pay attention when others handed over things.

But when Chen Yunfei handed it over, Lu Fei was shocked.

Good guy, in addition to the dagger, this old man also carries two pistols.

I'll be a good boy!

It's really naughty to still play this at such an old age.

At this stage, everyone was delayed for twenty minutes.

After everything was over, he came to Ward No. 5 as light as a swallow.


Outside the door of the ward, there is a young man in civilian clothes who is as strong as an ox and has a murderous spirit as a guard on the left and right.

Seeing Chen Yunfei, the two men immediately saluted and said hello.

"Hello, Mr. Chen!"

"Is Xiao Pan resting?" Chen Yunfei asked.

"Report to Mr. Chen, the leader is being checked inside."


"Go in and tell Xiao Pan that I'm here."


When the young man announced, Chen Yunfei waved his hand and asked Lu Fei and Xue Taihe to follow him in.

Although Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang had high status, they could only wait outside without being notified.

There are four people in the ward.

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather tie stood beside the bed with a serious look and his hands hanging down.

There are also two doctors in white.

One was standing aside holding the case, and the other was using a special flashlight to check the eyes of the old man on the hospital bed.

The old man on the hospital bed was in his early sixties, with a Chinese-character face and a broad forehead.

This old man has fair skin, huge earlobes and slightly high cheekbones. He is the face often seen on TV, Pan Xingzhou.

After the doctor finished the examination, Pan Xingzhou hurriedly sat up on the bed.

He looked at the wall and said in surprise.

"Mr. Chen, you come to see me in person at such an old age. Xingzhou is so scared!"

"Xiao Pan, don't get excited. Just lie down and talk."

"Xiao Li, help Xiao Pan lie down quickly." Chen Yunfei said to the secretary standing by the bed.

Pan Xingzhou waved his hand and said.

"Need not!"

"Mr. Chen is here, how can I still lie down?"

"Mr. Chen, you don't have to worry about me."

"There is nothing wrong with my health, but my eyesight is not working properly."

"With this disease, I can't even greet you during the Chinese New Year. Are you okay?"

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

"I told you about Lu Fei last time we called."

"I caught this kid today. With his help, you will definitely be able to see the light again."

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