A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 960 Playing tricks

Hearing the words "see the light again", Pan Xingzhou's Wushen eyes were filled with expectation.

Lu Fei took a step forward and said.

"Mr. Pan, can you rest assured that I'm here to treat you?"

Before Pan Xingzhou could speak, the doctor who had just examined his eyes frowned.

"Are you here for treatment?"

"Who are you?"

"Which hospital are you from?"


"Shut up!" Chen Yunfei shouted with his eyes wide open.

The doctor was startled by Chen Yunfei's voice.

"Mr. Chen, can this person be reliable at such a young age?"

"Mr. Pan has a special status, just in case"


"I called Lu Fei here. If anything happens, I will be responsible."

"You have nothing to do here, get out of here!" Chen Yunfei yelled.

"Old Chen"

"What's the matter? It's hard for me to talk, isn't it?"

"No, no, don't get me wrong."



Chen Yunfei was anxious. The doctor did not dare to make any mistakes, so he quickly opened the door and left.

"Xiao Pan, Lu Fei has superb medical skills."

"He cured all my problems."

"Don't worry and let him treat you. I won't harm you." Chen Yunfei said.

Pan Xingzhou said with a slight smile.

"What you said is serious."

"You are thinking about Xingzhou all the time, and you even personally invited Lu Fei here. It's not too late for Xingzhou to be grateful. How can you not feel relieved?"

"I also know something about Lu Fei."

"Dean Xue's teacher, Xuanlong's instructor."

"The Hongshan Culture Case, the biggest contributor to the Luojing Shipwreck Case."

"The Treasure Fighting Conference can single-handedly turn the tide."

"Yesterday we spent a huge amount of money to establish the Archaeological Foundation."

"Lu Fei is the pillar of the country and a man of righteousness. How could he harm me?"

"Lu Fei, please give me my eyes to you.

. "

"Don't feel any pressure. Even if it can't be cured, I will keep your love in mind."

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Thank you, Mr. Pan, for your trust. Lu Fei will do his best."

"Now, let me check you first. Please lie down."

"Then please." Pan Xingzhou said.

After helping Pan Xingzhou lie down, Lu Fei opened his eyelids and took a look.

I picked up the case again and looked through it carefully, and then I felt relieved.

"Mr. Pan, I can tell you in a responsible manner."

"I am 100% sure that I can cure your eye disease."


Pan Xingzhou heard this and sat up again excitedly.

Pan Xingzhou has reached his current position in his early sixties. It can be said that his future is full of unlimited possibilities.

But at this moment, he suffered from the most fatal optic atrophy.

If the eyes cannot see, it means that the results of decades of hard work are in vain.

Pan Xingzhou has been extremely depressed these past few days.

The meaningless inspections every day made him even more upset.

Not long before Lu Fei and others arrived, he severely reprimanded the secretary for something trivial.

Now that he heard Lu Fei's guarantee, Pan Xingzhou's mood was like the dry and cracked earth being moistened by the rain. He was so excited that it was hard to express.

Chen Yunfei laughed loudly.

"Lu Fei is always strict. No matter what he says, he must leave some room for it."

"Now that he can guarantee it 100%, it will definitely be fine."

"Xiao Pan, just relax!"


Pan Xingzhou nodded vigorously.

"Thank you, thank you very much."

"Mr. Pan, please wait until your eyesight has recovered to say thank you."

"right now I am

I’ll treat you first. "

"Lie down first, and I'll tell you a little bit about the treatment plan."

"First, I'm going to use the Ghost Gate Shen Needle to stimulate your central nervous system to fully activate the nerves."

"During this process, you will feel some tingling on your scalp and some itching around your eyes and ears."

"These are normal behaviors and you need to be patient for a while," Lu Fei said.

"I have no problem." Pan Xingzhou nodded vigorously.

"After the acupuncture, the most important thing is to take the medicine."

"Among the prescriptions I prepare for you, the top priority is the three-flavored genius earth treasure."

"This prescription requires orchid dew, which has been extinct for hundreds of years."

"There is also the purest and most exquisite Ganoderma lucidum that has only appeared six times in the five thousand years of civilization in China." ??

"The most important thing is the spiritual snake vine that is rare to find in a thousand years."

"This is the most important thing."

"I also got more than 20 grams by chance, and I have to use half more to give you medicine, so to speak."

"Hey, stop it, stop it."

Chen Yunfei curled his lips and said.

"I know your stuff is valuable, don't worry, Xiao Pan won't treat you badly."

"Treatment is important. Stop playing tricks here."

Chen Yunfei pointed out his wishful thinking, and Lu Fei was terribly embarrassed, and then secretly rolled his eyes at the old man to show his dissatisfaction.

Xue Taihe touched his red and hot face, feeling embarrassed for his master.

Pan Xingzhou said with a slight smile.

"Mr. Chen is right!"

"Lu Fei, let me give you a guarantee first."

"No matter what the outcome is, I will inherit this favor."

"If you have any difficulties in the future, just come to me."

"As long as it doesn't violate the general principles, I will do it for you!"

"What the hell, Mr. Pan, don't get me wrong. I didn't mean that at all. It was all Mr. Chen's random guesses."

"I mean.

.that is"

"Forget it, you can't understand those professional terms, let's just hurry up and treat the disease!"

"Oh, by the way, my Qilin needle, needle pack and medicines were all left at the safety supervision office. How can I get them back?" Lu Fei asked.

Chen Yunfei waved his hand and said.

"This is easy to handle."

"What do you mean, tell Xiao Li to write a note, and I'll sign it for you."

"However, you can only write what you can use."

"There are a lot of rules here. Try to keep useless things there."

"Okay, I know."

Lu Fei signed up, Secretary Li wrote the paper, and finally Chen Yunfei signed his name and handed it to Lu Fei.

After opening the door, Lu Fei was about to take something, but was stopped by Deng Xinhua.

"Mr. Lu, wait a moment."

"Is something wrong, Mr. Deng?"

"How's the situation inside?"

"Can it be cured?"

"It's not a big problem, I'm just about to get something."

"By the way, why don't you go in?" Lu Fei asked.

Deng Xinhua curled his lips in embarrassment, thinking to himself that if I could have gone in, I would have gone in long ago, why would I stand at attention outside like an idiot?


"Well, we are afraid that it will affect your treatment."

"Mr. Lu, you are busy, we are waiting for good news."

"Thank you, Mr. Deng."

"Then I'll go get the things first!"

"Mr. Lu please!"

Lu Fei nodded and went to the safety supervision office.

Turning around, Lu Fei and Deng Xinhua frowned at the same time.

Putting the note into his pocket, Lu Fei slowed down his pace and his mind began to race.

Deng Shaohui and Jiang Mingzhe held back their energy to take revenge on themselves.

Before that, he could only defend passively.

But now that both of their dads are here, why not give it a try and use this God-given opportunity to change from passive to active.

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