A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 963 Depressing Phone Call

"Su He, I leave these drunkards to you."

"I still have something to do, so I'm leaving now!"

"What did you say?"

"Lu Fei, are you still a human?" .??.

"You asked us to come drink with you and get everyone drunk, but you just let us go?"

"Do you want some Bilian?"

"I asked my buddy to come over for a drink, but I didn't ask you."

"You ate the most just now. The two dishes you ordered were three thousand six."

"You can eat and drink for free and do whatever you want, but if I ask you to do some work, are you so stupid?"

"You, you, you don't want Bilian!"

"Whatever you say, I leave the person to you anyway."

"I have something else to do, bye bye!"

"Hey, Lu Fei, stop right there!"

"Come back here!"

"What will I do if you leave?"

Despite Su He yelling like crazy, Lu Fei didn't even look back, got into the taxi and left.

In the taxi, Lu Fei not only smiled all the time, but also hummed a rare tune.

This is not a shame, but too happy.

Healing Pan Xingzhou was a huge favor.

This favor will definitely play a decisive role at a critical moment.

Not only that, the plan against Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang was also perfectly implemented.

If this plan succeeds, there is no longer any need to worry about the revenge of Deng Shaohui and Jiang Mingzhe.

Lu Fei was happy when Fatty Wang's phone rang.

"Fat man, have you arrived at Tiandu?"

"We just got off the plane, where should we find you?"

"You come directly to Shichahai Siheyuan. Zhang Yanhe has been here before, so he can find it."

"Okay, see you later."


"Hey, have you received the big gift I prepared for you?"

"Big gift?"

"What kind of gift are you so kind to?" Lu Fei asked.

"It depends on what you said."

"You are very interesting, so am I, Mr. Wang.

unambiguous. "

"I'll tell you when we meet later."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei looked confused.

Just as he was guessing about the fat man's gift, Guan Haishan called again.

"Is something wrong?"

"Baolanfei, congratulations."

Guan Haishan said congratulations, but his voice was quite heavy.

Lu Fei frowned and asked.

"Don't be so arrogant, what do you want from me?"

"Balan Fei, are you satisfied now?" Guan Haishan said.

"are you crazy!"

"What's going on? I'm satisfied with what and what?"

"Can you speak well?" Lu Fei asked.


"From now on, you kid will never have to worry about something like that happening again."

"Should your boy treat me to a treat to celebrate?"


"At this juncture, you must be fucking possessed!"

"Can you speak well?"

"If you do this again, I'll die!"

"My senior brother has retired."

"My senior brother was forced to retire by my master."

"From now on, you no longer have to worry about my senior brother being your enemy."

"Are you happy?" Guan Haishan said.

At this time, Lu Fei was stunned.

"So, your senior brother was really behind the Li Rui incident?" Lu Fei asked.


"It's real!"

"However, I clearly told your master that I will not pursue the case any further."

"Why does he want to retire at a peak?"


"What the hell are you saying?" Lu Fei shouted.

“I bought it in front of my master and said I wouldn’t hold anything accountable.


"But he turned around and asked Fatty Wang to pass the evidence over."

"Baolan Fei, you are so scheming!" Guan Haishan said.

"What did you say?"

"Did Fatty Wang hand over the evidence?"

At this point, Lu Fei finally understood.

The great gift that Fatty Wang is talking about must be referring to this.

But when that damn fat guy did this, you said hello to me?

From Guan Haishan's tone, he was obviously blaming himself.

Isn't this an unnecessary misunderstanding?

However, Lu Fei could only say this in his heart.

Fatty Wang is also doing it for his own good. If he continues to complain about others, he will really be no longer a human being.

"It's become a fact that everything is flying. Stop pretending."

"It's boring!"

"My senior brother is so narrow-minded about you that he was at fault first."

"It's only natural for you to protect yourself against him, and I have absolutely nothing to say about it!"

"But why do you need to act like this?"

"Don't you feel despicable if you do this?"

"Don't you think you are shameless?" Guan Haishan said.

"At this juncture, you are so filthy and heartbroken. This matter was not caused by me at all, fat man."

"If you didn't tell me, I still wouldn't know."

"Don't put a shit basin on my head. I, Lu Fei, won't admit it."


"What a piece of shit you are!"

"Since I told your master not to pursue the case, I will definitely not pursue it."

"Do you think I, Lu Fei, am the kind of person who doesn't keep his word?"

"Besides, Gao Feng has made me suffer unjust injustice. It's only natural that I want to deal with him. Do I need to do this extra thing?" Lu Fei asked.

"There's none?"

"By doing this, you can not only reflect everyone's demeanor, but also quietly exclude dissidents."

"This trick of borrowing a knife to kill someone is a no-brainer no matter how you look at it.

It's perfect! "

"Bao Bao Fei, you kid is too scheming. I, Lao Guan, am completely convinced."

"Take it easy!"

"You must have taken the wrong medicine today!"

"Who the hell am I? Don't you have any idea?"

"If I sincerely want to clean up Gao Feng, I can definitely ask your master for an explanation when I'm on Hong Kong Island."

"If that were the case, your senior brother would have fucking retired a long time ago."


"Gao Feng asked Li Rui to frame me, anyone with a discerning eye can see it."

"If I wanted to deal with him, I would have gone to your master for comment. How could I have suffered such a big loss?"

"You can't even understand such a little bit of truth. What's wrong with your head?"

"Tatters fly, you"

"You bastard!"

"Shut up!"

"I regard you as my fucking friend, but you question my character. Are you worthy of me?"

"Hang up the phone and think about it carefully. After you think about it clearly, you must give me an explanation!"

"Otherwise, we will have to go somewhere else in the future."


Lu Fei said and hung up the phone directly.

Guan Haishan's call instantly darkened Lu Fei's good mood.

Lu Fei was really angry.

Guan Haishan's doubts are the same as the betrayal of the Bianliang veterans.

This was unacceptable to Lu Fei.

When something happened to his senior brother, it was understandable that Guan Haishan would be in a bad mood and complain.

But if it still happens after you calm down, then just go somewhere else.

To prevent everyone from having more troubles.

Return to the courtyard, make some tea and call Gao Yuan.

Lu Fei felt relieved when he learned that his family was safe.

Then he called Feng Yuanyang and asked him to help find the Neptune's departure records.

The Feng family has a lot of hands and eyes in Yangcheng. If Feng Yuanyang can't find him, then searching for him himself may not lead to good results.

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