A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 964 Thinking Too Simple

Guan Haishan's doubts cast a shadow over Lu Fei's good mood.

When Fatty Wang and Zhang Yanhe arrived and asked, this was indeed the surprise that Fatty mentioned.

"Baolanfei, you are quite interesting, and my brother is also unambiguous."

"How is it, do you feel good?" Fatty Wang said with a smile.



"What's your expression? Are you feeling happy or not?"

"It's cool, it's interesting."

Lu Fei complained in his heart, but he still wanted to express his gratitude to Fatty. Who would let him do it for his own good!

This kind of behavior against one's will is so damn depressing!


"That's pretty much it!"

"Where did you get the evidence?" Lu Fei asked.


"What a coincidence."

"After we talked on the phone last night, Li Rui's mother-in-law, Cao Jiahui, came to my home."

"When the matter was exposed, Mrs. Li Rui was not willing to let him take the blame alone, so she found me and asked me to help report and expose it."

"Originally I was too lazy to care about this nonsense, but who let this matter have anything to do with you!"

"In order to help you vent your anger, no matter how reluctant I am, I have to agree, brother!" said Fatty Wang.

"What evidence did his wife give you?" Lu Fei asked.

Fatty Wang curled his lips and said.

"Speaking of which, Li Rui is really a thief."

"His master Shen Zhong asked him to do this, but Li Rui politely refused."

"Later Gao Feng called him personally. Li Rui didn't dare not agree, but secretly recorded the call."

"I sent that recording to Mr. Kong, and he even praised me!"

Lu Fei was very angry.

I thought to myself, this damn fat guy is so heartless!

Kong Fanlong only had five apprentices in his life. After decades of getting along with each other, Kong Fanlong knew everything about his five apprentices.

Could he not know who Gao Feng is?

With Gao Feng's temper, he must have caused a lot of trouble in recent years.

But why are you still holding on till now? Isn't it just Confucius who protects the calf?

If Kong Fanlong wanted to clean up Gao Feng, he would have done it long ago. Why wait until now?

If you tell yourself that you are upright and awe-inspiring, you are giving yourself an attitude.

If you really want to find real evidence, just make a phone call and the Special Department can put the evidence in front of the old man within 24 hours.

It was precisely because he saw that the old man was protecting his calf that he said he would not pursue the matter further.

But he never expected that after he was prevaricating, Fatty Wang stepped forward again.

The evidence was handed over, and now it was impossible for Kong Fanlong not to deal with Gao Feng.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain to the people below.

The fat man's heartless behavior made Mr. Kong's efforts in vain. People will burn high incense if they don't hold grudges against you, and they will still praise you.

Go ahead and have sweet dreams!


"Is there any news? How did Gao Feng deal with it?" Fatty Wang continued to ask.

"I just heard that Gao Feng has retired." Lu Fei said.



"That's it?"

"That's it."

"It can be a hammer!"

"He Gao Feng did such an inhumane thing and caused you serious losses."

"Such a scourge is just retirement. What do Mr. Kong think?"

"Are you confused?"


"I'm going to call Mr. Kong. This punishment is too light."

"Just retiring is not enough. I must be expelled from the division and publish an apology in the newspaper."

Fatty Wang said as he was about to take out his mobile phone to make a call, Lu Fei quickly stopped him.

"Okay, okay, that's it!" Lu Fei said.

"Have a go!"

"This is obviously unfair, I

We must ask Mr. Kong for an explanation. "Fat Wang roared.

"Forget it, let's save some face for him!"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just talking about things, is there something wrong with this?" Fatty Wang said.

"I'm not saying there's anything wrong with you, but you can't do things too badly."

"Gaofeng is Mr. Kong's apprentice. You have to save some face for Mr. Kong!"

"If we handle it as you say, everyone in the world will know about it."

"In that case, what will everyone say?" Lu Fei asked.

"What else can I say?"

"Tell the truth?"

"If Gao Feng did such a shameless thing, are he still afraid of people telling him?" Fatty Wang said.

Zhang Yanhe cleared his throat and said.

"Old Wang, you think too simply."

"What is a peak?"

"People just don't talk about him."

"People will say that Mr. Kong is blind. Mr. Kong has poor eyesight and cannot recognize people."

"If you do that, Mr. Kong will be embarrassed."


"Also, there are so many condoms?"

Fatty Wang seemed to realize something, and asked with a frown.

"Old Zhang is right!"

"You're making things too simple."

"Let's forget about it. Don't mention it in front of outsiders."

"Just pretend nothing happened."

"From now on, we don't have to interact with that villain Gao Feng." Lu Fei said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Fatty Wang said.

After this article was revealed, Zhang Yanhe asked.

"Lao Wang said you want to use us as a pilot, is that true?"


"You do not want?"


"Of course!"

"I guess you still have some conscience."

"I just want to ask, didn't you mean three families?"

"Besides our two, who is the other family?"

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and said.

"I originally planned to give it to Zhongzhou."

"However, after Fatty's report, both Gao Feng and Shen Zhong were laid off."

"Shen Zhong is not only the director of the Luojing Museum, but also the second-in-command of the Zhongzhou Provincial Museum."

"As soon as he leaves, Zhongzhou's personnel will definitely undergo major changes."

"If the situation becomes chaotic, it's inevitable that someone will take risks and enrich themselves. I'm not worried."

"So, Zhongzhou will not consider it now."

"Apart from Zhongzhou, which one do you think is suitable?"

Zhang Yanhe and Fatty Wang looked at each other and said with a smile.

"You make up your own mind about this, it's not convenient for us to talk nonsense."

"If you spread the word, those guys who can't get it will tear us apart."

"Which one do you prefer?" Lu Fei asked.

"I tend to"


"You kid, stop trying to trick me. I have no inclination."

"Beat sex!"

"I'll go ask Lao Guan."

Speaking of Guan Haishan, Lu Fei's heart became heavy again.

Lu Fei secretly swore that at this time tomorrow, Guan Haishan would not apologize to him.

Damn it!

Definitely not used to it!

After chatting for a while, the two couldn't sit still.

In order to avoid sudden changes in plans, you can rest assured only after the pilot matters are implemented.

The two people said a lot of compliments, and by the end, even Lu Fei felt numb, so he brought them to the foundation.

Find General Minister Kong Panqing, add the application form, hand in the application report, and formally sign the memorandum.

After the memorandum is completed, the foundation will send people to conduct on-site inspections and make detailed budget assessments.

If there is no serious situation, these two people will wait to receive the money.

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