A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 965 No move

After completing the memo and waiting for the big pie, Fatty Wang and Zhang Yanhe were extremely happy.

In order to thank their benefactor Baolan Fei, the two decided to give Polan Fei a good meal.

In the evening, the three of them found a time-honored restaurant and drank heavily.

After having enough wine and food, they went to the hotel where the two were staying and continued drinking tea and chatting. It wasn't until about ten o'clock in the evening that Lu Fei took a taxi back to the courtyard.

Arriving at Shichahai, just as Lu Fei got out of the car, the lights of a group of five cars next to him suddenly came on.

Immediately afterwards, three people got off the first car.

Two middle-aged men in casual clothes surrounded a fair-skinned young man.

Upon closer inspection, he turned out to be an acquaintance.

It was Deng Shaohui, the young master of Tiandu who was preparing to deal with him.

"Master Deng is here looking for me?" Lu Fei asked.

"Lu Fei, let's not talk secretly. What did you do to my dad?"

Lu Fei was slightly stunned and said.

"Master Deng!"

"What do you mean?"

"Why can't I understand?"

Deng Shaohui frowned and glared at Lu Fei, and said coldly.

"Lu Fei, don't pretend to be confused like me."

"This evening, my dad and Jiang Mingzhe's dad, Jiang Hongyang, both had headaches at the same time."

"Don't tell me, this has nothing to do with you."

After returning home from get off work, Deng Xinhua told Deng Shaohui about meeting Lu Fei in the nursing home.

And took out the tea leaves given by Lu Fei and threw them aside.

The two men believed that Lu Fei must have felt guilty after learning about the strength of the Deng family, and used tea as a stepping stone to show his goodwill.

However, the Deng family men did not accept this kind of overture at all.

Chen Xiang is Deng Shaohui's unofficial daughter-in-law.

Marrying Chen Xiang is equivalent to embracing Chen Yunfei's thick legs.

As long as Chen Yunfei lives for three more years and with the help of the old man's power, Deng Xinhua will surely soar to the sky.

In order to achieve this goal, Deng Xinhua often made appointments with brothers Chen Hongyi

The two eat to cultivate their relationship.

Not only that, he also used connections to get Deng Shaohui to the United States to become an alumnus of Chen Xiang.

Over the past three years, everything has been going well.

But at this critical moment, Lu Fei stepped in and hooked up with Chen Xiang.

This made Deng Xinhua unexpected, and he hated Lu Fei even more.

As long as Lu Fei doesn't leave Chen Xiang, the Deng family will never let Lu Fei go easily.

Lu Fei is currently in the limelight, and it is not appropriate to deal with Lu Fei for the time being.

But if Lu Fei is still stubborn, after the heat has passed, he must be allowed to see the true strength of the Deng family.

However, given Lu Fei's current status, he must not act blindly. He must think of a foolproof strategy.

It would be best if you could catch Lu Fei by his little tail, and then use the topic to your advantage to kill him.

The two men communicated with each other and were discussing ways to deal with Lu Fei.

Deng Xinhua suddenly felt dizzy.

Deng Xinhua thought he had high blood pressure, so he asked his son to get medicine while he closed his eyes and rested.

As soon as I closed my eyes, my head began to hurt violently.

At first it was just a stabbing pain in the scalp.

Within half a minute, the pain escalated and it felt like my head was about to explode.

The pain was indescribable and completely unbearable by ordinary people.

Deng Xinhua screamed and fell to the ground, holding his head and rolling on the ground.

In less than half a minute, the clothes were completely soaked with sweat.

Deng Shaohui and his mother were frightened and hurriedly came up to help.

Unexpectedly, Deng Xinhua lost his mind in pain and swung his fist randomly, hitting his wife on the temple.

Deng Shaohui's mother rolled her eyes and fainted.

Deng Shaohui dragged his mother aside and quickly called the medical team.

The compound where they live is filled with top Chinese bosses.

There is a dedicated medical team in the compound, and they are all top experts in the industry.

After being summoned by Deng Shaohui, the experts rushed to Deng's house.

Seeing Deng Xinhua's painful expression, the experts were frightened and quickly examined Deng Xin.

Experts were collectively confused by this inspection.

Deng Xinhua couldn't find anything wrong except a fast heart rate caused by a headache.

The compound's medical team was running out of recruits, so they quickly drove Deng Xinhua to the designated military hospital.

There are top medical elites there, and the equipment used is also the most sophisticated in the world.

But after checking his whole body, he still couldn't find the cause.

They failed to detect the cause of the disease, but they tortured Deng Xinhua to death.

During the examination, which lasted more than an hour, Deng Xinhua suffered from severe pain twice and fainted three times.

If the hospital doesn’t recruit anyone, contact the medical school immediately.

Xue Taihe led three great Chinese doctors to the hospital, and Deng Xinhua's head began to hurt again.

This time it seems to be much more serious than at the beginning.

The body that had been exhausted from the torment once again exploded into a small universe, struggling desperately and shouting for its life.

Pulling his hair, scratching his face, sweating profusely.

Snot, tears, sweat, and saliva were everywhere on the face, coupled with the extremely ferocious facial features, it was like being possessed by an evil spirit. People who watched it felt numb and shuddered.

Three young doctors worked together to hold him down and inject him with a sedative, but they were accidentally injured by Deng Xinhua and he was in a panic.

One of them was bitten by Deng Xinhua, which scared the doctor and rushed to get a rabies vaccine.

At this time, everyone was confused.

If this continues, even if Deng Xinhua doesn't suffer to death, he will die from exhaustion.

There is really no other way, so everyone joins hands and uses straps to tie them up

Deng Xinhua was fixed to the bed like a mental patient.

After Deng Xinhua was fixed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and immediately injected him with a sedative.

Unfortunately, three consecutive injections of sedatives had no effect at all.

After struggling like this for more than half an hour, Deng Xinhua settled down again and fell into a deep sleep.

Taking this opportunity, Xue Taihe and other great doctors went up to check.

After the examination was completed, several great Chinese doctors shook their heads like rattles, and collectively they were unable to do anything.

Although the cause was not found, Xue Taihe found a pattern.

Based on reports from hospital doctors and his own observations, Xue Taihe came to a conclusion.

Deng Xinhua's head hurt every twenty minutes, and the pain lasted about half an hour each time.

However, this important discovery was worthless, and Deng Shaohui was so anxious that he was sweating profusely and kept gnashing his teeth.

While they were talking, the doctor on duty broke in and told the dean and Xue Taihe that business was good today and there was business again.

Jiang Hongyang was sent to the hospital by his family. Like Deng Xinhua, nothing could be found on the examination, but his head hurt.

It’s really killing me!

have to!

Since the two bosses have the same illness, let’s just send them to the same ward and tie them up for observation!

It was a lively moment when Jiang Hongyang was tied to the hospital bed next to Deng Xinhua.

Not only do these two big guys have the same symptoms, but they also have exactly the same rhythm.

They both shouted at the same time, saying it hurt.

There is also a tacit agreement among the group to say stop.

Hospitals and medical schools were unable to recruit people, so they had to look for foreign aid.

We invited experienced experts from time-honored brands such as Tongrentang and Jiuzhitang for another consultation, but we still couldn't find the problem.

It was like hell.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, the two big guys stopped for the Nth time.

Looking at each other feebly, the two of them thought of a possibility at the same time.

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