A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 968 Preparing for funeral arrangements

Jiang Mingzhe rushed out with bared teeth and claws, startling Lu Fei.

Everyone came to explain, but Lu Fei refused to agree to anything.

Good guy!

I came with good intentions to treat illnesses and save people, but I didn't expect that my life would be in danger.

This is no joke.

If something goes wrong, he must die unjustly.

While he was anxious, a middle-aged woman slapped Jiang Mingzhe in the face with her backhand, grabbed the guy's ears and brought him to Lu Fei.

"Mr. Lu, I am Jiang Mingzhe's mother, Gu Lixin."

"It was my lax discipline that spoiled this child."

"I will bring him to you now. You can beat him or scold him as you please."

"But you must not sit idly by!"

"My family, Mr. Jiang and Mr. Deng, are in such a miserable state, you can't just ignore them and save them!"


Gu Lixin said and bowed deeply to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei shook his hands in embarrassment and said.

"Sister-in-law, please don't do this."


"Forget it, for your sake, I won't argue with this bastard."

"Tell him to get out of here, I don't want to see him."


"As long as you are willing to take action, everything will be at your disposal."

"Jiang Mingzhe, get out of here."



Jiang Mingzhe asked to get out, and Lu Fei stepped into the ward.

It happened to be a coincidence that Lu Fei came in during the break between the two bosses.

The two of them were tossing around like no other.

His eye sockets were sunken, his face was sallow, his eyes were tightly closed, and he was foaming at the mouth.

There is already more air coming out and less air coming in.

Seeing Lu Fei come in, Xue Taihe hurriedly greeted him.

"Master, my disciple is helpless and has no choice but to ask his family to find you for help."

"I'm causing you trouble."

Lu Fei waved his hand and said.

"You did the right thing, life is at stake."

"It doesn't matter if I take a short rest. Saving people is more important."

"What's going on with my two brothers now?"

Two brothers?

Since when did Master become brothers with these two big guys?


Xue Taihe Wen Ting also looked confused.

"Return to Master!"

"The two leaders just have a headache, everything else is fine."

"As for the cause of the headache, I forgive my disciple's stupidity for not finding it," Xue Taihe said.


"I see."

"Stand aside and I'll check it myself."

"Master, please!"

Lu Fei circled the hospital bed to look at the faces of Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang.

Then he took out a cigarette and prepared to light it.

"Sir, smoking is not allowed here," a nurse said.

"No smoking allowed?"

"There's something wrong with me. It's hard to concentrate without smoking."

"Since smoking is not allowed here, then I'll go out and find a place to smoke!"

"I'll be back later."

"No, Mr. Lu, you don't have to go out, just smoke here." Zhang Haichen said.

"However, there are regulations prohibiting smoking."

"We can't break the rules, right?" Lu Fei said.

"The rule is that the dead are alive, don't mind."

Zhang Haichen said, driving all the medical staff out and letting Lu Fei do whatever he wanted.

After smoking a cigarette, Lu Fei still had no intention of starting, so Xue Taihe became a little anxious.

"Master, please hurry up!"

"The headaches of the two leaders are very regular."

"Based on time, it will take another six minutes at most before another attack occurs."

"That would be quite troublesome."

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Do not worry!"

"With me here, it will be difficult for them to get sick."

"Master, what do you mean, have you found the cause of the disease?" Xue Taihe asked in surprise.

Lu Fei nodded.

"Disciple, ask your teacher, what is the cause of the illness of the two leaders?"

When Xue Taihe asked, everyone's ears perked up.


Especially experts who have been slapped in the face by the cause of the disease are looking forward to it.

Lu Fei sighed and said.

"Speaking of which, their illness may really be related to me."

When Lu Fei said these words, Deng Shaohui's pent-up anger finally burst out.

"WTF!" .??.

"You finally admitted that you were the one who poisoned me, right?"

"I'll fucking kill you!"

Deng Shaohui suddenly jumped out and punched Lu Fei's temple with all his strength with his right hand.

Lu Fei kicked Deng Shaohui right in the chest.

Deng Shaohui screamed and took three steps back, and his back hit the wall hard.

The kick to the chest and the violent impact on the back made Deng Shaohui vomit blood.

The conflict between the two took place between lightning and flint.

After reacting, everyone rushed forward and stopped the two of them.

Zhang Haichen grabbed Lu Fei and said displeasedly.

"Mr. Lu, how can you hit someone?"

Lu Fei glared angrily and shouted sternly.

"I hit someone?"

"Didn't you see that Deng Shaohui was going to hit me?"

"Are you trying to protect him on purpose, or is your leader Zhang Da blind and not seeing it?"

"Mr. Lu, please speak with some respect."


"Why should I respect you? Which of you fucking respects me?"

"From the very beginning of our meeting, Deng Shaohui has been provocative in every possible way. I don't have the same level of experience as him."

"Adhering to Xuan Hu's mission of curing illnesses and saving lives, I'm here to help you with your treatment at such a late hour."

"But how did you treat me?"

"Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang are indeed of noble status, but no matter how awesome they are, do they have anything to do with me?"

"I don't care if you all kneel down and lick each other."

"You said I poisoned you?"

"Which one of you has evidence?"

"When the evidence is brought out, it's up to you whether you want to kill or cut into pieces."

"There is no evidence. This is slander. I reserve the right to sue you at any time."

After being scolded by Lu Fei, Tiandu PC took the lead and Zhang Haichen's old face turned into a bastard.


A moment of white, a moment of black, a moment of red.

Colorful is a wonderful thing.

Lu Fei stretched out his hands flatly, waved them in front of Zhang Haichen and said.

"Is there any evidence?"

"If there is evidence, you can handcuff me now."

"If you don't have evidence, get out of here!"

"I'm tired, I need to go back to sleep."

"Tomorrow morning I have to go to Mr. Pan Xingzhou to treat his eye disease."

"None of you can take the fucking responsibility for delaying things over there."



Lu Fei carried Pan Xingzhou out, and the whole audience became uneasy.

Even the restless Deng Shaohui was dumbfounded.

I was so angry before, but I forgot that Lu Fei had another identity, that is, Mr. Pan Xingzhou's attending doctor.

If we really want to delay Lu Fei's treatment for Mr. Pan, no one can afford it, even if there is no one present.

Zhang Haichen took two deep breaths and forced out a smile.

"Mr. Lu, please calm down."

"There was something wrong with my attitude just now, and I apologize to you."

"Please, let's treat the leader first!"


"Heal a hammer!"

"To tell you the truth, I know the conditions of Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang very well."

"Besides, I am the only one in the world who can cure it."

"But I'm quite unhappy now. I don't tolerate this bastard's anger."

"By tomorrow morning, these two people will have more frequent attacks, and the time of each attack will increase."

"If you can hold on physically, you can survive until twelve o'clock tomorrow night."

"If you are not strong enough, you will have to wear your hair in the evening."

"Just prepare for the funeral!"

Lu Fei said, glanced at the two patients on the bed, and snorted coldly.

"Two eldest brothers, it's not that I won't save you, it's that your family members don't know how to behave."

"Don't blame me. If you want to blame me, blame your unsatisfactory son."


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