A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 969 Happy Wind

In the ward, Lu Fei was furious.

Regardless of the two families' pleading, he left angrily.

At this time, everyone was dumbfounded.

Lan Xiaomei rushed over, slapped her son hard in the mouth, turned around, took Xue Taihe's arm and begged in tears.

"Mr. Xue, please."

"Please tell me something!" .??.

"Shaohui offended Mr. Lu because of his ignorance. I apologize to him."

"Please help me, Mr. Lu. As long as he can calm down and come back to help, I will agree to any conditions."

Xue Taihe shook his head and sighed helplessly.

"You guys!"


"You actually question my master, you are so confused!"

"You said my master poisoned them?"

"It's just ridiculous."

"My master has no grievances against the two leaders, so why did he poison him?"


"Where did we meet during the day?"

"That's Miyun Nursing Home!"

"Others don't know it, but you, Mr. Deng, should know it."

"Is it possible that poison could be brought into that place?"

"Even if you bring him in and keep him under strict surveillance, how can my master do anything about it?"

"Chen Yunfei and Mr. Chen were also present at that time, so my master had no chance to take action."

"For my old face, my master came over late at night to help."

"It's okay if you're not grateful, but you still framed my master, how dare you!"

Xue Taihe's face turned pale with anger. If it weren't for his identity, Lao Xue would have cursed others.

"You missed the opportunity, and all I can say is I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Deng. There is nothing Xue can do. You'd better hire someone else!"


"Mr. Xue"

Xue Taihe left with the people from the medical school, and Lan Xiaomei collapsed to the ground in despair.

After a few seconds, Lan Xiaomei got up from the ground, rushed to Deng Shaohui like crazy, cried and howled, and started beating him shamelessly.

Just hit a few times

, the two of them had another attack in the hospital bed.

Listening to her husband's heart-rending screams, Lan Xiaomei could no longer hold on.

He rolled his eyes and passed out.


When I got up the next morning, I happened to meet Aunt Xu coming to find me.

"Aunt Xu, are you okay?"


"There are many people standing outside the door. They have been here for a long time."

"Are they your friends?"

"Shall we invite them in?"

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"I don't know them, so you don't have to worry about them."

"By the way, what's delicious this morning?"

"I'm having breakfast at home."

"Tofu is being made in the kitchen. Master, would you like some soy milk? I'll bring you a bowl." Aunt Xu said.


"However, one bowl is not enough for me to drink. I'd better go to the kitchen and have a good drink!"

After breakfast, Lu Fei helped Aunt Xu clean up in the yard.

It wasn't until Xue Taihe called at around nine o'clock that he went back to take a shower and change clothes.

I put my bag on my back and opened the door. As expected, there were quite a few people standing outside.

Zhang Haichen stood at the foot of the steps with a group of PCs in casual clothes.

Standing upright in the middle of the doorway on the steps was the haggard Deng Shaohui.

"Lu Fei, I'm sorry!"

"I apologize to you."

"Please go back and save my dad!"

When he said this, Deng Shaohui's face turned red and his voice was weaker than a mosquito.

Looking at Deng Shaohui's eyes again, they have long lost the sparkle they had when they first met.

His expression was in a trance, his eyes were dim, and he looked like a defeated quail.

Lu Fei ignored him and continued walking forward.

Deng Shaohui stopped in front of Lu Fei and continued.

"Lu Fei, please."

"It was all a misunderstanding before. From now on, I swear I will never be your enemy again."

"Also, I promise not to harass Chen Xiang again."

"Please help me!"

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and said coldly.

"The opportunity has been given to you. If you don't know how to cherish it, then you can't blame me." ??

"I'm going to treat Mr. Pan's eye disease now, get out of the way!"

"Lu Fei, I dare not delay your treatment for Mr. Pan."

"I just ask you to come back from Miyun and help treat my father, can you?" Deng Xinhua said.

"A good horse never turns back."

"I said I would never take action if it was not cured."

"This is my principle."

Lu Fei said, bypassing Shen Shaohui and walking towards the entrance of the alley.

Deng Shaohui said while chasing behind.

"Lu Fei, I'm begging you like this, what else do you want?"

"If you have any conditions, just mention them and I will try my best to satisfy you."

"But you can't just ignore it!"

"I have offended you. My father has not offended you, and my mother has not."

"After you left yesterday, my mother became so anxious that she fell into a coma and was hospitalized."

"Please have mercy on my mother and help me!"

"Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda!"

Lu Fei stood still, turned around and said calmly.

"I'm sorry, I don't believe in Buddhism."

"The pagoda is of no use to me."

"Lu Fei, I beg you."

"Lu Fei, I'll kneel down for you."

"Just help me!"

While he was talking, the arrogant young master of Tiandu, Deng Shaohui, pushed the jade pillar from the golden mountain and knelt down towards Lu Fei's back.

Unfortunately, Lu Fei didn't look back.

He walked quickly to the entrance of the alley, got in Xue Taihe's car and drove away.

"Master, I'm sorry!"

In the car, Xue Taihe said guiltily.

"Why apologize?"

"If I had known that these two families couldn't get things done, I shouldn't have introduced you to them."

"It's all my fault, my disciple, for making you so angry." Xue Taihe said.

"Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you."

"I won't blame you either." Lu Fei said.

"Thank you, Master!"

"By the way, Master, what is the cause of Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang's illness?"

"Disciple, I'm asking you for advice." Xue Taihe said.

"Their medical conditions are in the medical books, but you didn't pay attention."

"Have it?"

"What is that?" Xue Taihe thought for a while and asked in confusion.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"How did Cao Cao die?"


"Happy wind?"


"Their symptoms are the same as Cao Cao's, why didn't I think of that?" Xue Taihe said regretfully, slapping his head.

"Xi Le Feng" is one of the top difficult and complicated diseases in "Hundred Miscellaneous Problems".

Since ancient times, there have been very few people suffering from this disease, and Cao Cao is one of the representative figures.

When Guan Yu went to Maicheng, he was killed by Soochow prisoners.

Zhang Zhao presented Guan Yu's head to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was extremely excited when he saw Guan Yu's head.

He shook his head and shouted: "Yun Chang, are you okay?"

This shouting is so fucked!

Guan Yu actually opened his eyes, scaring Cao Cao so much that he almost peed his pants.

The rapid change from extreme excitement to excessive fright caused Cao Cao to contract a headache.

This is the origin of the name Joy Wind.

Xilefeng is a neurological disease that cannot be explained pharmacologically.

Even after Hua Tuo's examination, he could only say that there was a poison in his skull, and he had to open Cao Cao's skull.

Thanks to Cao Cao for not listening to Hua Tuo, otherwise the craniotomy would have been useless, because it was not the root cause of the disease at all.

However, Xi Le Feng was just Lu Fei's excuse. As for the truth, Lu Fei would never dare to tell anyone.

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