The apology was overdue for twelve hours, but Lu Fei didn't take it at all and hung up the phone directly.

At this time, Guan Haishan's shameless and perseverance spirit was reflected. Still calling over and over again.

"I said, are you still finished?"

"Are you bothered?"

"Baoshaifei, listen to me."

"I was wrong, buddy, I apologize to you." ??

"I learned the truth from Zhang Yanhe yesterday, I"


"You mean to say that you didn't know you had misunderstood me until you learned about the situation from Zhang Yanhe, right?"

"You always treat me as a despicable villain, right?"

"It's useless for me to regard you as a friend or a confidant, but you treat me like this."

"In that case, what else is there to say?"

"Break off the relationship, we must break off the relationship." Lu Fei said.

"Wait a minute, Broken Fly, don't hang up the phone yet!"

"That's not what I fucking meant."

"Of course I understand your character. It was a misunderstanding the day before yesterday."

"My senior brother is in such a miserable condition. I am unhappy and complaining. I have no other meaning."

"Is your senior brother miserable?"


"If I hadn't suppressed you, Fatty Wang would have gone to your master to argue."

"Your senior brother did such an inhuman thing. If your master hadn't protected him, would he have just retired?"

"Aren't you happy?"

"If you are not happy, who am I, the client who was almost ruined and suffered heavy losses by Gao Feng?"

"Who can I talk to when I feel so wronged?"

"Can you complain to me?" Lu Fei shouted.

"Bad Fei, you're right."

"It's because I'm not a human being. I apologize to you. If you don't like it, feel free to scold me. I promise not to say anything back."

"I'm sorry." Guan Haishan said.

"Guan Haishan, what did I say during the phone call the day before yesterday?"

"You were upset at the time and I didn't follow you.

You have general knowledge. "

"I'll give you a day to calm down. I was waiting for your call all day yesterday including this morning."

"Even if you just say sorry, if I keep holding on to you, then I, Lu Fei, will be stingy."

"But your apology was nearly thirteen hours late. Is this how sincere you are?"

"Do you ever consider me a friend?"

"Have you considered my feelings?"

"Do you remember to apologize now?"

"It's too late, I won't accept it."

"As I said before, break up the relationship."

"Don't call me again from tonight, otherwise don't blame me for being dishonest."

"Wait a minute, Baoshaifei, wait a minute, and listen to me."

"I have a special situation here." Guan Haishan said eagerly.

"What special circumstances?"

"Let me tell you, you'd better make up a reliable reason to deceive me. You don't have the ability yet." Lu Fei said.

"Baoshaifei, listen to me."

"I figured it out yesterday morning. Just when I was about to call you, Zhang Yanhe and Fatty Wang found me."

"Those two bastards said you gave them the indicators and came to me specifically to complain."

"I've been pretending to be with you all morning, and you have to take me to drink at noon."

"At the wine table, Fatty Wang was full of complaints and told him what you said to him."

"When I heard those words, I felt uncomfortable and felt sorry for my friends, so I drank a few more drinks."

"I drank too much and fell unconscious."

"Fat Wang and Zhang Yanhe took me to the hospital and have been in the ICU with infusions until now. They will call you as soon as I come out."

"I really didn't mean to be late!" Guan Haishan said.

"Making it up, keep making it up!"

"I'll believe you if you say you were hit by a car and were admitted to the ICU. I'm sorry to say that I'm so sorry."

More, do you believe it yourself? "

"Are you treating me as an idiot?" Lu Fei said.

"Baolanfei, I didn't lie to you, I told you the truth!"

"If you don't believe me, ask those two bastards Fatty Wang and Zhang Yanhe."

"If I tell a lie, I will die badly." Guan Haishan promised.

"ask them?"

"They are even more unreliable." Lu Fei said.

"Then how can you believe it?" Guan Haishan asked.

"How about this!"

"Send me your diagnosis certificate and case photos."

"If the time is right and you went in because of drinking, then I can believe it."


"Balan Fei, am I so unreliable in your eyes?" Guan Haishan said.

"Don't say it's useless, aren't you questioning me too?"

"Should I send it or not?"

"Don't call me if you don't send it."

"Fa, fa, you are such a fucking thief."

"Just wait, I'll send it to you right away."

The call was hung up, and a few minutes later, Lu Fei's cell phone beeped.

Of course Lu Fei knew that what Guan Haishan said was true, and asking him to post this was just to tease him, so Lu Fei didn't click to watch it at all.

Half a minute later, Guan Haishan's call came in again.

"see it?"

"Do you see clearly?"

"I never tell lies!"

"How are you now? Can you get over it?" Guan Haishan said angrily.

"I've read the stuff, and this time you told the truth."

"Okay, hang up!"

"Don't call me again."

"Bye bye!"


"The tatters are flying, your uncle's!"

"What the hell do you want?

Like? "

"I've explained it clearly to you. I spent a whole day and night in the hospital because of your sorrow. You're not done yet, are you?" Guan Haishan roared.

"What are you calling for?"

"You deserve to suffer. Don't use this as an excuse."

"I only know that you were twelve hours late, and the rest has nothing to do with me."

"My spitting is like a nail. If I wait for you for a day, it will be a day. If I'm late, I won't be able to do it."

"I don't admit any reason."

"That's all!"

"Baoshafei, you fucking have to force me to death, don't you?"

"Don't think that the earth won't be able to rotate away from you, bullshit!"

"I lower my face and beg you because I value our relationship, but you caught a toad and peeed it out. Do you want some Bilian?"

"Just give me a few words to tell you whether we can make it through."

"If you say we can't do it, then we'll break up."

"Without you, I would still be the boss of Gubo!" Guan Haishan shouted.


"I've done something wrong and yet I'm still plausibly saying that I don't want Old Bilian anymore, right?" Lu Fei said.

"Stop talking nonsense, just say it or not!" Guan Haishan said.

Lu Fei lit up the cigarette, grinned silently, and then said seriously.

"It's not impossible for me to forgive you, but you must agree to one condition."

"Otherwise, send the young man's things back immediately and break up the gang completely."


"What's the condition?"

"Did you do it on purpose?"

"Stop talking nonsense and listen to me."

"My apprentice Niuniu is studying cultural classes. I will send her to you at the end of the year to learn the basic knowledge of our industry."

"You help me take care of Niuniu for three years, and you must lay a good foundation."

"If you do well, good things will happen to you in the future."

"If you can't do it, then break up."

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