A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 980 Found it

Niuniu Bingxue is smart and she learned a lot of Chinese characters before she even knew herself.

When she came to Jincheng, Zheng Wenjuan asked the kindergarten teacher to take extra care of her, and Niu Niu made rapid progress.

After the treasure fight was over and he returned to Jincheng, Lu Fei checked Niu Niu's results and found that the child recognized more than 80% of all Chinese characters.

And I also learned a lot of idioms and allusions.

According to this rhythm, by the end of the year, Niuniu's calligraphy learning stage will be completely over.

After learning calligraphy, it is time to learn basic knowledge of literature, antiques and history.

However, he has been traveling for a long time and it is difficult to have time to teach and supervise. In order not to delay Niuniu's studies, Lu Fei has been looking for suitable people to help.

After much thought, Guan Haishan was the best candidate.

As soon as he came, Guan Haishan learned a lot.

Furthermore, this old man definitely trusts the company.

Leave Niuniu to him and feel completely at ease.

To be honest, Lu Fei has been thinking about this for more than a day or two.

Worried that Guan Haishan would refuse, Lu Fei never asked.

I just had this opportunity, and if I didn't take advantage of him, I would be sorry for wasting my own spit.

After hearing Lu Fei's conditions, Guan Haishan gritted his teeth and rambled on for a long time.

After writing for more than half an hour, I finally couldn't get Lu Fei to agree.

After hanging up the phone from Guan Haishan, Lu Fei was in a good mood and started cleaning the boxes.

When the lid of the box was opened, a strong musty smell instantly came out, making Lu Fei nauseated and he quickly opened the window for some air.

The box was filled with densely packed volumes, all of which were dock logs and account books, varying in thickness.

The humidity in the south is heavy, and the younger generation doesn't know how to maintain it, so almost everything has become moldy.

A small part of it has begun to rot.

Lu Fei did not dare to be careless and carefully took out each booklet and placed it on the bed sheets.

The boxes were emptied and the big bed was almost full.

Lu Fei went out to ask the waiter to borrow an electric heater.


Yes, there is indeed one, and there are more than one.

All nine electric heaters in the warehouse are brand new, and the packaging has not been removed.

Lu Fei was so happy that he tipped the waiter a thousand yuan and returned to the room with four electric heaters in his arms.

Four electric heaters were set up on four sides, plugged in and started to bake slowly.

Lu Fei looked after them and turned the pages of these books from time to time.

After two and a half hours, all the books were dry.

Lu Fei squatted beside the bed and carefully began to look for the information he wanted.

"In the eleventh year of the Republic of China, no!"

"In the ninth year of the Republic of China, get out!"

"In the sixth year of the Republic of China, crawl away!"

"The second year of the Republic of China!"


"found it!"

"Haha, it's really exciting!"

"December, August, July!"

Turning to July's records, Lu Fei's nervous palms were sweaty.

In my previous life, it was the ninth day of June when I received the news.

On June 13, everyone gathered and set off from Beigang to Cheqiu Island, the only way for the Sea King to return home.

On June 27, the Sea King was replenishing supplies at Cheqiu Island, and twelve people from Lu Fei boarded the ship.

He hid in the cabin for a day and a half and made his move at night.

Because we didn't know the load and speed of the Sea King, we didn't know how far it was from Cheqiu Island, but the direction of the Sea King back to England was 100% certain.

What Lu Fei has to do now is to determine when the Sea King will arrive at the Strait of Malacca. It is best to determine which port in Malacca will dock for supplies.

If this can be determined, the speed of the Sea King can be roughly judged based on the time it takes for the Sea King to travel from Malacca to Cheqiu Island.

Determine the speed, and then determine how far you have traveled in a day and a half based on the weather conditions and the resistance of the waves.

With this information, we can basically outline the location of the crash.

Finally, based on the undercurrent speed of seafloor activity in that area of ​​the sea over the past hundred years, the approximate current location was estimated.

Only in this way can we hope to find it.

Otherwise, it is just nonsense.

Based on his own memory, Lu Fei judged that the Sea King should depart from Yangcheng between June 15th and June 18th.

Therefore, Lu Fei became even more nervous when he turned to the information about June.

Holding the booklet, Lu Fei carefully flipped through it, checking every word for fear of missing anything. ??

Ten minutes later, when Lu Fei turned to the record of June 17, his obsidian eyes instantly flashed with two gleams of light.

"found it."

"The Sea King, owned by Count Sirhan, has a draft of 2.6 meters and is exempt from inspection. It will leave the port in less than three hours."


"Finally found!"

"Damn it!"

"These bastards are exempt from inspection when they encounter a foreign cargo ship."

“What’s inside is our China’s national treasure!”

"It's your uncle's waste!"


Seeing the word "exempt from investigation", Lu Fei cursed angrily.

Take a deep breath and continue looking for clues.

"The Qizhou, owned by Zhou Xing, carried groceries, and had a draft of two meters. It sailed to Sumatra and left the port shortly."

"The SF Express, owned by Guo Min, is made of white porcelain and has a draft of two meters and three meters. It sails to the port of Sumatra and leaves the port at noon."

According to records on June 17, a total of 13 cargo ships departed from North Port and sailed to major ports in Malacca.

Among them, the departure time of Qizhou, SF Express and Neptune

The time and draft were about the same, so Lu Fei judged that the speeds of the three cargo ships were almost the same.

As long as we find the exact time when the Qizhou and SF Express arrived at the Sumatra Port, we can probably determine when the Sea King arrived at the Strait of Malacca.

This important discovery made Lu Fei burst out laughing with excitement.

Lu Fei couldn't wait to send these information to Di Chaodong now.

But looking at the time, it was already past two in the morning.

In order not to affect Di Chaodong's rest, he decided to talk about it tomorrow.

Pack the most important notebook into a box and put it in your backpack, and throw the rest of the useless garbage into the box.

Turning off the electric heater, Lu Feipan sat in front of the coffee table and took out a pen and paper to remember and record every detail.

After finally waiting until six o'clock in the morning, Lu Fei couldn't wait to dial Di Chaodong's number.

"Uncle Di, are you up?"

"I've been up for a while, are you okay, Xiaofei?"

"Uncle Di, I found the departure record of the Sea King at Yangcheng North Port."

"There are two other cargo ships in the record that left the port at the same time as the Sea King, and their destinations were Sumatra Port."

"I will send you the information now. Please ask someone to help me check the specific time when these two cargo ships arrived at the Sumatra Port."

"As long as we determine this time, we can determine when the Sea King will arrive at the Strait of Malacca."

"This is very important." Lu Fei said excitedly.


"I understand what you mean."

"Leave it to me. As soon as the time is determined, I will immediately send a professional team to calculate it and notify you of the results as soon as possible." Di Chaodong said.

"Ok, thanks!"


"Do we still need these two words in our relationship?"

"Just wait for the good news!"

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