A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 981 Practice Tan'er

Lu Fei was extremely excited after finding important clues.

After hanging up Di Chaodong's call, Lu Fei took a hot bath.

Although he had been up all night, his energy was much better than usual.

This is how people feel refreshed during happy events!

After breakfast, Feng Yuanyang proposed to return.

Lu Fei asked them to take him and the big box to the Xicheng Antique Market, and sent his father and son to leave first.

The scale of Shaoguan Xicheng Antique Market is among the best in the entire South.

There was nothing to do. Lu Fei refused to miss such a good market no matter what.

If a person is lucky, everything goes smoothly.

Lu Fei's arrival today happened to be the half-monthly market in Xicheng Market.

Retail traders from other markets gathered here, and the market was packed with people. Even stalls hundreds of meters wide were set up on both sides of the road outside.

It was a busy place with people coming and going.

Seeing such an atmosphere, Lu Fei was excited from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing that there was a gap of less than two meters between the two stalls selling groceries, Lu Fei simply dragged the box in, opened the box and started practicing the stall.

These are old albums from the Republic of China period and have certain collection value.

Although it doesn't match Lu Fei's current status, you can't waste everything in vain, right?

What's more, the contents of this box helped me a lot.

When drinking water, remember its source and don’t let it go to waste.

Arriving in the middle, Lu Fei took out cigarettes and lit one for each stall owner on both sides.

"Brothers, I have some books here. I'll squeeze in a seat and practice for a while. You two brothers, please take care of me!"

"Brother, your accent sounds like you're from Tiandu?" the curly-haired stall owner on the left asked.

"Ah yes!"

"That's such a coincidence. My wife is from Tiandu, so we are half fellow villagers."

"Don't worry about setting up the stall. I have no problem here."

"If you think there's not enough space, I'll give you another meter," the curly-haired man said enthusiastically.

That's enough, thank you bro! Lu Fei said with a smile.

The bald stall owner on the right is more enthusiastic.


"It's no problem on my end."

"You can do whatever you want. The person who charges the management fee is my friend's cousin's friend."

"When I come over to charge you later, I just squeaked, and you even waived the management fee."


"Thank you very much."

The curly-haired stall owner was in a good mood and lent Lu Fei a moisture-proof pad.

The moisture-proof mat is laid out and the booklet is taken out and put on the table, that's it.

Lu Fei looked at the goods of the two stall owners on the left and right, and there were a few items for opening the door.

Most of the other goods are high imitations, and the few pieces of modern handicrafts can be completely ignored.

Such quality is very rare in markets like Panjiayuan or Xiaonanmen.

"Brothers, you must have collected all these goods from the countryside!"

“The quality looks very high!”


"You look like an expert at first sight!"

"Yes, I collected these from the countryside."

"When I was young, I learned a little bit from my neighbor's old man."

"After I was laid off, I received a piece of Guangxu's single-color glaze the first time I went to the countryside and made a lot of money. Isn't this a waste of money in this industry!" said the curly hair stall owner.

"Brother is awesome. He has made a lot of money these years!" Lu Fei complimented.


"Not much, not much!" the curly-hair stall owner said proudly.

Another bald stall owner is similar to Curly. He also has some basics and has done quite well in the past few years.

After chatting for a while, Lu Fei really got down to business.

A customer squatted down to ask the price, and in an instant, seven or eight people gathered around him.

"Boss, how do you sell this booklet?"

“The sizes are different, the thickness is different, and the prices are different.”

"Point out which one you like, and we'll discuss the price." Lu Fei said.

The customer asked as he picked up a ledger about one foot long.

"how much is this?"

"Five thousand!" Lu Fei said without hesitation.


"Boss, are you crazy because of your poverty?"

"Who will buy this piece of crap like yours for five thousand dollars?"

"I think five yuan is about the same."

Lu Fei rolled his eyes and said.

"Do you understand?"

"Sincerely buy 4,800 yuan, you can say goodbye because you are making a fool of me!"

"Hey, what's your attitude as a boss!" the customer said displeased.

Lu Fei snorted coldly.

"What's the market situation for Maotou Paper in the Republic of China?"

"This is a rough paper booklet. It is well preserved and has clear fonts. Is five thousand yuan too much?"

"You just asked for five yuan, and you treat me like a novice?"


"Are you really a piece of paper from the Republic of China?" the customer asked.

"I don't want to talk to you, next person." Lu Fei said disdainfully.


"Happy with personality!"

"This is the first time I've met a stall owner like you. It's so exciting!"


"It's not that I'm different, it's that I have too many good things and don't have time to amuse you."

"Next one!" Lu Fei said.

The customer said with a thumbs up.


"How arrogant!"

"I just like your personality."

"Four thousand and eighty, right?"

"I bought it!"


The first business was concluded in this way, and the stall owners on both sides and the customers who gathered around were stunned.

Some people even suspected that this guy was a shill hired by Lu Fei.

However, when experts took a look at it, they found that the quality of Lu Fei's booklet was really not that good, and they were relieved after a second thought.

The first one scanned the QR code to make a deal, and left with the book in hand.

, and immediately someone else followed and asked about the price.

"Boss, how much does this cost?"

"This one is small, give me two thousand."

"Can it be cheaper?"

"One thousand and nine."


"Only a hundred cheaper?"

"I feel like I'm losing money even if it's a hundred dollars cheaper!"

"All right!"

"I want one thousand nineteen."

"How much does this cost, boss?"

"Two thousand six, I'll give you a discount of one hundred, take the two thousand five."


Visiting the market is a great place to get together.

It is a common problem that people tend to flock to the stall whose stall is crowded.

Although Lu Fei's stall is not big, it is packed with people, with three floors inside and three floors outside.

At first, everyone thought Lu Fei’s price was high.

But after several successful transactions, people finally realized that Lu Fei was really a good thing.

For fear of missing out on the opportunity, one by one rushed to buy, and in the end there was no room for counter-offering.

In less than an hour, all the books were cleared, and even the camphor wood boxes were snatched away for 800 yuan.

Seeing Lu Fei's efficiency, the two stall owners next to him were dumbfounded in surprise.

Good guy!

Even the person who collects management fees hasn't even gone to work, and the place has been emptied.

What the hell kind of efficiency is this?

It is simply the highest state of practicing Tan'er!

Lu Fei's stall was cleared, and those who had not bought the book looked regretful and naturally looked at the two stalls next to them.

An old man took a few glances, looked at a sunflower wash in his hand, and two gleams of light shone in his eyes.

"Boss, how much does it cost to wash this sunflower?"

The curly hair stall owner looked up and was about to quote a price when Lu Fei intervened first.

"Xianfeng imitation Ru kiln sunflower wash, 30,000 yuan."


When he heard the price, the old man frowned, and the curly hair stall owner almost spit out his blood.

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