A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 982 Meeting an acquaintance

When the price of 30,000 yuan was quoted, the old man who asked the price frowned, while the curly hair stall owner looked confused.

This sunflower wash was bought by him when he went to the countryside last year and cost him fifty yuan, but no one has cared about it.

The curly hair stall owner knew it was a good thing, but he just saw that the batter was a bit old.

If you want him to tell you that he is ugly, he really doesn't have the ability.

In his mind, this sunflower wash would only cost one thousand yuan if he bit his back teeth.

If the other party negotiates the price, the deal can be completed for three hundred yuan.

As a result, Lu Fei asked for 30,000 yuan, which scared him so much that he vomited blood.

The old man relaxed his brows and smiled.

"Young man, I'm not as ruthless as you!"

"Just thirty thousand yuan for what?"

"Let's not talk about whether this sunflower wash was made by Xianfeng and imitated Ru kiln."

"Even if it's a Xianfeng imitation, it's not worth thirty thousand!"

"How much does a Qianlong imitation cost?"

"Aren't you robbing people?"

"Old man, listen to me, this"

The curly hair stall owner looked embarrassed and was about to re-quote when Lu Fei forcibly stopped him.

"Man, the fact that you fell in love with this brush wash at first glance shows that you are an expert."

"I think it's not that I'm ruthlessly ruthless, but that you want to take advantage of me!" Lu Fei said.

"Young man, what do you mean by this?" the old man asked displeasedly.


"Emperor Xianfeng died at the age of thirty-one and achieved little in the eleven years after he took the throne."

"Except for a few rare coins, the objects made during his reign are indeed not of high value."

"But the sunflower wash imitating Ru kiln is an exception."

"Master Xianfeng imitated the sunflower wash from Ru kiln. The glaze color is dull and the opening is average. It is indeed rubbish."

"But his imitation sunflower wash has unique characteristics. I guess you also picked it up because of this!"

After Lu Fei finished speaking,

The old man suddenly felt bad.

The curly hair stall owner was completely confused and pulled Lu Fei to ask.

"Brother, please tell me, what are the characteristics that are so valuable?"

Lu Fei smiled slightly, picked up the sunflower wash, pointed at the edge and said.

"The style of the sunflower wash made in the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties has basically remained unchanged. There are six pairs of twelve circles along the edge. Looking from the mouth of the wash, it looks like a plate of sunflowers."

"But the Xianfeng imitation Ru kiln sunflower wash is a bit special. Its rim is thirteen circles, one more than the normal rim."

"Although the workmanship is average, it has unique collection value just because of its specialness."

"What's more, there are not many imitations of this kind of sunflower wash, and the ones that have been handed down are even rarer."

"According to the current market price, the value of this sunflower wash is between 35,000 and 40,000."

"If it goes up for auction, it won't cost you 50,000 yuan."

"I want thirty thousand from you to give you enough room."

"If you resell it and make money, you can make a lot of profit from 5,000 to 10,000!"

"If you keep it for your own collection, this is not a small leak. Do you think I'm right?" Lu Fei said.

After listening to Lu Fei's words, the old man stood up and clapped his hands and said in appreciation.

"I didn't expect you to know so much at such a young age. It's really rare!"

"Old Xicheng Market Juyuan Building Shopkeeper Zhang Shuwang, because of your knowledge, I will accept this sunflower wash for 30,000 yuan."

"If you have any good items in the future, just come to Juyuan Building to find me, and I will definitely give you a high price."

Lu Feixin said, "As for your small shop, I really don't care about it."

Although he was disdainful in his heart, he was so polite, so of course Lu Fei had to treat him politely.

On the other hand, the curly hair stall owner was dumbfounded in shock.

"Three, thirty thousand?"

"Really thirty thousand?"

"Yes, just what this little brother said, 30,000 yuan."

"I'll transfer the money to you now."

After the transaction between the two was completed, the curly hair stall owner screamed with excitement.

I was about to thank Lu Fei, but Lu Fei had already disappeared.

After looking at the moisture-proof mat left by Lu Fei, the curly hair stall owner sighed.

"This guy is so open-minded. He deserves to be a man from Tiandu City!" .??.

A box of brochures sold for more than 100,000 yuan, and he even pretended to be a fake. Lu Fei was in a good mood, so he entered the market and started shopping.

The quality of the items in this market is really good. It can be said that it is the highest quality antique market that Lu Fei has ever visited.

Unfortunately, most of the goods are sold on the street, and the good item that really makes Lu Fei's heart has not yet been found.

After shopping for more than an hour, Lu Fei came out of the south gate, ready to have a bite to eat and continue shopping.

Not long after walking along the street, I saw a long queue in front of a halal beef bun shop.

When you go out to eat, it depends on which restaurant has a prosperous business.

Whoever has the most family members must have something unique about them.

Either the service is first-class, or the taste is superb.

This store is not big, the house is old and dirty, and the hygiene is not very good, but there are many people.

No need to ask, it must taste great.

Lu Fei came to the back of the queue and queued up consciously. As he approached the store, the tempting smell already made Lu Fei impatient.

After waiting in line for more than ten minutes, I finally arrived at the front.

"Boss, how do you sell beef buns?"

"Three dollars a piece."

"Give me ten!"

After packing ten big buns, I asked the boss for an extra food bag.

I came to the side of the road and sat on the curb, grabbed one and hit it hard.

it's a bite.


The meat is juicy and juicy, the saltiness is just right, the meat filling is sufficient, and the fat and lean taste is great.

Lu Fei ate six in one go and felt a little thirsty, so he went to the supermarket nearby and bought a bottle of mineral water.

After coming out of the supermarket, I was about to go back to where I was to continue feasting, but I met a few familiar people.

Six people, four men and two women, came across the road.

These six people were wearing camouflage uniforms, looking lonely and listless, and they were divided into two echelons.

There were four men and one woman in front of them, and there was a young woman hanging more than five meters behind.

This woman has short hair that reaches her ears, wheat-colored skin, her head is lowered, her face is red, and she is coy.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fei almost laughed out loud.

The reason is that the woman squirming at the end is actually Li Shengnan, the winner of the fight.


Li Shengnan, who is not afraid of anything, has always been able to block gods and kill gods and Buddhas, dragging him wildly and blowing up the sky.

When have you ever seen Li Shengnan’s expression before?

Looking at her posture, she looked exactly like the well-behaved little daughter-in-law who had just been scolded by her husband. It was so cruel that I felt pity for her!

This, this is so damn evil!

Lu Fei was a little doubtful about life.

Lu Fei recognized four of the five in front of Li Shengnan.

The only woman is none other than his good buddy, Suzaku boss Tang Xin.

Next to Tang Xin is Yang Yi, the captain of the White Tiger Brigade.

Next to Yang Yi were Xuanwu Captain Zhang Zhibiao and Qinglong Vice Captain Ye Tao.

Including the shy Li Shengnan at the back, all four of Xuanlong's key players are present. Such a grand occasion is rare.

But what is puzzling is that these four people can be said to have turned their hands into clouds and rain, and they have always been the boss wherever they go, but now they are a group of sad and wilting people.

If it hadn't been for repeated confirmation, Lu Fei would have thought he had recognized the wrong person!

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