A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 986 More than five buckets of rice

A brass-handled magnifying glass from the Republic of China period. Zhang Shuwang gave Lu Fei 800 yuan.

Zhang Shuwang thought the price was not low, but Lu Fei was not satisfied.

Lu Fei smiled, turned the magnifying glass over, pointed at the two incised words at the base of the copper handle and said.

"Boss Zhang, look at these two words and then tell me the price!"

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Zhang Shuwang was stunned and quickly picked up a magnifying glass to look carefully.

At the base of the brass handle, there are two incised traditional regular script characters.

Magnifying glasses are frequently used and their brass handles naturally wear out.

However, the two characters "Yixian" engraved on it can still be distinguished clearly.

Seeing these two words, Zhang Shuwang's hands trembled and he was stunned.


"This is the most commonly used "number" by Mr. Sun!"


"This, this is actually Mr. Sun's magnifying glass, his old man's magnifying glass!"

"Big baby, absolutely big baby!"

"Boss Zhang."

"Please give me a new price now, I need money urgently." Lu Fei said with a smile.


"Little friend, we have something to say first."

"This is my first time with such a baby, so I have no experience."

"If you are not satisfied with the price, we will discuss it again. Don't be impatient!"

Zhang Shuwang was afraid that the report would be underreported, so Lu Fei went to another house with a magnifying glass and said with some fear.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"You give me face outside the market. As long as the difference is not too big, I will treat it as a return gift."

"My little friend is indeed a sensible person."

"In this case, Zhang is scared. I will give you 150,000 yuan. Do you agree with it?" Zhang Shuwang said.


Yang Yi and others were a little disappointed when they quoted a price of 800.

Those old guys in the collecting world often say that rags fly without treasure.

Whatever he gets his hands on must be really good stuff.

But they only gave 800, which made Yang Yi and others feel that what those old guys said was exaggerated.

But now it has risen directly from 800 to 150,000. Yang Yi and others were shocked and stunned on the spot.


"Only 150,000."

"But I have to explain it to you."

"The value of this magnifying glass is around 250,000."

"If you meet an expert you like and a popular auction, you can easily break through thirty."

"Moreover, this object has huge room for appreciation."

"If you want to collect it yourself, forget it. If you want to sell it, don't make a loss." Lu Fei said.

"Is it worth so much?" Zhang Shuwang said in surprise.

Li Shengnan curled his lips and said disdainfully.

"Old man, don't doubt it."

"My brother Fei said it must be worth the money."

"If you tell others that my brother Lu Fei gave it to you, the price will go up a lot!"


"you are?"

"It's you, it's you!"

"You are Lu Fei!"

"Oh my God!"

"I'm so stupid that I didn't recognize Mr. Lu. What a sin!"

When Zhang Shuwang met Lu Fei for the first time, Lu Fei was practicing stall outside.

Zhang Shuwang didn't think about Lu Fei at all.

In his opinion, it is impossible for Lu Fei to practice tanning.

After Li Shengnan suggested it and recognized Lu Fei, Zhang Shuwang was very excited.

After the treasure battle ended, Lu Fei's popularity in the collecting community soared.

Although it was later questioned by everyone due to misunderstandings due to rumors.

However, after the establishment of the foundation, the misunderstanding was eliminated, and Lu Fei's popularity reached unprecedented heights.

In the collection and business circles, it can be said to be unique.

Li Shengnan said that there is still room for a premium on the items Lu Fei resold. This is not an exaggeration at all.

The value of an object mainly depends on its background.

Take this magnifying glass for example.

If it were just a simple copper-handled magnifying glass from the Republic of China, the price would be as high as 1,000 yuan.

However, there are two more engraved words on it, proving that it is Mr. Sun's item.

Because Sun

Thanks to Mr.’s celebrity effect, the value of this magnifying glass has directly increased dozens or hundreds of times.

From the previous one thousand yuan, it has soared to hundreds of thousands.

The huge price difference lies in Mr. Sun's reputation.

But Lu Fei is also a celebrity.

And he is a famous person who is red and purple.

Taking advantage of this popularity, it is absolutely easy to pay a premium of 100,000 yuan under the guise of landing a flight.

Lu Fei glared at the talkative Li Shengnan, turned back and said to Zhang Shuwang with a smile.

"Boss Zhang, you're welcome. Please transfer the money to me as soon as possible!"

"I'm in a hurry!"


"I'll pass it on to you right now."

"But 150,000 won't do it."

"I'm afraid I'll be scolded by my peers if I make you suffer."

"I have this magnifying glass in my personal collection. I will transfer it to you 400,000 yuan." Zhang Shuwang said.

Lu Fei waved his hands and said.

"Need not!"

"Just the 150,000 as mentioned before, I won't take a penny more."

"I said before, if you give me face outside, I will treat it as a gift in return."

"This, this is inappropriate!" Zhang Shuwang said.

"I say it's appropriate!"

"If you don't agree, I can only sell it elsewhere."

"No, no!"

"Oh well!"

"The old man will lose his fortune."

After Zhang Shuwang finished speaking, he transferred 150,000 yuan according to Lu Fei's request.

He planned to leave Lu Fei to sit for a while, but Lu Fei was in a hurry, so Zhang Shuwang had no choice but to reluctantly take Lu Fei outside the store.

After leaving Juyuan Building, Lu Fei took out his mobile phone to make a call, but Yang Yi immediately stopped him.

"No hey!"

"Using a mobile phone is also a foul!"


"So troublesome?"

"This is the rule!"

"How are the rules set?" Lu Fei asked.

"What, what do you mean?" Yang Yi asked confused.

"According to the above regulations, is it a violation to use one's own mobile phone?" Lu Fei asked.

"That's right!


"Did you say you can't use other people's phones?"

"This doesn't seem to exist!"

"It's done!"

Lu Fei said, searching for it on the roadside.

There happened to be a young man passing by who was playing with his cell phone with his head down. Lu Fei stepped forward and stopped him.

Lu Fei jumped out unexpectedly, startling the young man.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Sell me your phone."


"I said sell me your mobile phone." Lu Fei said.

"are you crazy!"

"Why should I sell my mobile phone to you?" the boy said, rolling his eyes.

Lu Fei was too lazy to talk nonsense to him and said straightforwardly.

"The brand you are using, the new machine is less than 2,000 yuan!"

"Yeah, so what?" the young man said unconvinced.

"I'll give you two thousand, sell me the phone, and you can get a new one."

"You are really sick!"

"Why don't you buy a new phone if you have money instead of my second-hand one?"

"Stop talking nonsense, just tell me whether to sell it or not!" Lu Fei said.


“Is it awesome to have money?”

"I won't sell it, what can you do to me?" the young man said sternly.

"Do you want to sell it for two thousand five hundred?"

"It's not about money."

"Poverty and lowliness cannot be transferred. This is related to my dignity."

"I will never give up for five buckets of rice." The young man said.

"Will you sell it for three thousand?"


"four thousand!"


"Five thousand?"


"I won't sell it!"

"Okay, if you have the guts, I'll find someone else to buy it!"

"Hey, wait a minute, I sold it to you!"

"Aren't you willing to give up for five buckets of rice?"

"You already have more than five buckets of rice. It's okay to kneel down, let alone bend your waist."


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