A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 987 Sprinkle water

After giving away the bent boy with five thousand yuan, Lu Fei immediately looked up the airline's phone number and called him.

After a series of certifications, I hung up the phone and immediately transferred a deposit of 50,000 yuan.

After everything was done, Lu Fei let out a sigh of relief.


"At 5:30 in the afternoon, Yangcheng Baiyun Airport will fly directly to Harbin."


"The instructor is mighty, the instructor is awesome!"

"Instructor, I love you!"

"Go and die!"

Li Shengnan pushed Tang Xin aside and said with a straight face.

"Why Harbin, we are going to Mudanjiang!"

"Mountain cannon!"

"I would like to fly directly to Hailin. Is there a route?" Lu Fei said, rolling his eyes.

"That's it!"

"What should I do when I get to Harbin?" Li Shengnan asked.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and said.

"This is easy to handle. We can arrive in Harbin at 9:30 pm."

"We will contact Harbin later and arrange a charter flight to fly directly to Mudanjiang."

"Holy shit!"

"Instructor, you are so inhumane!"

"However, it is more than 300 kilometers from Haierbin to Mudanjiang. Is it necessary?" Yang Yi asked.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Since you're pretending, then pretend to be earth-shattering."

"Let the other four little loaches see the true strength of our Black Dragon."


"Instructor, your words are too encouraging."

"It feels so damn good!"

"But, in this case, do we have enough money?"

"money is not a problem."

"I can turn thirty yuan into 150,000 yuan. Is it still difficult to get more?"

"It's one o'clock in the afternoon. It takes two and a half hours to get to Yangcheng. We still have more than an hour to make money."

"Follow me!"

"Let's keep making money!"

When Lu Fei talks about making money, he is not just bragging blindly.

I discovered it when I was shopping alone before

A few gadgets were pretty good, but Lu Fei thought they were too low-level and didn't take action.

Now, if you get those items and accumulate them together, it will be a huge amount of income.

Just as I made up my mind and prepared to sweep, I heard the ear-piercing roar of a chainsaw.

This voice was all too familiar to Lu Fei.

Unexpectedly, there is actually a business of selling jadeite here, so you must go and see it.

Following the sound and walking forward for more than fifty meters, an antique-style door appeared in front of me.

"Jade Love!"

"This is it."

This Yuliangyuan store is not large, about one hundred square meters.

The furnishings inside are also quite simple.

There are two rows of metal shelves over one meter high on both sides.

The shelves are filled with raw jade stones of various sizes.

Each piece of rough stone has a price tag, clearly marked with a price.

There are two small special stone dissolving machines in the innermost part, and that's it.

Although the store is not big, there are quite a few people inside, more than twenty people.

With so many people crowded into a small space, the temperature inside the store is much higher than outside.


At this time, the stone cutting machine is idling, indicating that the cut is completed.

The professional master turned off the motor and the store instantly became clean.

After opening the dust cover of the stone dissolving machine, everyone in the store squeezed in.

"Hey, hey, fuck!"

"It collapsed again!"

"Old Liu, this batch of materials you have is not good!"

"This will cost you nine bucks in a row."

"Did you f*cking purposely trick everyone with junk goods?" the rough diamond buyer said with a dark face.

The shop owner, Old Liu, looked even uglier than him when he heard this.

"Li Jiu, don't talk nonsense!"

"I, Old Liu, have been living in this street for more than ten years. What kind of character are we?

Guys know it. "

"I got all these materials from Foshan Public Market. I took a photo of every piece of material and posted it in the group so everyone can prove it to me."

"The fact that you can't do it is because your level is not good enough, and it has nothing to do with my material."


"No matter how bad my level is, I won't lose nine yuan in a row!"

"I think it's your rubbish."

"I won't argue with you, I will stick with you today."

"I want to see if others can get a green shot."

“If someone starts shipping, it’s because I’m not good enough.”

"If everyone can't get out, then it's you, Liu, who is tricking people."

"If that's the case, don't blame me for slandering your reputation."

Boss Liu frowned upon hearing this.

"Li Jiu, are you sent by Nanjie Sunji to cause trouble?"

Li Jiu chuckled.

"Boss Liu, don't talk nonsense. Sun Ji and I have nothing to do with each other. It's because your materials are too rubbish."

"What's the matter? You used rags and rubbish to deceive people, causing me to lose more than 20,000 yuan, and you still don't allow customers to talk?"

"Boss Liu, you are so domineering!"

"Originally I was just complaining, but since you are so domineering, I, Li Jiu, will fight with you today."

"If we can't start shipping today, I really need to give your Yuliangyuan a good publicity."

Boss Liu gritted his teeth and said to other customers.

"Don't listen to Li Jiu's tricks."

"Our materials come from legitimate channels. Li Jiu's inability to open it is because he is unlucky and has nothing to do with our materials."

“Don’t worry about choosing your ingredients, I’ll give you a 10% discount today!”

10% off, which is a huge discount in the jade industry.

However, after Boss Liu finished speaking, the more than 20 people in the audience were collectively indifferent and even stared at him with a bad smile.

Boss Liu felt nervous and felt bad.

No wonder there are so many people today. It turns out they are all from Li Jiu and his group.


This must be a premeditated mess.

It was 100% instigated by Sun Ji, who was newly opened in the Southern District.

These bastards are so damn hateful!

Li Jiu looked at Boss Liu who looked embarrassed and sneered.

"Look, look!"

"Your materials are so rubbish, no one would dare to sell them even if they are discounted at 10%."

"Once upon a time, what a hot business was Yuliangyuan?"

"But you, Boss Liu, are greedy and insist on using rubbish to deceive people."

"Your reputation has been lost, and I think your Yuliangyuan is not far from closing down."

"Li Jiu, you are slanderous, but my material is absolutely fine." Boss Liu roared.


"Nine pieces of scraps are laid out here, and you still dare to speak harshly. I really don't know where your boss Liu gets the confidence."

"You said your ingredients are fine because I'm unlucky, right?"


"I'll give you a chance to prove it."

"I'll be waiting here this afternoon. If the goods can be shipped before five o'clock, it means I'm out of luck."

"How about it?"

"I, Li Jiu, am quite reasonable!"

"However, your material is so deceptive, I just don't know if anyone is willing to be fooled."

"If no one opens the food before five o'clock, then..."

"Boss, open the recipe!"

While Li Jiu was shouting, Lu Fei squeezed in with a piece of material.

Lu Fei showed up in time, and Boss Liu was so grateful that he almost cried.

On the other hand, the faces of Li Jiu and others were not good-looking.

Li Jiu said to Lu Fei with a calm face.

"My friend, I just opened nine pieces of scraps in a row, do you still dare to try?"

"Aren't you afraid of losing your underwear?"

Lu Fei clapped the materials in his hands and laughed.

"It only costs two thousand yuan at most!"

"Sprinkle some water!"

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