A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 997 Medicinal Diet

There was still no team back that night, which made the other four dragon members quite depressed.

What makes them even more depressed is that Xuanlong is having a big dinner tonight.

Lu Fei directed the chef in the kitchen to prepare a whole pig feast.

And it’s a whole pig feast for wild boars.

What's even worse is that Xuanlong and his gang don't eat in the kitchen, but sit on the edge of the playground with bowls in their hands and chatter.

While eating happily, he clapped his mouth and said a few sarcastic words from time to time, which made the other four team members very angry.


Mainly because I’m so greedy!

In the next two days, others continued to practice step by step.

Lu Fei went to the mountains early in the morning and came back in the evening.

Every time I come back, I gain a lot.

The game was combined with Lu Fei's medicinal ingredients to make a medicinal diet, which made the Xuanlong team members feel satisfied.

After two consecutive days, the Xuanlong team members were surprised to find that the medicinal diet prepared by the instructor was not only delicious, but also improved their physical fitness to a certain extent.

For example, the limit for some team members to cross-country with heavy loads is twelve kilometers.

After taking the medicinal diet for two days, I was able to run an extra kilometer.

The training of Wulong players is different from the training of other local teams.

The training of local teams is mostly fixed subjects.

The training of Wulong players is to challenge the limits every day and stimulate the full potential of the players.

Once a person's potential reaches its limit, it is difficult to make any further progress.

Even with such devilish training as Wu Long, the progress is not very big.

Like now, it is simply incredible to improve your training performance by one kilometer all of a sudden.

The most incredible thing is that this is not an isolated case, but every team member has significantly improved.

Now everyone understood that it was the instructor's medicinal diet.

From this moment on, Lu Fei has become almost godlike in the minds of the Xuanlong team members.

Such a huge progress not only delighted the Xuanlong players, but also alarmed the five leaders of Wulong.

After dinner that day, Su Donghai called Lu Fei to the headquarters.

Come to the headquarters again this time, Mo Jianfei and Duan Yan

The four big bosses Hong were extremely polite when they saw Lu Fei.

"Lu Fei, sit down quickly!"


"Here's a cigarette. This is a special offer from Zhonghai. It's one of the best cigarettes in China."

"Those at our level can only receive four per year, which is extremely rare." Duan Yanhong said with a smile.

Lu Fei waved his hand and said.

"Boss Duan, if you say something, please don't misunderstand me!"

"I used to smoke this cigarette, but I changed the brand some time ago, and it always feels weird to smoke this cigarette again."

"How about you try one of my cigarettes?"

Lu Fei said, throwing half a pack of cigarettes given to him by Long Yun on the table.

Looking at the packaging box without any pattern or text, the five bosses were stunned at the same time.

"What are you"

"This is a custom cigarette my friend gave me."

"Tobacco is produced in Virginia, on the red soil on the sunny slopes of Hoffham Mountain. The annual output is less than 300 kilograms."

"There are only a handful of people in the world who can smoke this kind of cigarette."

"A few of the big guys will try it. It tastes absolutely authentic."


"so smart?"

"Then I have to try one."

Each of the five bosses ordered one and lit it, taking a deep breath and becoming intoxicated at the same time.

"Good smoke, really good smoke!"

"I have been smoking for more than 30 years and have smoked countless brands."

"It is no exaggeration to say that this is the best cigarette I have ever smoked, bar none."

"You can pull him down!"

"Lu Fei has already said that there are only a handful of people in the world who can smoke this kind of cigarettes, but you, Mo, still need to flatter you?"

"Go and die!"

"Well, since you took out all such good cigarettes

Come on, brother, I’m not stingy either. "

"I have the best Xinyang Maofeng here. Lao Su and the others have been thinking about it for a day or two. I am not even willing to give them a sip."

"Lu Fei is here today, brother, let me make you a drink." Duan Yanhong said with a smile.

Lu Fei stood up and grabbed Duan Yanhong and said.

"Boss Duan, tell me what you have to say."

"We are all our own people, there is no need to be so polite."

"After we finish talking in a moment, I'll treat you to a drink of 800-year-old Pu'er!"


"Are you talking about the kind of tea you get at the treasure fighting competition?"

"That's right!"

"Holy shit!"

"You opened such expensive antique tea and drank it?" Mo Jianfei said in surprise.


“Isn’t tea just for drinking?”

"Having said that, but, that's too wasteful!"

"Boss Mo, stop worrying unfoundedly. Let's talk about things first. I'll make tea myself later!"


"Since Lu Fei is so open-minded, let's open the skylight and speak openly."

"The medicinal diet you prepared is a good thing. Not only did Xuanlong and his gang make rapid progress, but after we ate it, the old injuries on our bodies were relieved a lot."

"As you just said, we are all working for the country, regardless of the five dragons."

"In this case, we can't favor one over the other, right?"

"Look, can you get some more medicinal food to improve all the brothers' physiques?" Mo Jianfei said.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Of course it's no problem."

"The medicinal materials on the mountain are limited. I can only get the amount of Brother Xuanlong. Otherwise, I would have improved it for everyone."

"How about this!"

"I'll make a list and you go to the medicinal materials market to purchase medicinal materials in bulk."

"These medicinal materials are not very expensive and are relatively common."

"But remember, it must be purely wild medicinal materials, artificially cultivated ones are definitely not acceptable."

"Purchase the medicinal materials and I will prepare them for everyone to ensure that everyone's physical fitness is improved."

"Very good!"

"Lu Fei, you are so interesting. I will send someone to purchase medicinal materials tomorrow." Mo Jianfei said excitedly.

Lu Fei stood up and said.

"How about this!"

"In order to ensure quality, I will personally lead a team to the medicinal materials market tomorrow to select medicinal materials."

"You send people to nearby villages to collect live chickens, preferably old hens that are more than three years old."

"After purchasing, I'll make herbal pot chicken for everyone."

"It's done!"

"Then it's up to you."

After everything was settled, Lu Fei made a list of medicinal materials, and Su Donghai sent someone to find out the exact location of the nearest medicinal market.

Coincidentally, there is a large medicinal material trading market in Hailin city.

The scale of this market ranks among the best in the entire three northeastern provinces.

When everything was ready, Lu Fei brewed a pot of aged Pu'er, and everyone drank tea while chatting.

The five bosses had a very good attitude towards Lu Fei.

All the topics revolved around Lu Fei, retelling Lu Fei's glorious history of passing five levels and defeating six generals, praising his virtues and flattering him as much as possible.

If others were like this, Lu Fei would probably sneer at him.

But facing these big guys, I have sincere respect.

The purpose of these big bosses' compliments is to benefit their brothers.

In order to improve the physique of the soldiers, a leader who shamelessly flatters himself is definitely worthy of respect.

During this period, Lu Fei once again mentioned the issue of foul play. This time the four bosses had a very unified view.


That doesn't exist!

You, Lu Fei, are justified in your role as substitute. If anyone dares to accuse you of committing a foul, I will curse him to run out of ammunition and food, and to cut off his descendants!

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