A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 998: Suppressing Bandits

The conversation with the five big guys became more and more exciting, and it wasn't until about ten o'clock in the evening that they went back to rest.

He returned to his private tent and rested for more than an hour. As it approached twelve o'clock, Lu Fei put on his big bag and walked around the playground to prepare to enter the mountains.



"Reply the order!"


"Instructor Lu?"

"It's so late, where are you going?" the Xuanlong team member on duty heard.

"I have to go shopping in the city tomorrow morning. I don't have time to set a trap."

"I'm going into the mountains to get it done now. There will be a bumper harvest tomorrow night, so you can just wait and eat the meat!"


"Stop talking, my mouth is drooling." The sentry said exaggeratedly.

"Beat sex!"

"Is it okay to eat meat every day?" Lu Fei said, rolling his eyes.

"That's different. How does the meat in the kitchen compare with your medicinal diet?"

"By the way, it's so late and it's not safe for you to be alone."

"How about I find two brothers to accompany you?" the sentry said.

"No, everyone has been training for a day. Let them rest early. I can do it alone."

"It's not suitable to make a trap with a large number of people. If there are too many people, it's easy to cause accidental injuries."

"Don't worry, I'm taking the guy with me, there will be no problem." Lu Fei said.

"Oh well!"

"How long will it take for you to come back?" the sentry asked.

"I've almost caught all the wild game nearby. I have to go deeper. I'll be back later."

"Don't worry about it. Don't disturb the other brothers when changing the guard. I'll be fine."

"I understand, instructor, you must pay attention to safety!"

"Don't worry, thank you!"

Saying goodbye to the sentry post, Lu Fei walked slowly into the mountain.

After walking about two kilometers and bypassing the surveillance area, Lu Fei suddenly quickened his pace.

After three days of observation, the topography of the forest was revealed by Lu Fei.

It's all clear in the heart.

Going around big trees and jumping obstacles, the eagle watched the wolf and ran wildly in the forest regardless of the limit.

Half an hour later, Lu Fei walked around the north slope and descended into a valley in the southwest.

It is said to be a valley, but it is actually a chasm carved out by mountains and rivers.

It is only two meters deep, a little over five meters at its widest point, and just over one meter at its narrowest point.

The bottom of the chasm is uneven and full of gravels of different sizes. Due to the darkness and dampness, the gravels are densely covered with moss.

Even though Lu Fei was very careful, he still fell five times.

The five buttocks fell really hard. Their clothes scratched their skin and rubbed against them. The clothes rubbed against the wounds, causing burning pain.

However, Lu Fei didn't care at all and continued running down.

A few minutes later, along the chasm and halfway down the southwest slope, a huge clump of tree roots appeared on the right.

This is the root of a redwood tree.

Towering ancient redwood trees stand on the mountain surface.

The thick tree roots extended all the way to the bottom of the chasm. The soil and gravel on the surface were washed away, and now a large area of ​​tree roots was completely exposed.

Among the intertwined tree roots, a dark hole as big as a fist was clearly visible.

Lu Fei lay down at the entrance of the cave to feel it, and there was a warm breath gushing out from inside.

This smell was mixed with a strong smell of rotting mold and animal feces.

To Lu Fei's delight, this mixed taste also contained a hint of metal's unique taste.

In the past few days, Lu Fei spent all his time in the woods during the day, hunting as a cover, but his real purpose was to find a legendary treasure.

When it comes to Weihu Mountain, almost everyone knows it.

Why is this mountain so famous?

It's all because of the famous model drama "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom".

At that time, bandits were rampant in Northeast China.

As a result of the disaster, Zhang Leshan, the prototype of the mountain sculpture in "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom", fell to the ground again.

It stands to reason that the scale of Zhang Leshan's gang can only be regarded as average.

But why spend so much manpower and material resources to attack here?

There is a reason for this. .??.

Speaking of this reason, we have to start with the largest bandit leader in the Northeast.

At that time, the bandit leader was defeated and returned to the northeast.

In the eyes of outsiders, he wanted to retreat to the northeast. This is not the case!

How could he hand over the great rivers and mountains to others?

What he did was just a temporary measure, but it was actually a way to recharge his batteries and make adequate preparations for a future turnaround.

If you want to defeat the opponent and march into the Central Plains, you must recruit troops and purchase weapons.

All of these are inseparable from one word, that is "money".

At that time, the three northeastern provinces were indeed prosperous, especially the industry was quite developed.

But even so, it is difficult to support the huge expenditure of one's own army, let alone purchase and manufacture weapons and equipment.

If you want to get a large amount of money in a short period of time, you will definitely not be able to count on taxes, so you have to take shortcuts.

Speaking of shortcuts, the bandit leader remembered his old profession, so he ordered his men to start suppressing the bandits.

With the strength of our own army, although it is a bit difficult to fight against the enemy now, it is easy to deal with the bandits.

Wherever the army went, the barbarians did not dare to fight hard, and 90% of them surrendered directly.

The bandits surrendered, the people who could be used were taken over, and all the gangster's money was confiscated.

At that time, there were so many gangsters in the Northeast, and their troops not only strengthened their ranks, but also confiscated huge amounts of wealth.

The person in charge of suppressing bandits in Heilongjiang at that time was the sworn brother of the bandit leader.

This brother wears the same pants as Lao Zhang and works even harder to suppress bandits.

The gangsters in all areas under the direct jurisdiction of Heilongjiang were almost uprooted and confiscated by this brother

The wealth is also the largest among the three provinces.

But when the brother from Heilongjiang was preparing to transport the wealth to Fengtian, the bandit leader came down with a notice asking the brother to hide the wealth and the collected weapons in batches.

Why is this?

There are two reasons.

First, the funds for budget expenditures have been collected.

Secondly, even though the bandit leader keeps clamoring that he will make the other party fall into pieces, he will make a fool of himself.

In fact, Lao Zhang had no confidence in winning.

Especially after losing to the opponent once, I felt even more guilty.

Asking this brother to hide treasures and weapons and equipment is to give himself a backup plan.

If you fail to fight and come back, you will suffer heavy losses.

Leave this wealth behind so you can make a comeback.

To put it bluntly, these supplies are the bandit leader's reserves.

But the difference is that these reserves cannot be transported to Fengtian, otherwise if they spread out, it is likely to disturb the morale of the military.

The bandit leader gave the order and the brother carried it out 100%.

Divide the huge wealth collected into twenty parts and hand them over to the twenty most trusted people for safekeeping.

One of them, and the most important one, was given to the custody of Zhang Leshan, the brother's nephew.

This is the later infamous Weihu Mountain Mountain Eagle carrying the handle.

Later, I packed up the mountain eagle, which was actually the treasure that Zhang Leshan was guarding.

It's a pity that Zhang Leshan was a bachelor and refused to confess until his death.

The other minions were willing to confess, but they didn't even know about it.

After cleaning up the mountain eagle, the army launched a dragnet search. Unfortunately, they couldn't find it after several years of searching, and in the end they had to give up.

When he had the opportunity to come to Weihu Mountain, Lu Fei was ready to try and find it with a try mentality.

After observing the terrain and searching for possible hiding places for three days, I was lucky enough to find this small, inconspicuous cave entrance.

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